
UNDP Rule of Law Support

Strengthening the rule of law and promoting human rights are cornerstones of UNDP’s work to achieve sustainable human development and eradicate extreme poverty. SDG 16 articulates the key role that governance and the rule of law play in promoting peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.

UNDP’s Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development aids national partners to build resilient communities that are supported by just institutions.

With an in-country presence before, during and after a conflict, UNDP is increasingly expected to assume a substantive role in providing rule of law, justice and security assistance to countries threatened or affected by crisis and fragility. To meet these demands, UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has made rule of law a priority area for programming. UNDP’s Global Programme for Strengthening the Rule of Law in Crisis-Affected and Fragile Situations has been the main operational and financial instrument for UNDP globally to engage on justice & security in crisis-affected countries. Drawing on some of UNDP’s most innovative rule of law programmes in crisis-affected and fragile situations, it has sought to expand such experiences to assist UNDP Country Offices to develop multi-year, comprehensive rule of law programmes that respond rapidly and effectively to the needs on the ground.  In 2016, the Global Programme supported comprehensive rule of law programmes in over 40 crisis-affected situations, with a total programming value of over USD 200 million.

The RoLJSHR team within BPPS is responsible for the implementation of the Global Programme, as well as practice development in the areas of rule of law, justice, security and human rights as they relate to crisis prevention and recovery in conflict and disaster settings.

The Global Focal Point for Rule of Law

In September 2012, Secretary-General appointed UNDP and DPKO as the Global Focal Point for Police, Justice and Corrections Areas in the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict and Other Crisis Situations through a policy committee decision. Since then, the GFP has provided a united front for rule of law assistance in crisis contexts, with the aim of streamlining assessment, planning and delivery to improve overall impact. The GFP achieves greater impact through joint approaches to assistance with involvement from UNDP, DPKO, UN Women, OHCHR, UNODC, PBSO, UNDP, DPKO, DPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, UN-CTITF and the UN Team of Experts on Rule of Law/Sexual Violence in Conflict. This approach allows the UN to respond more effectively to requests for complex and politically nuances assistance by drawing quickly and strategically on the collective expertise of GFP partners. The GFP responds to requests for support from UN Country Teams, Political and Peacekeeping Missions in crisis and post-conflict settings. In Mission contexts, the support is provided throughout the mission life-cycle – from start-up to draw-down – and adds value in the context of transitions. It also serves as a platform for joint resource mobilization. For this purpose, the RoLJSHR team also leads UNDP’s engagement with DPKO, as the Global Focal Point of Justice, Police and Corrections.

Under the direct supervision of the RoLJSHR Team Leader, the contractor will help advance UNDP’s mandate in Rule of Law, Justice and Security with a focus on cross agency collaboration and will support GFP Management and operations for the advancement of coordination and impact of rule of law programmes at country level.

Devoirs et responsabilités


Under the overall supervision of the Rule of Law, Justice, Security and Human Rights Team Leader and working closely with the RoLJSHR team, the consultant’s overall functions will be as follows:

  1. Support implementation of the Global Rule of Law and Human Rights Programme including ROL related joint programming and feeding programmatic lessons into global policy with a special attention on innovation:

  2. Support at least 3 countries in advancing their ROL agenda with smarter ROL designs using innovation, people centric approaches and data driven approaches.

  3. Represent the unit in Mission review processes and planning processes that are likely to impact the coherence of ROL in the field with a focus on mission contexts and the GFP;

  4. Contribute to increasing the quality of reporting on monitoring and evaluation to specific programme support countries and coordinate with relevant teams within UNDP to advance innovative approaches to rule of law in the field;

  5. Support the implementation of the Global Focal Point for Rule of Law by promoting the principles of joint Rule of Law approaches at the field level:

  6. Produce lessons learned and sharing of good practices for the Global Focal Point arrangement with a focus on transitions, joint programming and programmatic funding experiences;

  7. Contribute to successful delivery of GFP support to field missions;

  8. In line with the GFP Review recommendations and in collaboration with the GFP core team and the broader ROLJSHR and DPKO OROLSI team, assist practice and recommendations to advance interoperability of the GFP;

  9. Support selected countries in becoming more operationally effective in the field through better coordination and collaboration through partnerships, particularly with DPKO.

