
In early 2014, the GEF Council approved as part of its Work Programme, a new Full Size Project for Madagascar, based on its Project Information Form (PIF) [see external Link 1].

The project aims to protect biodiversity within the Atsimo-Andrefana Landscape from current and emerging threats, and to use it sustainably, by developing a collaborative governance framework for sectoral mainstreaming and devolved natural resource management.

In order to prepare the required documentation for the final approval of the project, a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) is being implemented with clear deliverables and deadlines.

The GEF documentation consists of a UNDP Project Document (PRODOC) and a CEO Endorsement Request form to be duly filled in. These documents need to completed and submitted to the GEF, along with letters of confirmation of co-financing.

The project responds to national priorities and its PRODOC needs to be prepared in close collaboration with key government partners in several institutions, financing partners, CSOs, as well as the research and private sectors. The budget to be mobilized amounts to $5.3 million in GEF funding and $20.1 million in co-financing.

The project includes the following 2 components:

  • Effective Landscape-level Conservation Mainstreaming;
  • Community-based conservation and sustainable use operationalised.

The PIF received comments from three of the GEF’s Council members, as well as the GEF’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP). These comments, together with comments from the GEF Secretariat. Some of these comments need to be addressed during the project preparation phase. [See external Link 2].

The project PPG phase will be implemented between January and June 2015. The final deadline for delivering the complete and finalised UNDP-GEF documentation, including the required co-financing letters, for the internal review by government and UNDP, is 30 Jun 2015.

All PPG consultants share the responsibility of mobilising co-financing and forging partnerships useful for the project.

The focal points for the project at the government and the PPG team of consultants will work together to implement the following activities:  

PPG Activity 1) Collect baseline data, including at the site level, for completing key PRODOC sections

This PPG component will provide critical information to be used as the basis for the identification of project interventions. It will focus on the baseline and contextual information under four categories: biophysical, socio-economic and policy-institutional and financial.

PPG Activity 2) Assess project risk, develop the strategy, budget and consolidate the project documentation for submission

This PPG component will gauge what is needed for implementing the full project, in particular through essential feasibility/cost-effectiveness analyses complemented by risk analysis, and it will engage key stakeholders in the process.

External Links:
Link 1:
Link 2:
TOR Annexes:

Devoirs et responsabilités

The contract signature date equates to the start of the contract.

The assignment encompasses a total of 14 weeks (which represents a maximum of 70 payable working days) throughout the duration of the project preparation phase, counting from contract signature until contract end, set to 28 Aug 2015. A calendar attached shows how the number of working days, including those on mission are expected to be served to maximise the results of project preparation and interaction with the rest of the team.

If the consultant believes that he/she can deliver the required products in a shorter period of time a proposal can be made in this regard.

Any number of days worked beyond the maximum will not be remunerated without previous written agreement from the UNDP Country Office.

The bulk of the work (~95% of it) will be delivered from Mid-January till Mid-June 2015, keeping in mind the delivery date to UNDP for review of 30 Jun 2015.

The last deliverable under the contract can be expected by 28 Aug 2015, in case there are comments from the GEF Secretariat or GEF Council members, which may require inputs from the consultant after the first CEO Endorsement submission.

The incumbent is the technical team-leader. He/she will play a pivotal role in the task of scoping and preparing the GEF project for submission (PPG Sub-Activity 2.8).

This will be done in collaboration with: (i) various project partners in different entities, but primarily MEF, from the government’s side, and Fondation Tany Meva and Sage, from the CSO side; (ii) the national team leader, other national consultants and service providers who will provide technical inputs within their area of expertise and ToR under the incumbent’s overall technical guidance; (iii) the responsible UNDP Programme Officer at the Country Office in Antananarivo, who will provide contextual, technical and operation guidance and support; and last but not least (iv) the UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor, who will provide GEF-specific and technical guidance.

