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UNDP Indonesia has established an Innovative Financing Lab (IFL) in 2018 that operates as a collaborative space for public and private partners and other interested stakeholders with the objective to develop solutions for financing the SDGs and leverage new resources flows for sustainable development. The Lab focuses on six interrelated clusters, namely Faith Based Finance, Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), Climate Finance, SDG Aligned Debt & Loan, Impact Investing and Youth Entrepreneurship. As part of the commitment, currently, UNDP – IFL is implementing the UN Joint Programme (JP) “Accelerating SDGs Investments in Indonesia (ASSIST)”. ASSIST JP brings four UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF, and UNIDO) together to support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to meet its SDG targets. This support will be delivered by (1) taking proven and new financing instruments to scale through the provision of pre- and post-transactions technical assistance for three financing instruments: thematic bonds, blended finance instrument, and SDG-linked loans, and (2) providing capacity building to relevant stakeholders (e.g. GoI, SubNational Governments (SNGs), Financial Institutions, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to improve institutional capacities to access and utilize finance towards the achievement of the SDGs. ASSIST JP has a Gender and Human Rights Plan as mentioned in the Project Document. Additionally, the JP is assigned a Gender Equality Marker score of 2, which means that the programme has a gender-responsive result whereby the result addresses gender equality as a significant objective, differential needs or roles of men or women and equitable distribution of benefits, resources, status and rights. The JP aims to mainstream gender lens across its outputs and outcomes, including prioritizing beneficiaries that are women-owned/led SMEs and start-ups. Though women own almost half of all SMEs in Indonesia, these are often focused on less capitalintensive sectors, and women in business face discrimination in various aspects, hindering their ability to grow their businesses. A condensed gender-inclusive intervention of the JP will strive to address the relevant challenges faced by women in SMEs and start-ups through several key targets. Related to the above illustration, the JP has developed a Gender Concept Note to integrate gender aspect within activities in each component which consist of objectives to identify gender mainstreaming gaps in ongoing programme and approaches to improve gender equality and women’s empowerment through innovative finance instruments, such as prioritize financing allocation to human rights and gender equality, improving access to financial services for women MSMEs etc. The Project Management Unit (PMU) of ASSIST JP is hosted at UNDP’s Innovative Financing Lab, UNDP Country Office Indonesia and is led by a National Project Manager (NPM), supported by a Chief Technical Expert and Technical Coordinators from each component. The Gender Expert/Advisor position is established to strengthen the Gender Concept Note and provide further recommendations. Additionally, the Gender Expert Advisor will also be supporting the PMU specifically to ensure the effective and efficient integration of all gender-related aspects within the JP, with the primary objective of developing a gender action plan relevant to the JP’s activities.
Deberes y responsabilidades
Scope of Works:
The ASSIST JP Gender Expert/Advisor is expected to engage in the following activities in completing the assignment:
? Conduct a Gender Focussed Analysis and assessment for the ASSIST JP which covers gender equality and women’s empowerment issues related to each of the component activities of the JP: (1) Thematic Bond Issuance; (2) SDG-linked loans; and (3) Indonesia Impact Fund. The analysis should cover the planning and activities of the JP, including relevant to Indonesia context that influences the JP’s design and implementation, to better understand the current gaps and needs.
? Based on the findings from the Gender Focussed Analysis of the ASSIST JP and the Gender Concept Note developed by ASSIST JP the Gender Expert/Advisor is expected to develop a comprehensive Gender Action Plan Report that is effective and efficient in integrating all gender-related aspects within the JP. The Gender Action Plan should cover (but not limited to) the following:
o Mainstreaming the gender equality in the existing project framework (outputs, indicators, baseline and targets) as well as general project strategy and approach;
o Include Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan and activities, methodology and means of verification for the JP that encompasses regular monitoring of gender marker including gender mainstreaming activities (challenges and best practices) as well as captures different results by gender;
o Ensure disaggregated data by sex and age is reported;
o Gender-specific ex-post questions against ex-ante activities to help explain variance, if any;
o Incorporating a gender lens perspective in the analysis and reporting process;
o Provide inputs to maximise budget allocation directly contributing to gender equality results;
o Recommendations in engaging with the JP’s stakeholders in the implementation of activities, including identification of potential partners (e.g Women Rights Organization) that can be engaged and how they can be engaged.
o Gender capacity building needs for staff and implementers of ASSIST JP
? Taking part as a facilitator/resource person in an orientation workshop for the ASSIST JP personnel on the Final Gender Action Plan to familiarise ASSIST JP personnel on the Gender Marker, monitoring and analysis of indicators for Gender Marker reporting, and the Gender Action Plan.
? Facilitate in any of the JP’s discussions to collect input and propose recommendation on mainstreaming the gender aspect to the activities
? Conduct a desktop analysis on ASSIST JP activities through the relevant project documents and Gender Concept as well as relevant external document to capture and analyse the gender gaps in each of the component activities, including the financing instruments being promoted by the JP
? Conduct interviews and/or discussions within the ASSIST JP to understand better on the objective, targets and activities of the programme as well as to identify the current gaps and needs on the gender component
? Develop a draft report on the thorough analysis of gender gap and propose recommendations on the Gender Action Plan for ASSIST JP
? Conduct consultation on the draft of Gender Action Plan through an orientation session with ASSIST JP personnel and relevant stakeholder, as well as in assisting/mentoring the JP to prepare the implementation of the Gender Action Plan
? Update and refine the ASSIST JP Gender Action Plan based on inputs from the consultation with relevant stakeholders
Design Data Collection Approach and Conduct Research:
? Design an initial and agreed gender-sensitive data collection approach and research methodology which can be in form of interviews and/or focus group discussions.
? Improve the proposed approach including the timeline, informed consent, methodology, compiled list of respondents and questions based on the provided inputs and recommendation.
? Conduct data collection in form of interviews and/or focus group discussions after agreed designed data collection approach
Analysis and Development of Results Report:
? Develop a thorough analysis of the gender component in ASSIST JP for the report including but not limited to: a gap analysis; identifying opportunities to incorporate gender mainstreaming in the JP; and developing a Gender Action Plan for each of the JP’s outcome.
Competencies and special skills requirement:
? Strong project management (planning, organization, and implementation) and partnership skills
? Strong analytical and excellent report writing with proven reference to any gender-related reports/documents produced. References need to be submitted together with the application.
? Good communication skills and fluency both in English and Bahasa
? Ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision and on-distance
? Ability to work independently and excellence in teamwork.
? Strong motivation & ability to work & deliver under short deadlines.
? Strong computer literacy and proficiency in MS office.
? Demonstrates commitment to the UN’s mission, vision and values.
? Innovative forward thinking, good coordination and organizational skills.
? Participate effectively in team-based, information sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
Academic Qualifications:
? Bachelor or Master degree in gender studies, social science, law, business administration, economics, population studies or related discipline would be preferrable, but it is not mandatory.
Years of experience:
? At least 10 years of experience for Bachelor Degree and 8 years of experience for Master Degree with the programmes which had gender equality, women’s empowerment results or had integrated gender equality and women’s empowerment in the programme/project design and other results-based management (RBM) frameworks (preferable).
? Experience in developing gender action plans at the project level (experience in UNDP projects would be an advantage).
? Experience in engaging with various stakeholders (i.e government, private sector, CSO, association, etc) related to gender assignment.