Expected outputs and deliverables:


N° of days



• Support implementation of the Global Rule of Law and Human Rights Programme including ROL related joint programming and feeding programmatic lessons into global policy with a special attention on innovation

Support at least 3 countries (Mali, Guinea Bissau, Cameroon) in advancing their ROL agenda with smarter ROL designs using innovation and people centric approaches.

32 days

Through 28 June 2019

With monthly accounts on the implementation and progress achieved

Represent the unit in review and planning processes that are likely to impact the coherence of ROL in the field with a focus on mission contexts and the GFP;

15 days

29 March 2019

Contribute to increasing the quality of reporting on monitoring and evaluation to specific programme support countries and coordinate with relevant teams within UNDP to advance innovative approaches to rule of law in the field;

15 days

31 May 2019

• Support the implementation of the Global Focal Point for Rule of Law by promoting the principles of joint Rule of Law approaches at the field level (ongoing through 28 June 2019 – 28 days)

Support selected countries in becoming more operationally effective in the field through better coordination and collaboration through partnerships, particularly with DPKO and contribute to successful delivery of GFP support to field missions;

26 days

Through 28 June 2019

Produce lessons learned and sharing of good practices for the Global Focal Point arrangement with a focus on transitions (Guinea Bissau), joint programming (Mali) and programmatic funding experiences;

15 days

30 April 2019

In line with the GFP Review recommendations and in collaboration with the GFP core team and the broader ROLJSHR and DPKO OROLSI team, assist practice and recommendations to advance interoperability of the GFP;

10 days

31 May 2019


113 days


Functional Competencies:

  • Strong partnering skills and ability to mobilize support for UNDP;
  • Strong programme design skills;
  • Strong analytical, negotiation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality reports and programmes;
  • Clear understanding and experience of policies and procedures for corporate due diligence and reputational risk management;
  • Innovative approaches/experience on global development issues;
  • Ability to function in a team environment.

Behavioural Competencies:

  • Productive and efficient worker, highly motivated;
  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks;
  • Strong initiative and is comfortable to pro-actively reach out to new and existing external partners;
  • Performance-oriented and focused on results;
  • Persistence and willingness to follow through;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and flexibility;
  • Ability to take instructions and to learn on the job;
  • Communication and advocacy skills;
  • Curiosity and desire to work a complex, international environment.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP, and partner organizations;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic qualifications:

Advanced university degree (Master's level) in International Relations, Law, Development or related field is required.


  • A minimum of 5 Years of relevant experience in areas of Rule of Law, Justice and Security and international relations is required;
  • Demonstrable experience working in the UN system, preferably UNDP, and familiarity with Peace Building, Crisis Prevention and Recovery issues is essential and required;
  • Experience of working in conflict settings is necessary and required;
  • Understanding of political economy, conflict analysis and relevant tools to assess crisis environments and institutional capacities is required;
  • Experience of working with or within UN Missions, DPA and DPKO is essential and required;
  • Experience in working with the Development Group and DOCO is required;
  • Knowledge of UNDP/UN regulations, rules, policies, procedures and practices is necessary and required;
  • Strong inter-personal skills and a demonstrated capacity to forge effective relations with colleagues and counterparts from different backgrounds is required; 
  • Proven ability to effectively function in a multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment is required;
  • Proven ability to deliver against hard deadlines under a lot of pressure in difficult settings is required.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English and French is required;

Application Procedure

The application package containing the following (to be uploaded as one file):

  • A cover letter with a brief description of why the Offer considers her/himself the most suitable for the assignment;
  • Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects and specifying the relevant assignment period (from/to), as well as the email and telephone contacts of at least three (3) professional references; and
  • A two-page methodology on how the Offeror will conduct the work including a Work Plan and approach in delivering the required outputs within the assignment period; and
  • Financial Proposal using template provided.

Note: The above documents need to be scanned in one file and uploaded to the online application as one document.

Shortlisted candidates (ONLY) will be requested to submit a Financial Proposal.

  • The financial proposal should specify an all-inclusive daily fee (based on a 7-hour working day - lunch time is not included - and estimated 21.75 days per month).
  • The financial proposal must be all-inclusive and take into account various expenses that will be incurred during the contract, including: the daily professional fee; (excluding mission travel); living allowances at the duty station; communications, utilities and consumables; life, health and any other insurance; risks and inconveniences related to work under hardship and hazardous conditions (e.g., personal security needs, etc.), when applicable; and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services under the contract.
  • In the case of unforeseeable travel requested by UNDP, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between UNDP and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.
  • If the Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.

The Financial Proposal is to be emailed as per the instruction in the separate email that will be sent to shortlisted candidates.

Evaluation process

Applicants are reviewed based on Required Skills and Experience stated above and based on the technical evaluation criteria outlined below.  Applicants will be evaluated based on cumulative scoring.  When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Being responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation where technical criteria weighs 70% and Financial criteria/ Proposal weighs 30%.

Technical evaluation - Total 70% (70 points):

  • Criteria 1. Demonstrable experience working in the UN system, preferably UNDP, and familiarity with Peace Building, Crisis Prevention and Recovery issues is required; Maximum Points: 10;
  • Criteria 2. Experience of working in conflict settings is required; Maximum Points: 10;
  • Criteria 3. Understanding of political economy, conflict analysis and relevant tools to assess crisis environments and institutional capacities is required; Maximum Points: 10;
  • Criteria 4. Experience of working with or within UN Missions is required, DPA and DPKO is required; Maximum Points: 15;
  • Criteria 5. Strong inter-personal skills and a demonstrated capacity to forge effective relations with colleagues and counterparts from different backgrounds is required; Maximum Points: 10;
  • Criteria 6. Proven ability to effectively function in a multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment is required; Maximum Points: 10;
  • Criteria 7. Proven ability to deliver against hard deadlines under a lot of pressure in difficult settings is required; Maximum Points: 5;

Candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% (49 points) of the maximum obtainable points for the technical criteria (70 points) shall be considered for the financial evaluation.


Financial evaluation - Total 30% (30 points)

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal:

p = y (µ/z), where

p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated

y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal

µ = price of the lowest priced proposal

z = price of the proposal being evaluated


Contract Award

Candidate obtaining the highest combined scores in the combined score of Technical and Financial evaluation will be considered technically qualified and will be offered to enter into contract with UNDP.


Institutional arrangement

The consultant will work under the guidance and direct supervision of the Rule of Law, Justice, Security and Human Rights Team Leader, the consultant shall provide a monthly update on progress made in terms of the above responsibilities. UNDP will provide office space, laptop, desk phone and access to internet and a printer during the assignment.

The Consultant will be responsible for providing her/his own laptop.

Payment modality

  • Payment to the Individual Contractor will be made based on the actual number of days worked, deliverables accepted and upon certification of satisfactory completion by the manager.
  • The work week will be based on 35 hours, i.e. on a 7-hour working day, with core hours being between 9h00 and 18h00 daily.

Annexes (click on the hyperlink to access the documents):

Annex 1 - UNDP P-11 Form for ICs

Annex 2 - IC Contract Template

Annex 3 – IC General Terms and Conditions

Annex 4 – RLA Template

Any request for clarification must be sent by email to cpu.bids@undp.org 

The UNDP Central Procurement Unit will respond by email and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all applicants.