A national lead consultant will assist with country-level coordination of PPG activities. This includes light logistical tasks, the tracking of contributions from other national consultants and service providers, and liaison with key national counterparts.  

Technical PPG leadership by the incumbent includes tasks such as structuring and planning PPG implementation (e.g. revising the chronogram, assigning tasks, planning missions and PPG events together with the national team leader), carefully revising the contributions from other consultants and, above all, taking the lead responsibility for the drafting of the final required products from the PPG, namely the UNDP PRODOC and the GEF CEO Endorsement Request. Deadlines need to be strictly abided by.


The consultant will carry out the following tasks:

Lead the team from a technical point of view, being primarily responsible for the final delivery of and quality control for all key products resulting from PPG Activities. This will include:

  • Structuring and planning the implementation of the Project Initiation Plan, amending, streamlining and further detailing the chronogram as applicable, but always respecting the final deadline for submission to the clearance of the UNDP Country Office (CO) and UNDP-GEF RTA;
  • Coordinating the technical inputs from other consultants, and taking lead responsibility for the drafting of the required documents, namely the UNDP PRODOC and the GEF CEO Endorsement Request, for review by MEF, the UNDP CO and the RTA;
  • Guide the national consultants and service providers in carrying out in carrying out their tasks, working closely with them to produce the required deliverables in a timely manner and with due technical quality.

Three PPG Sub-activities are highlighted here:

  • Complete the project’s M&E plan, providing sufficient detail and guidance on indicator monitoring;
  • Finalise, see translated and present to key stakeholders the project’ description of outputs and activities, in view of validating them;
  • Complete the project budget with detailed notes and the year 1 work-plan, sequencing key activities.

Finalisation of PRODOC + GEF CEO Endorsement Request documentation.

Also play a leading role in the implementation of the following specific PPG sub-activities:

  • Make the argument on the biodiversity significance of the project zone, but keep it brief. Then, through a quick assessment, define a set of geo-referenced polygons that represent the key biodiversity areas (KBAs) found within the landscape.
  • Threat Profile: Assess the different the threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services in Madagascar, by using the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment as framework for analysis. Show trends and the relative importance of each threat. Assess also root causes of biodiversity loss and the drivers behind these processes.
  • Carry out a brief sectoral analysis with focus on the emerging sectors and the new political economy in Madagascar. These are the mining, oil & gas, and agri-business sectors, plus the related investments in infrastructural development.
  • Describe the specific threats, risks and impacts linked to the activities of the mentioned emerging sectors at the level of the landscape.
  • Present the financial baseline investments for the project: Collect relevant data on investments by government (at various administrative levels), donor-funded, non-governmental, community-based and private sector investments in the environment sector, in general, and relating to biodiversity management, more specifically -- relevance is determined by the extent to which a given investments contributes to the objectives of sustainably managing biodiversity at the level of the landscape.
  • Apply the UNDP Social and Environmental Safeguards screening to the content of the PRODOC.

Contribute to the following PPG sub-activities:

  • Define and describe the landscape: The Atsimo-Andrefana Spiny and Dry Forest Landscape and Coastal Zone;
  • Describe prevailing biodiversity management practices at the level of the landscape;
  • Analyse governance frameworks at the landscape level (see PIF paragraphs 6 to 11);
  • Assess the baseline situation for different land use systems and plan the development of the project’s Output 1 (Spatial Planning - BD LUP);
  • Apply the BD SO2 (mainstreaming) Tracking Tool to the landscape and sectors;
  • Assess protected areas (PA) within the landscape and apply METT to Mikea, Onilahy, Bezaha Mahafaly and Tsimanampetsotsa, for planing Output 4 (PAs’ integrated);
  • Propose prospective ‘Community Conservation Areas’ (CCAs) sites, assess the feasibility of their gazettal, and develop a pilot CCA database;
  • Assess barriers to the codification of local-level resource use governance and the level of community organisation;
  • Assess the capacities of potential implementing partners (MEF, Fondation Tany Meva and SAGE);
  • Negotiate and finalise the management arrangement for the project in collaboration with the UNDP Country Office;
  • Obtain signed co-financing letters building on the financial baseline assessment carried out under PPG Activity 1.8. Present to potential co-financiers the advantages of committing co-financing to a GEF project, drawing from the flexibility contained in the GEF’s new co-financing policy (www.thegef.org/gef/policy/co-financing);
  • Develop a strategy for engaging stakeholders and include gender considerations.

