
The President of the Republic of South Sudan declared a State of Emergency on 29 October 2019 covering 29 counties affected by flash floods in South Sudan. The floods resulted to substantial destruction of houses, road networks and destroyed the livelihoods of 10,892 households according to the results of the Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) conducted by South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) in collaboration with the State department for Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC).

Since July 2019, South Sudan has experienced unusually heavy rainfall and subsequent flooding, affecting an estimated 908,000 people, of whom 420,000 people are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. Flooding has affected the states of Jonglei, Upper Nile, Warrap, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Unity, Lakes, Central and Eastern Equatoria. About 103 000 hectare of cultivated land has been damaged with an estimated loss of 97 000 tonnes of grain, 42 nutrition service centers have suspended operation, and currently assessment indicate that about USD 61.5 million is required to respond. 

An estimated 46,000 people were displaced in Maiwut (33,000) and Tonj South (13,000). This aggravated the already dire situation in August when seasonal floods affected more than 364,600 people in different locations including more than 31,600 people in Akobo, Pibor and Uror counties in Jonglei, about 29,000 people in Aweil Centre County in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, about 4,000 people in Mayendit County in Unity and some 300,000 people in Gogrial West, Gogrial East and Tonj North counties in Warrap. The heavy rains destroyed shelters, crops, water sources, public infrastructure like schools and health facilities, increased the risk of water-borne diseases among communities, and rendered many roads impassable, constraining access to affected areas. (OCHA, 27 Sep 2019)[1]

Floods caused by torrential rains have worsened the living conditions of South Sudanese people in many parts of the country in the past few months. Some of the areas affected include Lafon, Torit and Kapoeta South counties in Eastern Equatoria; Ayod, Akobo, Bor South, Duk, Twic East, Pibor, Pochalla and Uror counties in Jonglei; Aweil Center and Aweil North in Northern Bahr el Ghazal; Abiemnhom, Mayom, Mayendit and Panyijiar in Unity; Maban in Upper Nile; and Gogrial East, Gogrial West and Tonj North in Warrap. (OCHA, 11 Oct 2019)[2]

According to UNHCR, unprecedented heavy flooding in South Sudan’s Maban County has affected nearly 200,000 people, including refugees and host population. (UNHCR, 18 Oct 2019)[3] Torrential rains have left wide swaths of Greater Jonglei devastated and its inhabitants displaced. With more precipitation on the forecasted horizon, there are fears that the situation may deteriorate further. Of the nearly one million people in South Sudan affected by the floods, UNICEF estimates that around 490,000 are children (UNMISS, 29 Oct 2019.)[4]

Following the declaration of the State of Emergency and given the huge challenges with regards to emergency coordination hampered by the absence of a National and State Contingency/Response Plans and of a coordination structure that is weak and with limited capacity, the Government of South Sudan through the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MHADM) requested for UNDP support on coordination, data/information management, recovery planning, and initial recovery interventions. The CO has already responded by giving intermittent technical support and by conducting a PDNA training that will be the basis for the development of the disaster recovery framework and plan. The CO is mobilizing on supporting the Government and partners on the other aspects needed to have a more coherent and coordinated response (and with a strong capacity development orientation) to the emergency situation.

Purpose of the consultancy

The Data Analysis and Early Warning Specialist is responsible for collecting, processing, storing, and analyzing data that will serve as the foundation for the eventual risk database of the Ministry and support the design and programming of risk management initiatives. He/she will lead on the development of early warning capability to include the conduct of capacity-building activities and the establishment a robust DRM database system using open source applications and the production of situational reports.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Key tasks

Working directly under the guidance and oversight of the Office of the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, the Data Analysis and Early Warning Specialist is expected to undertake the following:

  • Collect, organize, and preserve reports/data and other technical or scientific information relating to the PDNA, emergency floods or other disasters as agreed or directed by MHADM;
  • Generate and analyze field-level situation reports and other technical documents from assessed needs in disaster affected areas; 
  • Coordinate the timely and effective distribution of analyzed and actionable information with approval from MHADM;
  • Identify and install early warning predictive/modeling systems in the MHADM;
  • Conduct early warning modelling trainings for Government officials;
  • Provide relevant substantive inputs to knowledge management and networking, including responding to MHADM requests for information on best practice;
  • Provide inputs for the production and dissemination of reports on MHADM and UNCT activities on DRM, emergency response, and resilience;
  • Establish and maintain a database management system for the MHADM.


Key Competencies

  • Knowledge of latest tools and applications on early warning predictive modelling systems and database management;
  • Ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate information collection and monitor own work plan;
  • Ability to work, establish and maintain strategic partnerships with government institutions, donors, civil society partners and other UN agencies;
  • Excellent communication, writing skills, and analytical skills;
  • Good interpersonal skills and result oriented;
  • Ability to work under pressure.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communication Technology, Database Management, or related field.


  • At least 3 years relevant experience on the establishment and maintenance/operation of early warning modelling systems and database management systems;
  • Demonstrated experience in the collection, processing, and analysis of data/information, to include the production of situation reports, etc.;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages.


  • Proficiency in English is a must.