
The UNDP/GEF and Government of Uzbekistan project on “Market Transformation for Sustainable Rural Housing in Uzbekistan” seeks to transform the rapidly growing rural housing sector in Uzbekistan towards a more sustainable and low-carbon development pathway by designing, piloting and scaling-up a green mortgage market mechanism, which will boost the demand for low-carbon housing among the Uzbek rural population. The project objective is to provide Uzbekistan’s rural population with improved, affordable and environmentally friendly living conditions.

The project consists of four inter-linked outcomes. The first and principal outcome is the establishment of the green mortgage scheme to incentivize and eventually scale-up the demand for low-carbon housing. This outcome will be supported and enabled by three complementary outcomes related to strengthening domestic supply chain and capacities for construction of low-carbon housing (Outcome 2), introducing policies and regulations for low-carbon housing and settlements (Outcome 3) and raising public awareness about benefits and advantages of low-carbon housing (Outcome 4).

More information about the project is available through the following link:

Deberes y responsabilidades

Outputs and deliverables presumed under this assignment will be performed under overall supervision of the Project Manager, and the direct supervision of the Task Managers on Building Designs, Codes and Standards and Promotion of Low-Carbon Rural Housing and Settlements. The consultant will receive consultations from the project Chief Technical Advisor and work in close cooperation with the National Consultant as well as local/national government agencies.

It is expected that to implement the set tasks, an international consultant will be actively involved in its work with a respective national consultant, experts / specialists of the national design institute namely UzshakharsozlikLITI, as this institute is responsible and was contracted by the Ministry of Construction to re-work two existing spatial planning building codes: ShNK 1.03.02-04 and ShNK 2.07.01-03.

The International Consultant on spatial planning regulations, incorporation of sustainability, resilience measures and climate considerations will be responsible for the following project outputs and will undertake the following functions:


Activity 1 (remotely): Preliminary analysis and planning

  • Specify issues, set milestones, and establish a timetable for the work, prepare a work plan of activities, finalize and approve by the Project Manager;
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing national laws, regulations and empirical experience, familiarize with landscape, climate conditions, architecture, spatial planning specifics (mahallas, districts, etc.), land use by functions, historical and natural conditions in various regions that have led to the development of different kinds of settlements, spatial planning, regulatory documentation, etc. in Uzbekistan; This task is expected to be performed with the assistance of National Consultant on spatial planning who will be hired by project team to fully support an International Consultant on study, analysis and results/ recommendations presentation/ discussion. Moreover, while conducting a comprehansive analysis of regulative documentations both national and international consultants will cooperate with project team and deligated specialists from UzshaharsozlikLITI.
  • Analyze spatial planning concepts and principles that promote energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions, while considering the Uzbekistan context (e.g. compact urbanization, alignment between       development of settlements and infrastructure investments, transit oriented developments, ‘healthy’ and walkable cities/villages);
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of the international/ European norms/ standards, scientific studies/ articles on green infrastructure for urban/ rural settlements over the last 5-10 years, as well as approaches/ solutions on climate change considerations and energy efficiency to promote sustainable local development (SLD);
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of:
  • Principles/ guidelines applied for design/ development of connections (roads, cycling/ walk paths) to improve accessibility, ensure safety, reduce commute duration, thus a GHG impact of human settlements;
  • Urban/ rural planning standards based on the orientation, geometry, and spacing of buildings (Smart Codes);
  • Principles/ guidelines for design/ development/ improvement of water/ energy supply/ distribution systems, sewage, communication systems and all related infrastructure;
  • International requirements for the protection of landscapes and green spaces for urban/ rural settlements;
  • Identify, based on the relevant international research and studies, what are the main planning-related factors contributing to energy use in residential settlements, and how can these factors be influenced, and how does this translate to the situation in Uzbekistan? This will be used for deciding on which kind of measures likely have the largest impact and should thus be prioritized;
  • Analyze spatial planning concepts and principles that promote energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions, while considering the Uzbekistan context (e.g. compact urbanization, alignment between development of settlements and infrastructure investments, transit oriented developments, ‘healthy’ and walkable cities/ villages, etc.);
  • Analyze building codes ShNK 1.03.02-04 “Instruction on the composition, development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation on development planning and development of territories” and ShNK 2.07.01-03 "Planning for the development and building of territories of urban and rural settlements" for:
  • Content;
  • Coherence;
  • Convenience in navigation;
  • Limitations