Note on Activity 1.6:

The consultant will also include work to define sustainable use practices for agriculture, forestry, NTFPs and freshwater fisheries, as well as clear indicators of these practices so as to be able to measure the third outcome indictor for Component 2 in the PIF.  

Specific tasks for the incumbent, which may or may not be explicitly mentioned above, also include:

  • Review the Tracking Tools for completeness, analytical depth and consistency;
  • Build into the FSP strategy (and establish the link with) the policy guidance contained in relevant policy documents.
  • Assess technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and incrementality of proposed FSP activities;
  • Assess project risk and the sustainability of proposed FSP activities and recommend applicable measures to minimise and mitigate risk and to ensure sustainability;
  • Provide specific recommendations for stakeholder engagement activities planned for the FP;
  • Define recommended project monitoring and evaluation indicators;
  • Prepare a budget for the project, indicating the inputs needed (consultants, contractual services, travel, etc.) in the applicable format;
  • Complete the form for UNDP’s Environmental and social screening of UNDP supported, GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF financed projects – harmonised versions in English and French must be completed;
  • Prepare a draft response to comments received from the GEF and Council members on the PIF. The consultant will specifically address comments from STAP, Germany, US and Japan (Refer to Annex 4 of the TOR).

On an important note, there needs to be evidence in project design that the following has been specifically addressed with respect to comments from:

  • STAP on shifting from significant reduction in conversion of natural habitats (in PIF) to more specific focus on rate of conversion;
  • Germany on AVSF planning with farmers at Fokontany level, VPDAT municipal land use guide for LUP, supporting / establishing Guichet fonciers in municipalities;
  • Japan, and also Germany, on the need to update related initiatives; and
  • Germany, with a suggestion to also work on management effectiveness of existing PAs.

Other tasks will include:

  • Carry out a critical review of the PIF and of PPG tasks, to ensure that all consultants will be producing the needed products for composing the PRODOC and GEF documentation;
  • As applicable and in line with each consultant’s capabilities, the team leader will assign specific short studies as part of other consultant’s tasks, studies that are needed to develop baselines and targets for the outcome indicators in the PIF, specifically on ways of measuring and determining baselines and targets for the current and desired: 1. Rate of deforestation, 2. Impact of fire, 3. Incidence of poaching, 4. Indicator for edge effect, 5. Rate of conversion of natural habitat. The Incumbent will otherwise decide to carry out these short studies out him/herself, if not possible to obtain the needed data;
  • Mobilising co-financing for the project;
  • Proposing partnerships with research centres or private sector partners with an interest in the biodiversity mainstreaming theme.


Specific Deliverables for which the incumbent will have lead responsibility include primarily the UNDP Project Document, to be delivered in English, and thereafter translated into French (see note on translation further down), plus the respective GEF CEO Endorsement Request, approved by the relevant agencies, and including (but not limited to) the following groups of deliverables :

Deliverables 1) Background, draft core strategy / To be delivered by 09 Mar 2015 (except *)

Key chapters in the PRODOC Situation Analysis following a logical structure and typical presentation in a PRODOC (refer to TOR annex 3), including a detailed analysis on the barriers to achieving the long-term solution proposed in the project:

  • Introduction.

Context and problem being addressed (refer to PRODOC structure template for sub-chapters herein):

  • Barrier Analysis and Long Term Solution;
  • Baseline Analysis (financial part subject to refining);
  • Stakeholder Analysis.

