
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges, and it can transform the pace and nature of development. Volunteerism benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer by strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens, and by purposefully creating opportunities for participation. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for recognition of volunteers, working with partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing an increasing number and diversity of volunteers, including experienced UNV volunteers, throughout the world. UNV embraces volunteerism as universal and inclusive, and recognizes volunteerism in its diversity as well as the values that sustain it: free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity.

UNV partners with governments and UN agencies as well as non-profit and private sector organizations in order to support development programmes and missions. UNV delivers a prompt, efficient and value-added service to identify and engage professionals who can deliver services and fulfill a wide range of specialised tasks. This results in the direct mobilization of approximately 7,000 national and international UN Volunteers every year, with 80 percent coming from the global south, and more than 30 percent volunteering within their own countries. These volunteers are assigned within UN programmes, projects and initiatives at country level. In addition, more than 11,000 on-line volunteers have completed over 19,000 on-line volunteer assignments.

The UNV organization

UNV is headquartered in Bonn, Germany and has approximately 150 staff positions – with the majority in Bonn and some positions with different UN peacekeeping and political missions, and in other Headquarters locations (e.g. New York and Tokyo). The major organizational groups within UNV are:

  • the Office of the Executive Coordinator (OEC);
  • the Volunteer Knowledge and Innovation Section (VKIS)
  • the Volunteer Mobilization & Programme (VMP) comprising the Peace Programming Section (PPS), the Development Programming Section (DPS), the Volunteer Recruitment Resources Secrion (VRRS), the Communications Section (CS), the Programme Coodination Section (PCS) with its Partnerships Unit (PU)
  • the Management Services (MS) comprising the Human Resources Section(HRS), the Information Communication Technology Section (ICTS), the Results Management Support Section (RMSS) and the Operations Section (OS) with its: Administration Unit (AU), Finance Unit (FU) and Common Services Unit (CSU)

Background of the work

UNV has implemented SharePoint 2013 as the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution for knowledge management, collaboration and document management needs of the organization. It is expected that in 2017 an upgrade of the ECM will take place to SharePoint 2016 and Share Point Online.

The ECM Intranet (or Portal) contains elements such as

  • Sites for the various business functions and priority areas
  • Corporate calendars and news
  • Managed metadata to ensure corporate taxonomies throughout the portal
  • Document sets to contain the documents of all UN Volunteers
  • Integration with UNV legacy applications (via custom REST web services)
  • Project Server in SharePoint mode
  • Enterprise search center
  • Document Management site for each department/committee/panel
  • and more

The Portal is furthermore adapted to include features such as REST, record center, drop-off library, records libraries and relevant information management policies for records (i.e. retention, disposal rules).

For training I (Admins)

A selected group of Admins, who already use/manage the Portal, require advanced SharePoint 2013 / 2016 training and SharePoint Online, in order to oversee and support information- and records management on the Portal. These staff are entrusted to guide and support the portal focal points, with technical SharePoint advice on how best to manage data and information within section or unit sites, in line with SharePoint principles and best practices.

For Training II (PowerUser -users aka “Portal Focal Points”)

A group of users (aka Portal Focal Points), who already use/manage the Portal, require power-user SharePoint 2013 refresher training, as well as SharePoint 2016  and SharePoint Online introduction training to advance their use and management of the Portal and further advance their support to the users of the Portal.

Devoirs et responsabilités

For training I (Admins)

Hands-on, instructor-led Sharepoint 2013/ 2016/ Online - Administration and Information Manager training for max. 5 persons in May-June 2017.

Duration in days (approx.): 3-5.

Location: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113, Bonn Germany

Lab: to be provided by selected individual/company over Internet

Language (including language of training materials): English.


In general, the aim of the training is to sufficiently empower the selected administrators so that they are able to:


  • Create SharePoint sites and subsites, views, list, libraries etc (incl. new SP online modern sites)

  • Advise on the creation of document libraries, lists, views

  • Advise on appropriate solutions for case management, document management, records management, metadata design & application, building search queries

  • Check / oversee / manage permissions (groups, levels)

  • Design and implement specific workflows


  • Implement, manage UNV taxonomy in the SharePoint store

  • Ensure availability of managed metadata columns enterprise wide

Records center

  • Create record center, record libraries

  • Configure content organizer routing rules and information management policies

Specific deliverables include the following

SharePoint Admin training

  • Users, groups, permissions

    • SharePoint security best practices

    • Users and user groups

    • Site collection administration

    • Permissions & relevant levels

    • Custom permission levels

    • SharePoint PowerShell

    • Central Admin

    • Publishing to different zones

  • Site & site collection features

    • Activating / deactivating

    • Commonly used features

  • Sites & pages management

    • Creating subsites

    • Site templates

    • Look and feel

    • Navigation options

    • Page layout and structuring

  • Lists and libraries

    • SharePoint features and principles

    • Document libraries

    • Adding columns to lists / libraries

    • Enterprise metadata and keywords

    • Managed metadata application

    • Creating lists and views

  • Document management

    • Managed navigation

    • Organizing content

    • Document sets (example in case management)