and formulate suggestion for improvements of the building codes analyzed through

  • Participate in online meetings with the Project team, contracted National Consultant, and Uzshaharsozlik LITI specialists to collect/ exchange all required information and familiarize with architecture, spatial planning specifics (mahallas, districts, etc.), land use by functions, climate conditions, spatial planning and regulatory documentation, etc. in Uzbekistan. Identify issues and determine key indicators for the development of resource-efficient, climate-resilient, low-carbon, socially oriented and balanced living environment in rural settlements, discuss results and findings.


Activity 2 (remotely): Development of amendments, additions and recommendations

  • Based on the preliminary analysis results, develop recommendations on the improvement of energy efficiency requirements of ShNK 1.03.02-04 “Instruction on the composition, development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation on development planning and development of territories” and ShNK 2.07.01-03 "Planning for the development and building of territories of urban and rural settlements", and formulate suggestions for improvements on their content, coherence, convenience in navigation and to eliminate limitations (if any);
  • Provide estimates on the potential GHG emission reductions’ impact that can result from the recommended amendments and additions to the reviewed building codes (ShNKs);

Activity 3. Preparations for mission to Uzbekistan and round table

  • Contribute to preparations for conducting a roundtable (will be arranged by the Project team) focused on preliminary analysis results and draft recommendations, including definition of topics to be discussed, development of the roundtable agenda, ppt presentation, and identification of the roundtable participants;
  • Prepare a report (up to 30 pages without annexes) on the preliminary analysis results and draft recommendations on energy efficiency requirements and content improvements of the building codes (ShNKs) under consideration that are proposed for discussion with the practicing architects/ designers/ engineers within the roundtable, and submit the report for consideration by the Project team and Environment and Climate Action (ECA) Cluster, UNDP Country Office;

Activity 4: Mission to Uzbekistan (if COVID situation allows):

  • Conduct at least 5 (working) day mission to Uzbekistan, if COVID situation allows;
  • Exchange and discuss (in person, if mission is possible, or online on ZOOM platform) the preliminary analysis results and draft recommendations with the UzshaharsozlikLITI specialists and receive their feedback;
  • Participate and discuss (in person, if mission is possible, or online on ZOOM platform) the preliminary analysis results and draft recommendations at a round table with practicing architects/ designers/ engineers, dedicated government agencies and other responsible bodies, collect and analyze the feedback received from participants, and provide corresponding proposals on the required amendments and additions to improve the building codes analyzed;
  • Present (in person, if mission is possible, or online on ZOOM platform), with assistance of a National Consultant, Project team and Uzshaharsozlik LITI specialists , the preliminary recommendations on the building codes (ShNKs) improvements based on roundtable feedback analysis results and with an estimate of the potential GHG impact of recommended amendments and additions to reviewed building codes (ShNKs) to the representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Energy and State Committee for Ecology and Environment Protection within a meeting will be organized by the Project team to discussion and collect their feedback

Activity 4 (remotely): Development of the assignment reporting:

  • Based on the roundtable outputs and the feedback received from the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy to presented preliminary recommendations on the building codes (ShNKs) improvement, review/ improve recommendations and develop proposals on the following:
  • Establishing or strengthening, if it already exists, a legal, enforcement, monitoring and evaluation framework for ensuring comprehensive implementation of adopted master plans of cities and settlements in line with the corresponding spatial planning practices applied through efficient coordination and close collaboration of the responsible government agencies/ authorities (regional/ municipal/ central, including the State Committee for Cadaster, etc.) with the specialists/ developers of master plans;
  • Establishing or strengthening, if it already exists, a legal, enforcement, monitoring and evaluation framework, which promotes and obliges investors, developers, architects, and designers to implement an innovative, energy-efficient urban/ rural development;
  • Design/ development of connections (roads, cycling/ walk paths, etc.) to improve accessibility, ensure safety, reduce commute duration, and reduce the associated carbon footprint of human settlements;
  • Design/ development/ improvement of water/ energy supply and distribution systems, sewage systems and all related infrastructure;
  • Protection and conservation of urban/ rural public green spaces and their further dynamic development (sports, playgrounds, recreation and park areas, green belts, canals, water reservoirs, etc.);
  • Develop a policy paper with addressing the extent appropriate the feedback and submit it to the Project team and Environment and Climate Action (ECA) Cluster, UNDP Country Office.



