- Provide a framework by which students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to UNDP offices, where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments;
- Expose them to an international environment;
- Expose them to the work of the Organization with an objective of deepening their knowledge and understanding of UNDP’s goals, principles and activities;
- Provide UNDP offices with the assistance of qualified students specialized in various professional fields;
- Internships will allow successful candidates to have an opportunity to work in a multi-cultural international organization.
Internship assignments are available on a part-time and full-time basis, depending on the availability of candidates and the needs and capacity of offices to receive and supervise interns.
- Elimination of violence against women: Recognizing that an estimated one in three women experiences violence in the home, the project aims to ensure that the new Law on Protection of Victims of Violence is fairly interpreted and implemented in daily practice, ensuring that victims, in daily practice actually do experience system wide support. Aware that many laws have been passed without corresponding budgetary commitments and with no actual implementation, the Project team will create a sustainable coordination and monitoring mechanism at the national level to support and ensure the implementation of the law. The project will further ensure the capacity enhancement of the actors to be involved in implementing the law, including civil society organizations; such capacity development will be guided by a survey on violence in the family, aimed at understanding perceptions of family violence and its dynamics, to be monitored for changes over the course of the project. A centralized database, based on EU best practice, will be established to track cases of violence dealt with in both governmental institutions and NGOs. Awareness-raising and education will form a central part of the project, particularly as it pertains to working with youth through the education system;
- Political empowerment of women: In line with CEDAW recommendations, the project team will work with political parties to better understand what prevents women from being elected to office, and to create debate around quota systems as an approach to reaching the target of 30% participation of women in politics. The project will target stakeholders within the education and lobbying sectors, and to enhance the gender sensitivity of political parties’ and politicians’ communication. Existing women politicians will be brought on board, as will relevant ministries and NGOs/CSOs;
- Economic empowerment of women: The project addresses the creation of economic opportunities for women within the context of the economic crisis. Supportive measures will be designed to ensure an individual approach to clients and on-going consultations in regard to the running of a business. Measures will be piloted at the local level and aimed to increase the number of women in business in selected municipalities and to enable more gender-sensitive and flexible approach in developing of local economy. Female entrepreneurs will benefit from the Programme assistance in order to develop, enhance and increase their sustainable business ideas. In order to make sure that the Programme responds to women’s needs, but also to developmental goals of the country.
Devoirs et responsabilités
- Write stories and news on UNDP and stakeholders activities within Gender Programme IPA 2010, as well as the global development and gender relevant issues which the Gender Programme Team considers as priority;
- Based on the full understanding on Gender Programme Activities, produce stories, cases, briefings, articles and other writings in English and Montenegrin languages (both at the native level) for the website, e-news, outreaching materials, briefing for media, etc., under the framework provided by Gender Programme IPA 2010;
- In discussion and collaboration with Gender Programme Team and key stakeholders, to promote the UNDPs efforts to enhance in sustainable manner capacities of relevant institutions to address gender concerns;
- To draft/edit and distribute the news to inside/outside the UNDP through various outreach channels (the style of
writing should be reader-friendly as well as professional); - Translation of written materials between English and Montenegrin languages;
- Deploying various social media instruments to disseminate the UNDP Gender Programme’s core messages to Governmental, NGO and International and Civil Society stakeholders;
- Scale up UNDP Gender Programme multi-media activities by mobilizing knowledge on latest mode of communications to disseminate the gender issues, development agenda, and the Gender Programme priorities
in a timely manner; - Enhance the Gender Programme and UNDP exposure in social media e.g. blogs, twitters, etc.;
- Work closely with UNDP Web-site consultant to manage and maintain the Gender Programme Web-page by linking it to social media in order to increase visits;
- Work closely with Communications Office, Learning Managers and Knowledge Managers Network (UNDP Team works) and utilize their videoconference facility;
- Provide coaching to Gender Programme staff on the latest trend and tools of social media, as necessary;
- Conducting research;
- Assist in the preparation of various documentation and reports;
- Assisting in the organization of conferences, forums or other collaborative events;
- Other duties as necessary for the development and maintenance of the Gender Programe web-page, e-news, and
other means of communication and dissemination.
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
- Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to
feedback; - Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
- Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution skills.
Qualifications et expériences requises
- Student in Social Sciences, Visual Arts, Law, International Relations, IT, Economics, Business and Public Administration (candidates have to be enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school at the time of application and during the internship);
- Experience in using the social media and cooperation with NGOs, CSOs, Governmental Organizations etc;
- Proven ability to think strategically, learn fast, to express ideas clearly and concisely, to work both independently and in teams, to demonstrate self-confidence combined with sensitivity to gender and culture;
- Excellent knowledge of local and English language, written and spoken;
- Excellent computer skills;
- Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;
- Excellent organizational skills with developed attention to detail.
Interested students are requested to submit their applications by August 31, 2013 by using the Apply now button.
The application should contain:
- a brief letter settig out the reasons why the student is seeking an internship with UNDP and what is expected from the experience;
- the most recent resume or curriculum vitae;
- uploaded duly completed UNDP Internship application form (the form can be found at http://www.undp.org/content/montenegro/en/home/operations/jobs/internship.html ).
The shorstlisted candidates only will be requested to submit the following additional documents:
- a letter from the university confirming current enrollment and graduation date;
- a copy of the school transcript;
- a letter of endorsement from a senior faculty member who has directly supervised the student in the recent past and who is fully acquainted with the student's performance.