Critical review of project outcomes and outputs in close collaboration with UNDP-GEF RTA and CO EFP.

Summary Power Point with the project strategy in French (* to be delivered early during the 1st mission, or prior to it, to be used in different consultation events).

Participation in the inception workshop – planned for end Jan/early Feb 2015.

Deliverables 2) Fully-fledged strategy and indicators, budget, safeguards, articulation of benefits and other related PRODOC chapters : To be delivered by 20 May 2015, along with a refinement and translation of deliverables in group #1

  • Fine-tuning of the project’s baseline, including of the status quo and of the baseline finance;
  • Detailed descriptions of project outcomes, outputs and activities, with deliverables, timing, cost estimates (where possible and applicable), and proposed implementation responsibilities;
  • Definition of project indicators and their hierarchical and logical organisation within the Strategic Results Framework (logframe), with their baseline and, where possible, target values duly assessed;
  • Overall project budget(s), in required formats and with detailed budget notes (in excel);
  • Summary of local, national and global biodiversity benefits of project;
  • TOR for envisaged knowledge products;
  • Gender, Replication Sustainability considerations;
  • Analysis of project risks and corresponding mitigation measures;
  • Cost effectiveness analysis;
  • Application of UNDP’s Environmental and social screening of UNDP supported, GEF/LDCF/SCCF/NPIF financed projects (format  and examples to be provided by UNDP-GEF RTA);
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plan;

The following PRODOC chapters completed in English and in French (see note on translation further down):

  • Project Goals, Outcomes and Outputs (and activities);
  • Gender Considerations and Project Benefits, including Innovativeness, Sustainability and Replicability;
  • Risks & Safeguards;
  • Cost Effectiveness;
  • Indicator Framework (logframe).

Translation of key chapter from the situation analysis into French will also be performed.

Deliverables 3) Conclusion of the incrementalilty  analysis, fine-tuning of logframe, institutional anchoring, TOR and response to comments : To be delivered by 30 Jun 2015, along with co-financing letters
Note: initial RTA clearance will be provided approx. 3 weeks from delivery date (i.e. by 20 Jul 2015). Inputs from incumbent may still be required in July.

Capacity assessments of partners checked for quality control;

All of the remainder PRODOC chapters completed, including the  following:

  • Implementation Arrangements;
  • Monitoring and Reporting;
  • Links to relevant templates and M&E learning resources;
  • Standard chapters (5.1 Legal clause; 5.2 Audit Clause; 5.3 Communication and visibility requirements);
  • Total Budget and Workplan (with notes and in excel);
  • Project Fit (building from PIF).

Essential project annexes:

  • TORs for consultants and service providers;
  • Tracking Tools;
  • List of PPG Studies;
  • Incremental reasoning;
  • Links and synergies with other initiatives;
  • Strategy for stakeholder engagement.

Co-financing effectively mobilised, with all letters checked and totals calculated, plus non-English letters duly translated (in collaboration with other PPG consultants).

Participation in the validation workshop, when essential PRODOC content in French is validated through stakeholder feedback.

All previously completed PRODOC chapters adjusted on the basis of feedback, in particular all elements of Logframe (chapter 6.1) fine-tuned, with confirmed indicators’ baseline and targets.

UNDP CO supported for the final negotiations on the management arrangements for the Full Project, in view of capacity assessment results.

Response to comments from GEF Secretariat, STAP and Council members.

CEO Endorsement Tables completed in Excel.

Note on translation:

The PRODOC must also be translated into French by the IC holder. Sub-contracting for this task is allowed and the costs must be included in the offer as a separate item. It may be a lump-sum or a daily rate, but not part of the indicative 70 days of work proposed herein, which consists of technical work by the IC holder.

The IC holder will be responsible for reviewing the translation and exercising quality control on it, including by ensuring that all technical terms are correctly used. Automatic translations cannot be used.

Originals in English will be initially translated into French in connection with the validation process, where key content from the situation analysis and the project strategy will be made available in French.