    • Auditing lists and document activity

    • Site columns, Content types

    • Versioning & content approval features

  • Records management

    • In place records management vs. record center

    • Send to functionality - settings

    • Content organizer

    • Information management policies settings

  • Term store management

    • Taxonomies export, import

  • Managed metadata

    • Metadata columns

    • Single value vs. mv fields

  • Search

    • Search center introduction
    • Site search schemas

    • Customization

  • SharePoint workflows

    • OOTB vs Designer workflows

  • Reporting

    • Usage & search reports

  • Central Administration

Tentative due date May-June 2017

Payment terms

Payments will be made upon certification of work accomplished and delivered by the trainer.

For Training II (PowerUser -users aka “Portal Focal Points”)

Hands-on, instructor-led Sharepoint 2013/ 2016/ Online -  Power-User training for approx. 20 persons in May 2017-June 2017.

Duration in days (approx.): 4-5.

Location: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113, Bonn Germany

Lab: to be provided by selected individual/company over Internet

Language (including language of training materials): English.


In general, the aim of the training is to empower portal focal points with an in-depth understanding of SharePoint, in order to recognize the systems powerful features for information management, including document and records management, as well as team working and collaboration.

Specifically, the training must provide a clear introduction to SharePoint as to what it is, why to use, how SharePoint can align to and support – if not drive – business processes. Furthermore, focal points must learn about the different information & data management features, how these can be best organized (and how not to use), to enable better search and retrieve. Specific attention is also required to SharePoint integration with other systems and platforms (e.g. Outlook, OneDrive), and about best practice use between them. And finally records management and permissions

Specific deliverables include the following

SharePoint Power User Training

  • SharePoint introduction / refresher:

    • What is SharePoint?

    • Why SharePoint?

    • How to drive end-user adoption

    • Site topology & components

    • New features in Online vs 2016 vs. 2013

    • How SharePoint can support your business context? Examples must include: case management, project management, project documentation management, archiving, records management, team working & collaboration spaces. Examples must reflect UNV work.

  • Features

    • SharePoint user interface (UI)

    • Lists & list views

    • Views

    • Document libraries

    • Form libraries

    • Data collection

      • Forms & surveys

    • Simple workflow configuration (e.g. alerts, automatic email dispatch etc)

    • Custom lists

    • Content types

    • Document sets

  • Metadata

    • Tagging content with metadata (different ways)

    • Adding list columns to tag content with metadata

    • Managed metadata

      • Understanding the term store

      • From UNV taxonomy to managed metadata

      • Adding managed metadata to different document libraries

    • Metadata navigation (enabling & applying)

  • Search

    • Perform queries

      • Effective keyword queries

  • Office integration

    • SharePoint with OneDrive

    • SharePoint with Outlook

    • SharePoint with MS Office

  • Records management

    • Differences between DMS and Records Centre

      • DMS area more aligned to unit or sections daily business

      • Record centre is enterprise wide

    • Understanding the records centre function / rationale

    • Send to function, drop off library & Records libraries

    • Understanding content routing (content organizer)

    • Understanding information management policies

      • Examples to be linked to UNV records management policy

  • SharePoint permissions

    • Groups

    • Permission levels

    • Permission finders

    • Cumulative permissions

    • Permission checker

  • SharePoint Online specific features (modern sites, new libraries, new pages etc)


Tentative due date May-June 2017

Payment terms

Payments will be made upon certification of work accomplished and delivered by the trainer.


Corporate Competencies of the Trainer:

-Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity adaptability;

-Treats all people fairly without favoritism;

-Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Functional Competencies of the Trainer:

-Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;

-Excellent interpersonal and cross-cultural skills and ability to convey messages clearly, succinctly and accurately;

-Experience in designing and delivering trainings;

-Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to feedback;

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Proven experience in providing trainings on the SharePoint 2013, 2016 and SharePoint Online.

  • SharePoint 2013 / 2016 / Online certified professional

  • Experience in real implementation of the product for clients

  • Language requirement: English

Criteria for Selection of the Best offer:

The selection of the best offer will be based on the combined scoring method – where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted – 70% , and combined with the price offer which will be weighted 30%.

Key selection criteria are

Track record of successful in similar related topics training – maximum points awarded 220

Professional experience of the trainer – maximum points awarded 220

Ability to provide on-site training (proposal for training lab) – maximum points awarded 180

Fluency in English of the trainer  – maximum points awarded 80

Total cost (including travel, daily allowance etc) – maximum points awarded 300

Total points 1000

Presentation of Offer

 Qualified candidates must apply online via the UNDP Job shop. The application should contain the below documents that could be uploaded as a single PDF file.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you provide all requested documents. Any queries should be sent in a separate e-mail and addressed to: procurement@unv.org clearly marking 76309_ SharePoint Training in the subject line