
The objective of the Project is to systematically de-carbonize the existing building stock in Armenia to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while achieving sustainable development benefits through focusing on creating a favorable market environment and a scalable business model for investment in energy efficiency retrofits by addressing market barriers. The barriers to energy efficient building renovation will be addressed through a combination of policy and financial de-risking instruments and targeted financial incentives to key market players. The Project is structured under four components:  building sector Monitoring, Report and Verification (MRV) and knowledge management; policy de-risking; financial de-risking; and financial incentives. The Project’s main objective is to ensure sizeable energy savings and accompanying GHG emissions reductions in both public and residential buildings, and will also ensure the co-benefits of green job creation and poverty reduction. In addition to funding from the Green Climate Fund, the Project will catalyze private and public sector financing for achieving the objectives and quantified indicators set in the Project Document.

UNDP will implement the Project funded by the Green Climate Fund in cooperate with the Yerevan Municipality and the European Investment Bank (EIB), and other international and national financing institutions. This Project, providing technical and investment assistance for energy efficiency retrofitting of multi-apartment and public buildings, is the first of its kind in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. If implemented successfully, the Project approach has the potential to be scaled-up throughout Armenia and across the region.

UNDP will work with the Government, city municipalities/administrations, financing institutions, private sector stakeholders and energy services companies (ESCos) to deploy the most cost-effective combination of policy and financial de-risking instruments.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The International Expert on MRV is expected to work in close cooperation with the Project team during the Project planning and implementation.

Under the overall guidance of the Regional Technical Adviser for UNDP-GCF projects, under direct supervision of the UNDP Programme Analyst for Sustainable Growth and Resilience (SGR) and in close cooperation with Climate Change Programme Coordinator and Project Manager, the International Expert on MRV (acting in his/her individual capacity) will be tasked with the specific duties and responsibilities, but not limited to the following:

Phase I

1. Develop the roadmap and the performance based ToR for serving as a base for contracting the Environmental Project Implementation Unit State Institution (EPIU SI) on their role of implementation partner of the Component 1 of the Project as of the Project Document based on international best practice and related MRV systems applied to in other countries considering similar projects which have to include:

  • Requirements for establishing MRV framework, including energy audit and building post retrofit performance evaluation for the various categories of buildings (public and residential),
  • Assess the data and information being typically monitored in municipal building retrofit projects already (baseline)
  • Developing and applying guidelines and monitoring methodologies for the various categories of buildings (public and residential),
  • Define type of data and indicators to be monitored
  • Requirements for Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) in different types of buildings to be provided to beneficiaries for ensuring monitoring and reporting
  • Required capacity of the staff to ensure MRV task management and respective TORs

2.  Guide and support UNDP Project Management Team (PMT) and EPIU SI, in consultation with Municipality of Yerevan and other relevant national stakeholders on the establishment of the MRV system for tracking the energy efficiency in buildings.

  • organise 1-2 workshops with relevant EPIU SI staff and PMT to get (1) a common understanding on MRV methodologies and intl. best practice (needs assessment), and (2) develop MRV specifications for national inventory and database)
  • Provide training materials for MRV trainings/workshops and deliver workshops

Phase II

  1. Guide team of local experts to collect and analyse necessary information and design MRV institutional and legal architecture. Provide recommendations for improvement of the current institutional and legal framework;
  2. Provide technical support in conducting analysis on establishment of MRV system for energy use in residential and public buildings;
  3. Develop materials for MRV system training for technical, operational and administrative staff of the EPIU, Yerevan Municipality and other national key partners identified by the Project management;
  4. Guide and support in conducting training workshops to develop local expertise in the setting up and maintaining of an MRV inventory database and disseminate information on the cost-saving potential of energy efficiency retrofits to commercial banks and potential borrowers;
  5. Support to full implementation of building EMIS in selected buildings for demonstration and capacity building purposes:  
    • Elaborate specifications for guidelines Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) in different types of buildings (residential SFH, MAB, different types of public buildings, e.g. schools, hospitals, administration buildings, etc.)
    • Develop criteria for selection of buildings where EMIS will be demonstrated
    • Support the PMT and EPIU SI in procurement of EMIS systems (by developing specifications for tenders and evaluation criteria for selection)
    • Accompany the installation of pilot EMIS systems in selected buildings
    • Accompany the initial trainings of staff using EMIS.
  6. Provide a detailed technical report of all the activities implemented to set up the MRV system outlining key activities, outputs, findings, and general recommendations for rolling out a robust MRV strategy in the country for the future.


Phase I. The roadmap and ToR for the EPIU SI under the Component 1 of the Project established.

Phase II. Outputs and delivery period will be defined for each assignment under a specific TOR.

Note: For each single specific call-offs, the respective detailed ToR with specified outputs and applicable number of working days will follow in line with the main scope of works of this assignment.


  • Good understanding of MRV system and international measurement, reporting and verification procedures, as well as mitigation procedures and actions;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of UNFCCC, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, Clean Development Mechanism and other mitigation impact assessment  policy and procedures and financing requirements;
  • Proven experience of the MRV institutional and legal challenges for introducing the energy efficiency targets in the building’s sector in countries with economies in transition;
  • Demonstrated ability of analytical and drafting work;
  • Strong analytic and strategic thinking to advise on de-risking the buildings energy efficiency investments in public and residential sectors;
  • Ability to work under time pressure, good communication, analytical and writing skills.
  • Proven knowledge of communication tools, excellent – concise and easy understandable writing and presentation skills, computer literacy;
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to establish and maintain effective work relationships with people of different professional, social and cultural backgrounds;
  • Flexibility to easily adapt to the modifications of assignment as needed and/or induced by policy or scenario change;
  • Strong track record with producing high quality research and strong quantitative skills in project design, scenario analysis;
  • Excellent coordination and collaboration skills, with ability to work under time pressure and handle multiple activities and projects concurrently;

Qualifications et expériences requises


  •  An advanced degree in energy, environmental management, building engineering or other field relevant to the project/task.


  • A minimum of 10 years of working experience in the area relevant to the Climate Change mitigation.
  • Minimum 5 years experience with Building Energy Management Information Systems, Facility Management systems or similar applications to monitor energy consumption in buildings.
  • Experience and good knowledge of transition economies, with solid experience in the CIS countries being an asset;
  • Experience with greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting requirements under UNFCCC


  • Excellent knowledge of English is a must, knowledge of Armenian or Russian language is an asset.



A daily based payable modality is envisaged upon submission of deliverables and acceptance/approval by UNDP CO for each identified task (reflected in the agreed and signed specific TOR) and based on cumulative number of days factually spent. Costs related to country visits will be reimbursed separately.


Candidates will be evaluated using a cumulative analysis method taking into consideration the combination of the applicants' technical qualifications,  experience and financial proposal. The contract will be awarded to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as technically responsive/compliant/acceptable to the requirements of the ToR and received the highest cumulative (technical and financial) score out of below defined technical and financial criteria.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of  49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for financial evaluation.

Technical Criteria - 70% of total evaluation - max. 70 points

  • Criteria A (Education - Master’s degree in energy, environmental management, building engineering or other field relevant to the project/task) –  10 max points
  • Criteria B (At least 10 years of working experience in the area relevant to the Climate Change and Climate Change mitigation) –  15 max points
  • Criteria C (Minimum 5 years experience with Building Energy Management Information Systems, Facility Management systems or similar applications to monitor energy consumption in buildings) – max 10 points
  • Criteria D (Good understanding of MRV system and international measurement, reporting and verification procedures, as well as mitigation procedures and actions) – 25 max points
  • Criteria E (Language skills) 10 max points

Financial Criteria - 30% of total evaluation - max. 30 points.
The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion.


*Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services). 



General Conditions of Contract is available here: http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/documents/procurement/documents/IC%20-%20General%20Conditions.pdf.

Note: Please note you can upload only one document to this application (scan all documents in one single PDF file to attach).