
In recent years, the Government of Mozambique has made substantive advances in the decentralization of governmental structures and processes. In line with this, efforts have also been made to decentralize disaster risk management and climate change adaptation actions in Mozambique. There has been the creation of provincial offices of INGC and MITADER, provincial and district level Emergency Operation Centres (COEs), and the creation and training of local risk management committees (CLGRC) and natural resources committees at community level. In addition, a guide has been produced on integration of climate change adaptation into district plans, and training on DRR and CCA concepts and planning has taken place at provincial and district levels.

The new UNDP project on “Strengthening national capacities and frameworks for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation” recognizes that Mainstreaming of DRR/CCA into sectorial plans and strategies remains crucial as it has not yet been completed in a comprehensive manner. In the context of this project, and in collaboration with the UNDP governance unit, work will be undertaken to ensure that DRR and CCA components are included in provincial and district development plans. To achieve the integration of DRR/CCA in provincial and district level planning, the project will prioritize the provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Gaza in order to benefit from synergies with the UNDP decentralization programme. Advisors placed in each of these provinces will work within the decentralized planning processes and frameworks to ensure that DRR and CCA concerns are reflected in the district development plans.

The Provincial Advisor, who will be housed at the Provincial Directorate of Economy and Finance (DPEF), will be under guidance of the Chief Technical Advisor and Programme Officer for DRR and Crisis Prevention and Recovery/Environment team. On the day-to-day basis, the advisor will be under the direct supervision of the Director of the DPEF, and in close collaboration with National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) and Provincial Directorate of Land, Environmental and Rural Development (DPTADR). The Provincial Advisor will be responsible for all disaster risk reduction/recovery and climate change activities at the designated province.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the direct supervision of UNDP DRR (Disaster and Risk Reduction) Programme Officer, the Provincial Advisor will undertake the following tasks:

In close coordination with INGC and MITADER staff, ensures effective integration of DRR and CCA concerns in provincial and district planning tools and cycle focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Analysis, assessment of the socio-economic environment, continuous dialogue with partners in the province to provide development advisory services in the field of disaster reduction and climate change adaptation, identification of catalytic areas where DRR/CCA can be integrated and add value to other, ongoing or planned UNDP support interventions in the province;
  • Analysis of context, indicators and development of policy documents especially for Country Programme and other strategic documents in the thematic area of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, coordinates with and supports to Global Programmes at the national level (more specifically the Global Risk Identification Programme and the Global Mainstreaming Programme) seeking complementarities and mainstreaming into other UNDP practice areas where the Country Office has special interest and/or comparative advantages;
  • Support to the collection, compilation and update to complement existing information on hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities in the country and ensures that this information is taken into consideration in the formulation, negotiation and implementation of UNDP development programmes;
  • Ensures that there is feedback on DRR/CCA concerns between districts and provinces and up to the national level;
  • Participates in CTGC meetings and in times of emergencies provide substantial support in data gathering, and ensures effective and timely information flow from the affected districts to the province and to the national levels.

Ensures effective management of the DRR/CCA project in the province focusing on quality control on implementation and monitoring of activities in achieving the following results:

  • Monitoring of the implementation of the project activities and financially through discussing project work plan, progress and performance and evaluation missions;
  • Production and analysis of finance managerial information such as: programme and project budget financial reports, including analysis of income, expenditure;
  • Monitoring and updating of the financial data relating to the budget allocations;
  • Timely production of all required reports, including project delivery reports;
  • Visits to project sites in the province to monitor and assess implementation, resolving problems in execution and implementation;
  • Ensures that reports are regularly prepared on activities, outputs and outcomes;
  • Seeks complementarities and integration with ongoing projects in other portfolios within the province.

Establishes and maintains strategic partnerships and supports the resource mobilization focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Creation and coordination of partnerships with the UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society, etc. in the province;
  • Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation, identification of opportunities for cost-sharing in the province;
  • Mobilizes cost-sharing resources from the government, donors and other partners to leverage UNDP resources for disaster reduction and adaptation to climate change in the province.

Ensures provision of advisory services and facilitation of knowledge building and management in the area of DRR/CCA focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Identification of sources of information related to policy-driven issues. Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the province;
  • Coordination of development of policies and institutions that will address the country problems and needs in collaboration with the Provincial Government and other strategic partners;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice in the field of disaster reduction and adaptation to climate change;
  • Promotion of awareness and understanding of a) UNDP mandate, mission and purpose and focus on Sustainable Human Development with special emphasis on thematic area managed. b) The links and mutually supportive goals and objectives of disaster reduction, climate change adaptation, sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Other responsibilities:

  • The Provincial Advisor undertakes any other specific functions as assigned by the UNDP Office and Provincial Government in the framework of the implementation of the DRR/CCA program.

Impact of Results

  • The key results have an impact on the overall success of the country programme and reaching UNDAF/CPD goals. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design, operation and programming of activities, creation of strategic partnerships as well as reaching resource mobilization targets;
  • Provincial and district level plans reflect DRR/CCA concerns, based on realities of the Mozambique context;
  • At district and provincial level, tools and mechanisms exist for the integration of DRR/CCA, including allocation of budget to sectorial activities.


Functional Competences:

Development and Operational effectiveness:

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects.
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills:
  • IT literacy with background in GIS;
  • Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods;
  • Knowledge and the ability to apply communication methods and techniques.

Knowledge Management and Learning:

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture;
  • In-depth knowledge of relevant development issues;
  • Ability to provide policy advice;
  • Actively work towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.

Management and Leadership:

  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Effective communication skills in various contexts: strategic planning, mentoring, training and making presentations;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complex situations.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in development studies, social sciences, economics, geography, disaster management, climate change or environment.


  • At least 5 years relevant experience in planning and monitoring development projects;
  • Experience in disaster risk reduction and/or climate change adaptation projects preferred;
  • Experience working at provincial/district level in Mozambique;
  • Experience of participatory planning and monitoring;
  • Experience working with government institutions in Mozambique is an advantage;
  • Experience of due diligence is an advantage.


  • Fluency in Portuguese and excellent knowledge of English.

Women Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.