  1. Work plan (aligned with the work plan of the National Consultant) of activities submitted to, and cleared by dedicated Task Managers, and approved by Project Manager;
  2. Report on preliminary analysis results and draft recommendations, and thematic inputs to a roundtable discussion developed, submitted to, cleared by dedicated Task Managers, and approved by Project Manager;
  3. Draft report with preliminary recommendations on building codes (ShNKs) improvement based on roundtable feedback analysis results and with an estimate of the potential GHG impact of recommended amendments and additions to the analyzed building codes developed, submitted to, cleared by dedicated Task Managers, and approved by Project Manager;
  4. Policy paper based on roundtable feedback analysis results, feedback received from the Ministries with an estimate of the potential GHG impact of recommended amendments and additions to the analyzed building codes developed, submitted to, cleared by dedicated Task Managers and approved by Project Manager.


Location of work

The assignment will be based on Home-based desk work and one mission to Uzbekistan, Tashkent for 5 w/d to conduct round table events and meetings with national partners. 


  • Strong analytical skills, result-orientation;
  • Ability to perform under tight deadlines and timely delivery of good quality products;
  • Ability to work in a multinational environment and establish good personal contacts;
  • Ability to use information and communication technology as a tool and resource;
  • Knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems;
  • Understanding of local conditions and ability to work with local professionals

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


A University degree (at minimum, a Master’s degree or equivalent, Ph.D. is desired) in civil engineering, spatial planning, urban planning, energy engineering, energy efficiency, or related fields; 



At least five (5) years of progressively responsible working experience in the development of building codes and/ or urban planning standards;

Professional knowledge, a good understanding of urban/rural planning, energy efficiency in cities and settlements, green infrastructure, sustainable transportation, and population mobility;

Sound knowledge of international best practices for the development of sustainable, energy-efficient cities/ settlements;

Proven experience in conducting high-level consultations and reporting skills;

Proven working experience in the relevant field in Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Central Asia countries;

Proven working experience with international development organizations in promoting energy efficiency and sustainable "green" city development practices is an asset

Proven working experience in Uzbekistan will be considered a competitive advantage


Language Requirements: 

Proficiency in written and spoken English or Russian is required



Application process: To submit your application online, please follow the steps below:

  • Download and complete the Offeror's letter. (all docs can be downloaded
  • Merge your P11, Proposals and other relevant documents into a single file.
  • Click on the Job Title.
  • Click the “Apply Now” button, fill in the necessary information on the first page, and click “Submit Application”.
  • Upload your application.


Application Process:

Interested candidates need to apply online at and upload requested documents in Part 4 of the Procurement Notice no later than September - 21, 2022 (New York time). Please combine all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows you to upload a maximum of one document. Your online application submission will be acknowledged to your email address provided in the application. If you do not receive an email acknowledgment within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary. Link to the application at the UNDP Job Site - (cut and paste into the browser address bar if the link does not work).

You can review detailed Procurement Notice, Terms of Reference, and download templates from the UNDP Procurement Notices Site following the link:  (cut and paste into the browser address bar if the link does not work).

Applications submitted via email, incomplete applications, or received after the closing date (September - 21, 2022) may not be given consideration.

For more detailed information about UNDP Uzbekistan please visit our website at UNDP is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates, people with disabilities, and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. UNDP Balance in Manage Policy promotes the achievement of gender balance among its staff at all levels. Requests for clarification must be sent in writing to, ensuring that the reference number above is included in the subject line. UNDP shall endeavor to provide such responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of UNDP to extend the submission date of the Proposals unless UNDP deems that such an extension is justified and necessary.