Completing the translation of the entire PRODOC into French and updating the chapters that may have been previously translated will be done by the IC holder right after the cleared PRODOC had been submitted to the GEF for CEO Endorsement.

The abridged PRODOC in French (composed of key chapters from the situation analysis and the project strategy) will be presented during the planned validation meeting.

By August 2015, the complete PRODOC must be fully translated and language reviewed by the IC holder to ensure that it is fully harmonised with the final English version.

Note on missions:

The assignment will include at least two missions to Madagascar, including meetings in Antananarivo (1 week in total) and visits to some of the project sites (lasting normally 2 out of 3-4 weeks).

Indicatively, the missions will take place as follows (noting some flexibility on dates, but summing maximum 6 weeks):

  • 1st mission, with 2-3 weeks duration: arriving prior to working week starting on  26 Jan 2015;
  • 2nd mission, with 3-4 weeks duration: in Jun 2015 (exact working weeks to be defined).

The scheduling of travel dates should reflect an attempt to maximise the number of week days in the country.

Proposed schedule of fee payments:

  • Contract signature : 10%;
  • 09 Mar 2015, upon clearance of deliverables #1 : 45%;
  • 30 May 2015, upon clearance of deliverables #2 : 20%;
  • Final payment expected by 20 Jul 2015, upon clearance of complete CEO Endorsement documentation (deliverables #3) – may however take longer if there are pending deliverables : 25%.


  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
  • Building support and political acumen;
  • Building staff competence,  creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Leverages multi disciplinary, institutional knowledge and experience;
  • Creates and cultivates networks of partners to promote UNDP’s image;
  • Performed analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses
  • Leverages different experiences and expertise of team members to achieve better and more innovative outcomes
  • Strong analytical and writing skills;
  • Ability to communicate effectively in order to communicate complex, technical information to both technical and general audiences;
  • Skills in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations;
  • Skills in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others;
  • Skills in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently and to resolve conflicts as they arise.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Profile required (max 100 points in total):

Academic qualifications: 

  • Master degree in a relevant field of biodiversity, land use management and ecosystem services (either with ecological or socio-economic background) and with professional specialization in issues of biodiversity management. (max 10 pts).


  • At least 7 years of proven experience in the mentioned field, most of it at international level. (max. 10 pts);
  • At least 5 years of extensive knowledge of ecosystems’ land-use dynamics and conservation, preferably with experience from Africa. (max. 10 pts);
  • Demonstrated track record in the preparation of documents, project proposals, evaluation reports and, preferably also, publications within the theme of biodiversity, ecosystem services, land-use is an after sought qualification for this position. (max. 20 pts);
  • Knowledge of environmental issues, policies and programs in Madagascar is preferred, but not required. (max. 10 pts);
  • Experience with GEF project development, with a demonstrated track record in preparation of PRODOCs, is a requirement. (max. 20 pts).


  • Excellent mastery of written English. (max. 10 pts);
  • Good working level of oral French; skills in written French is a plus. (max. 10 pts).

Application Submission Process:

Submission must be online following the instruction given on the website
Please submit the following to demonstrate your interest and qualifications. Please note that all the documents below must be submitted as one PDF file.

  • P11 (required), indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Personal CV (optional);
  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided [see link further down];
  • Financial proposal (All inclusive daily fee): Interested individuals are kindly requested to submit an all-inclusive daily consultancy fee;
  • Travel: All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal in a separate line.

Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows only one uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file.

Application Evaluation Process:

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the Cumulative Analysis methodology [weighted scoring method], where the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight; [70%].
Financial Criteria weight; [30%].

Only Individual Consultants obtaining a minimum of 70% of the obtainable 100 points in technical evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Technical Evaluation Criteria:

  • Adequacy of Profile (Max 100 points).

General Conditions of Contract for the ICs:

UNDP Personal History form (P11) required of all applicants:

Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability