
The Government of Angola has sought UNDP support to implement the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for the UNDP-GEF full-sized project “Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict in Angola”. The project seeks to strengthen biodiversity conservation in Angola by reducing illegal wildlife trade and human wildlife conflict. It comprises four components: 1) Strengthening the systemic and institutional framework for combatting IWT, 2) Strengthening the management effectiveness of the existing national PA estate, 3) Reducing IWT and poaching, and HWC, at site level, and 4) Gender mainstreaming, knowledge management, and M&E. The GEF resources allocated to the project amount to US$ 4,603,161 (including Project, PPG and UNDP Fee).


The GEF Council approved the Project Identification Form on 30 October 2017. Project development now will include a preparatory phase in the form of a Project Preparatory Grant (PPG). During the PPG, a team of international consultants together with the UNDP Country Office in Angola and the responsible UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor – and working in close collaboration with key government officials, donors, NGOs and CBOs – will undertake literature reviews, studies, stakeholder consultations and field visits, with the view to further develop the approved PIF into a fully formulated project ready for implementation.

The UNDP Country Office in Angola will lead the PPG/IP, in close coordination with the Ministry of the Environment of Angola. The Key Expected Outputs of the PPG/IP will be a technically robust UNDP Project Document (PRODOC) and a Request for CEO Endorsement package ready for submission to the GEF Secretariat. The preparatory phase will moreover fully determine the baseline and GEF incremental benefits, confirm the lead national implementing agency, identify further implementing partners and responsible parties, and negotiate and define implementation arrangements. Consultation with stakeholders relevant for project activities will put emphasis on building the partnerships required for realizing the project’s objectives and the mobilization of co-financing. The national consultation process will also include the local communities that are expected to benefit from the Project, and address gender issues as well as social and environmental safeguards as indicated.

Considering the above PIF approval date and the 18-month milestone established by the GEF, the GEF CEO Endorsement Request package and PRODOC must be submitted to the GEF by 29 May 2019. Failure to meet this deadline will lead to automatic cancellation of the project by the GEF. The PPG team (which includes the PPG consultants, the Government of Angola, UNDP Angola and the UNDP-GEF regional support team) is requested to submit final draft versions for internal clearance to UNDP at the latest two months before this deadline (i.e. by 29 March 2019). Subsequent revisions addressing UNDP-GEF or GEF Secretariat queries may be required and are part of the PPG. The final submissions to the GEF will require prior government validation and clearance. Submission to the GEF will only be effected after all due clearances have been obtained.

The UNDP Country Office (CO) in Angola is seeking the services of an International Specialist for GEF Biodiversity Project Development – Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict (Team Leader) to lead the implementation of the Project Preparation Grant (PPG).

The International Specialist for GEF Biodiversity Project Development – Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict (Team Leader) will be part of a team of consultants to work closely with, and under the overall guidance of, the UNDP Country Office, the UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor and the project counterparts in the Angola Government. In addition to the International Specialist for GEF Biodiversity Project Development – Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict (Team Leader), the team is expected to consist of the following four consultants who will work under the supervision of the Team Leader:

  • An International Expert for Illegal Wildlife Trade;
  • An International Expert for Protected Areas Management and Human Wildlife Conflict;
  • A national Livelihoods and Gender Expert;
  • A national Wildlife Crime Legal and Institutional Expert

Devoirs et responsabilités

The expert will be responsible for preparing the full PRODOC, together with the CEO Endorsement request, tracking tools, social and environmental screening, letters of co-finance and all mandatory Annexes;

Lead other PPG consultants to ensure the timely drafting of the required documents for submission to the GEF, strictly adhering to the agreed deadlines and ensuring quality control.


  • Management of the GEF PPG Team;
  • Define and submit a detailed methodology and work plan in consultation with the other consultants with clear delegation of responsibilities for the International Consultants (ICs) and National Consultants (NCs);
  • Ensure that project development is participatory, gender-responsive and based on extensive stakeholder engagements; and
  • Verify and ensure that all project components are technically sound and cost effective;
  • Select an indicator for one of the outcomes of the IRRF under the UNDP Strategic Plan.

Preparatory Technical Studies and Reviews (Component A):

  • With inputs from the other national and international consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs;
  • Compile baseline/situational analysis for the full-size project (FSP). This will include a precise definition of baseline projects, activities, budgets, goals and co-financing links to GEF outcomes; definition of GEF incremental value per outcome and output; and presentation of results of the incremental cost-analysis in matrices as appropriate;
  • Oversee the stakeholder analysis and consultations and ensure that they are complete and comprehensive; evidence of community and stakeholder consultations should be provided in the form of signed minutes etc.
  • Ensure the preparation of the gender analysis and ensure its findings are meaningfully integrated into the project’s strategy, theory of change and results framework;
  •  Ensure action points, including risk assessments, from the UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) at the PIF stage (“pre-screening”) are fully implemented during the PPG, and update that screening in an iterative fashion throughout the PPG, as appropriate;
  • Conduct/oversee the identification of the project sites, with documentation of selection criteria;
  • Oversee the consultations with partners regarding financial planning; and
  • Ensure completion of any additional studies that are needed for the preparation of the ProDoc and all other final outputs.
  • With input from national Wildlife Crime and Institutional Expert, review Angolan policies, legislation and legal practice regarding Illegal Wildlife Trade and compare it to relevant legislation and legal practice in the southern Africa region (especially SADC). Identify gaps and weaknesses in current Angolan legislation and its implementation (including laws and decrees, number and training of prosecutors, collaboration between authorities responsible for wildlife conservation and the police, etc.) that the project would have to address to create a legal basis for more effectively combating illegal wildlife trade in the country. Review institutional responsibilities and collaboration needs and weaknesses and propose mechanisms for strengthening inter-institutional collaboration for combating IWT;
  • In collaboration with IWT Expert, review recent experiences and successes with combating IWT in other countries in the region and extract lessons learned that can be applied to Angola to strengthen the national;
  • System for combating IWT, including opportunities for international collaboration. Take especially into consideration experiences and approaches of the on-going GEF funded umbrella program on IWT and develop partnership with this program. Also review experiences in other countries in the region with engaging communities in wildlife conservation through CBNRM, community based tourism, benefit sharing of income generated by protected areas, conservation farming around protected areas, etc. and evaluate the opportunities for implementing such approaches in Angola;
  • Reviewing existing protected areas management plans regarding strategies and measures to combat IWT and HWC and identify needs for updating these plans. This will include reviewing opportunities for engaging communities in protected areas management and conservation through CBNRM and benefit sharing;
  • Identify partnerships that will support implementation of IWT and HWC strategies and result in more effective management of existing and proposed protected areas. These will include management authorities, inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms. Look specifically at the potential close interaction between conservation authorities, police, local communities, and the private sector. Identify which stakeholders should be engaged to promote inclusive discussions regarding IWT and HWC; 
  • Determine baselines and indicators related to the current level of IWT and HWC and propose monitoring protocols to measure project impact; 
  • Undertake an institutional capacity assessment to clarify project scope and roles of partners. Clarify the role of the Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas (INBAC) in the project, particularly the capacity of INBAC to institutionalize project monitoring and the capacity-building inputs that would be required for the IWT and HWC strategies developed by the project to be effective.
  • Assess the potential for building public awareness for IWT and HWC and approaches to reduce these through multimedia outreach and education campaigns.

 Formulation of the ProDoc, CEO Endorsement Request and Mandatory and Project Specific Annexes (Component B):

With inputs from the other national and international consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs, and based on international best practice:

  • Develop, present and articulate the project’s theory of change
  • Develop the Results Framework in line with UNDP-GEF policy;
  • Develop a detailed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Gender Action Plan and Budget;

Update the SESP based on assessments undertaken during Component A, and ensure the development of environmental and/or social management plan(s) for all risks identified as Moderate or High in the SESP:

  • Prepare the required GEF tracking tool(s);
  • Secure and present agreements on project management arrangements;
  • Ensure the completion of the required official endorsement letters; and
  • Synthesize all analyses, studies, etc. that are prepared under Components A and B to produce the draft UNDP-GEF ProDoc, GEF CEO Endorsement, and all mandatory and project specific Annexes, using the required templates.

Validation Workshop (Component C):

  • Lead the validation workshop to present, discuss and validate the final draft ProDoc and mandatory and project specific annexes, with a special focus on the SESP and any management plans; and
  • Oversee all necessary revisions that arise during the workshop;
  • Ensure completion of Validation Workshop Report.

Final Deliverables:

  • Consolidation of all technical and consultation inputs including from national stakeholders, UNDP, GEF Secretariat, STAP and GEF Council, into a well written and concise UNDP ProDoc with all required sections and Annexes, in line with the standard UNDP-GEF ProDoc template and annotated guidance;
  • Completion of the GEF CEO Endorsement Request;
  • All documentation from GEF PPG (including technical reports, etc.); and
  • Validation Workshop Report.

??Key UNDP/GEF references for this Project/PPG: 

  • GEF-6 Focal Area Strategy for Biodiversity;
  • PIF for “Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict in Angola”;
  • GEF Secretariat Review Sheet and GEF STAP Review of the PIF/Project;
  • UNDP Project Document and GEF CEO Endorsement Request package guidelines and templates;
  • UNDP & GEF M&E Guidance;
  • GEF Biodiversity Tracking Tools and UNDP Capacity Development Scorecard;
  • UNDP Environmental and Social Screening Procedure - Guidance Note and PIF Environmental and Social Screening;
  • UNDP Guidance on Gender Assessment;
  • Relevant UNDP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures;
  • Relevant documents from regional IWT projects, especially GEF funded regional program. ?

Expected Outputs and deliverables: 

  • The International Specialist for GEF Biodiversity Project Development – Illegal Wildlife Trade and Human Wildlife Conflict (Team Leader) assumes the overall coordination and responsibility for the timely completion of the full GEF CEO Endorsement Request Package and PRODOC in appropriate quality. This will involve writing the largest share of these documents as well as editing, reconciling and merging sections prepared by the team of supporting consultants. The key deliverables under this contract will be:
  • Writing of PRODOC and CEO Endorsement Request and all its components;
  • Guidance, coordination of and support to other consultants in the team in the preparation of their contributions to the afore-mentioned documents so that these are directly useful to the preparation of the PRODOC and CEO Endorsement Request;
  • Integrating and adapting contributions written by other consultants in the team into the PRODOC and CEO Endorsement Request
  • A separate/annexed full Social and Environmental Impact Assessment of the project and building thereon a UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Procedure;
  • A separate/annexed Gender Assessment, building on the work of the Livelihoods and Gender Expert
  • The completed and cleared GEF CEO Endorsement Request and UNDP-GEF Project Document, as well as the required UNDP and GEF Tracking Tools, using updated templates following guidance by the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor.
  • UNDP may contact the contractor at any time during working hours and request the contractor’s expert support and guidance, technical inputs, participation in meetings (including by skype or telephone) and elaboration of a document pertaining to the execution of the PPG/Initiation Plan outlined above.
  • Payment is based upon output and will be made upon confirmation by UNDP that contract obligations have been met in a satisfactory manner in accordance with milestones, i.e. delivery of the services specified in the ToR to be approved by UNDP and meeting agreed deadlines. The tentative payment schedule is as follows: Upon contract signature: 20% of the total amount. Upon submission of a complete draft CEO Endorsement Request Package and a complete draft PRODOC and clearance for submission by UNDP: 40% of the total. Upon subsequent review and final approval by the GEF Secretariat of the PRODOC and issuance of CEO Endorsement: 40% of the total.
  • Approval: Review of the deliverables regarding quality and timeliness will be undertaken by the UNDP Country Office and the Angola Government counterparts, then the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor and eventually the UNDP/GEF Senior Technical Advisor to ensure alignment and compliance with UNDP and GEF requirements.

Implementation arrangments: 

  • The Team Leader will supervise the other national and international consultants who are part of the team; 
  • To guide and assist the team of national and international consultants, a joint project development and facilitation team will be established that includes the UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor, the UNDP Country Office, as well as project focal points at the Ministry of Environment of Angola. The main responsibilities will be to provide the required data/information and feedback to the team of consultants; backstopping and providing relevant templates; supporting stakeholder consultations and ensuring their participation; supporting problem analysis; liaising with partners and leading national stakeholder involvement on project strategy and institutional and management arrangements and on co-financing matters; and supporting alignment with national priorities and understanding of the local and national contexts;
  • Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under dss.un.org. Consultants are responsible for obtaining valid visas for travelling to Angola, however the CO will support visa applications.

Duration of work/assignment: 

  • The duration of the work is estimated at 45 days spread over the period from 01 March 2018 to GEF CEO Endorsement (expected at the latest by June 2019).

Duty Station:

  • Home based with an estimated two travels to Angola (Luanda and field sites t.b.d. presumably Menongue and Cabinda) of a total of 20 days. 


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP´s mission, vision and values; 
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; 
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty;  
  • Treats all people fairly without favoratism; Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero toelrance for sexual harassment

Functional competencies:

  • Proven ability in conducting planning processes in developing countries;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Portuguese and English;
  • Solid knowledge of proven post-2015 agenda and the sustainable Development Goals;
  • Proven ability in conducting work related to Millennium Declaration ;
  • Proven Ability and work on development matters in the African Region;
  • Ability to work with multidisciplinary and multicultural teams;
  • Creativity, innovation and initiative;
  • Result oriented;
  • Analytical ability;
  • Logical ability;
  • Able to work under pressure in an adverse environment;
  • critical ability;
  • Capacity to dialogue with different sectors;
  • Determination and focus on goals and results;
  • Ability of facilitation;
  • Good management skills;
  • Sensitivity to African and Angolan context.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Minimum postgraduate degree in a relevant environmental, biological or social science.


  • Proven experience in UNDP-GEF project formulation/design, including the drafting of successful, GEF-compliant project documents and endorsement requests;
  • At least 10 years’ experience designing and/or implementing environment and natural resources management   activities in developing countries;
  •  Experience in designing Illegal Wildlife Trade and/or Human Wildlife Conflict projects; experience in designing IWT and or HWC projects in Africa is an advantage;
  •  Experience working with international organizations, including UNDP, is preferred but not required.
  • Previous experience working in Africa is an advantage.

Language requirements: 

  • Fluency in English is required, Portuguese is an asset.

Applications should be composed of the following:

  • Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Technical Proposal explaining why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment.
  • Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, with separately listed travel costs.

Proposals not including all items listed above will not be considered.

Evaluation criteria:

Applicants will be screened against qualifications and competencies specified in this TOR through a desk review or an interview process. Those selected for the next stage of the selection process will be reviewed based on the cumulative analysis through a combination of the Technical (70%) and Financial Scores (30%).  Only candidates obtaining 70 points out of 100 in the technical review/evaluation will be considered for the financial evaluation.