
UNDP is implementing a five-year GEF funded project “Adapting to climate change induced coastal risk management in Sierra Leone” with the aim to strengthening the ability of coastal communities to systemically manage climate change risks and impacts on physical infrastructures and economic livelihoods.

The coastal zone of Sierra Leone is highly vulnerable to the increased frequency and severity of coastal erosion, flooding and storm surges which severely impact social wellbeing (health), livelihood security (and water resources) and major economic sectors such as fishing, tourism, water resources and agriculture. Coastal communities are already experiencing considerable repercussions of these impacts, notably on their livelihoods with reduced fishing productivity, ecosystem degradation and low farming outputs. The lack of data collection, fundamentally caused by a lack of policy direction, exacerbated by limited resources and human resources development (capacity) has undoubtedly affected the country’s tourism potential particularly in light of the recent phenomena of sargassum/seaweed “blooms” that are washing up on the nations beaches.

The project focuses on three thematic components.

  • Component 1: Generating sound scientific knowledge and access to information;
  • Component 2: Climate information internalized into coastal development policy and plans;
  • Component 3: Awareness and alternative, innovative activities to support adaptation in the coastal zone.

Through these components, the project will work towards the removal of those policies and any

informational barriers that are preventing Sierra Leone from systematically managing coastal risks. This will contribute to the vulnerability reduction of both coastal communities and ecosystems and strengthened institutional capacity and adaptation planning.

In light of the above, UNDP Coastal Risks Management Project seeks to recruit a national consultant in waste management and recycling techniques  and fabrication of waste management start-up kits to support youth groups with alternative livelihoods. The project intends to support The National Tourism Board on youth empowerment focusing on improved methods of waste management in targeted coastal areas as well as promote a waste mitigation and “clean up” policy and innovative responsive strategy for beach protection against solid waste including the general clearing up of beaches. The project shall also identify (where possible) the alternative utilization of debris found along currently polluted beaches. A key focus is placed on the role of youth including women as agents for the improvement of waste management techniques and creation of alternative livelihoods through waste collection, waste recycling and reuse.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Objective of the consultancy

The Individual Consultancy is designed to work with targeted coastal communities (specifically youth along the two targeted project locations; Shenge and Turtle Island) to establish pilot activities towards improvement of waste management techniques through waste collection, recycling and reuse as means of alternative livelihoods

Assigned Tasks

The focus of this consultancy is therefore as follows:

  1. Identify women’s and youth groups to be financially rewarded through waste collection, recycling and reuse as possible alternative livelihood support
  2. Work with target coastal communities (Shenge and Turtle Island) specifically with women and men youth along the coastal areas to establish pilot activities towards improvement of waste management techniques and provide support on the recycling equipment (start-up kits) to project beneficiaries.
  3. Develop business plan with the targeted groups on the different innovative opportunities on waste collection, recycling, and reuse techniques.



  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by modelling the UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of the UN and UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Client Orientation and Communication

  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations
  • Supports and encourages open communication and responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and to communicate sensitively across different constituencies and awareness of political sensitivities
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Deliverables and payment modalities

Deliverables                                                                              Estimated Completion Date              Related payments

Report 1: An Inception report developed and                                    2 weeks                                             20%

approved by UNDP detailing work plan and

methodology of the implementation modality.


Report 2: Training report produced and approved                            6 weeks                                              30%

by UNDP on women and youth groups trained in

waste management techniques

(collection, recycling and reuse)


Report 3: Report produced and approved by                                       10 weeks                                           30%

UNDP on waste management start-up kits

provided to women and youth groups that

have been trained


Report 4: Business plans for targeted groups                                        2 weeks                                             20%

submitted and approved by UNDP


The national consultant will report directly to the Team Lead, SLED cluster and the project Manager for the UNDP coastal project and liaise with the General Manager, National Tourist Board (NTB). He/she is expected to work hand in hand with the Responsible Parties, NTB in executing his/her responsibilities. The national consultant is expected to:

  • Report primarily to the UNDP SLED Team Lead and an appointed officer from NTB
  • Co-ordinate with other team members, government counterparts and UNDP officials as required on all the technical requirements.
  • Provide any other supports to the functions and quality assurance of the final documents produced


The duration of the consultancy service will be 12 weeks effective from the date of signature of the contract


Educational background: The successful candidate will have an academic and professional background in community based environmental management, solid waste management and current innovative research relating to waste recycling in developing nations and (if possible).

The following attributes are essential:

  • At least 10 years of technical experience in waste management and recycling related projects especially in coastal areas.
  • Relevant experience in designing pilot waste management strategies that are linked to rural coastal areas. 

Desirable criteria include:

  • Relevant work experience related to waste management and/or beach cleaning strategies and/or waste management projects in West Africa and in Sierra Leone in particular.

Flexibility and ability to operate in different cultural settings and with a variety of stakeholders; culturally and gender sensitive.

Language Requirements:

Fluency in English both written and oral

Evaluation Criteria:

Technical Competence (based on CV and technical proposal)                                                                 Weight 70%                        Max. Point 700

Academic qualification: 10%     100points

Diploma/Certificate in Waste Management or related field of studies                                                              5%                                         50

7 years of provisional experience perfuming similar assiment5                                                                      5%                                          50

Methodology: 40% 400points

A well develop approach to the assignment explaining among other                                                             30%                                         300

things methodology to the assignment suitable to the required ToRs


A well develop work plan relating to the scope of the ToRs included                                                               10%                                        100

as per of the technical proposal.        

Proven Previous Experience: 25% 250points

Previous working experience in UN/Government/INGO indicating                                                                  25%                                         250

similar assignment with updated CV submitted as an attachment to the technical proposal.                           


Financial (Lower Offer/Offer*100)

Financial Evaluation (Total 30 Points)   30% 300points                                                                              30%                                          300

Financial proposal in spread indicating all costs related to the proposal              

Total Score       Technical Score *70% + Financial Score *30%


Application Procedure

Qualified and experienced national consultant in waste management and recycling techniques are hereby invited to apply.

Recommended Presentation of Offer

  1. CV and a Personal History Form (P11 form);
  2. Brief description of approach to work/technical proposal of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a proposed methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment; (max 1 page)

Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price and all other travel related costs (such as flight ticket, per diem, etc), supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template attached to the Letter of Confirmation of Interest template