Organizational Context
Transparency, mutual accountability, and national ownership of development cooperation have become increasingly important in international development. UNDP currently holds key roles in the Secretariats of both the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation and the International Aid Transparency Initiative, enabling the organisation to contribute at all levels to policy discussions in this field. With its unique structure and broad reach across 177 countries UNDP is well placed to respond fully to the high standards of transparency demanded by programme countries and donors alike and to support programme country governments through promoting timely access to comprehensive information on development cooperation flows.
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) was launched at the Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (2008), and seeks to address the current challenges facing a range of development stakeholders (donors, programme country governments, emerging economies, private sector, foundations, civil society, academia) in the sharing and use of information on development cooperation. Since September 2013 UNDP has co-hosted the IATI Secretariat together with UNOPS, the governments of Ghana and Sweden, and Development Initiatives for a three year period.
2015 is a critical year for IATI. IATI is accelerating support to its members and publishers in meeting their Busan commitments on transparency to “implement a common, open standard for electronic publication of timely, comprehensive and forward-looking information on resources provided through development co-operation.” IATI has also achieved critical mass of publishers reporting their information to the IATI standards. IATI, through UNDP, will build upon its support to partner countries to ensure that available information on development cooperation can be used as part of their budget cycles. IATI also has a great potential to contribute to ongoing global processes and discussions on post-2015. Building on the outcome of the first evaluation of IATI (due to be completed by the end of the first quarter) IATI must itself prepare for changes in priority in the future.
UNDP is seeking to recruit a staff member to work full-time leading the IATI Secretariat. Under the supervision of the Global Policy Advisor, Effective Development Cooperation in BPPS/DIG, the staff member will coordinate the day to day work of the IATI Secretariat and manage the IATI Secretariat project within UNDP. In addition, he/she will provide policy advice on aid coordination, aid information management and the effective use of IATI data in country systems.
Deberes y responsabilidades
Functions / Key Results Expected
Summary of key functions:
- Provision of policy advice to IATI governing bodies;
- Ensure effective management of the IATI Secretariat workplan and programme focusing on quality control throughout the full cycle of programming;
- Establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships and resource mobilization for IATI;
- Advocating on behalf of IATI and transparency within the UN System and in global fora.
- Providing policy advice on aid coordination and the establishment of AIMS.
Provide policy advice to IATI governing bodies:
- As the Coordinator of the IATI Secretariat, meet management responsibilities for the strengthening of IATI and its governing bodies;
- Provide advisory support to IATI Steering Committee Chair and Vice Chair as they lead the IATI governing bodies, including regularly providing updates on workplan implementation as well as strategic briefs to support their decision-making and their participation in high level external meetings representing IATI; Working closely with the Chair in developing agendas and papers for Steering Committee meetings;
- Ensure regular liaison with IATI Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Group, sub-groups and ad hoc working groups, providing regular narrative reports to and from these bodies on IATI-related activities;
- Develop agendas and lead preparation of all substantive papers for Steering Committee meetings;
- Provide policy and technical inputs to the development of the IATI standard and the common standard, working closely with other technical and research partners, and ensuring that programme country stakeholders are informed of developments and are provided with the opportunity to contribute.
Ensure effective management of the IATI Secretariat workplan and programme focusing on quality control throughout the full cycle of programming:
- Lead strategic discussions within the IATI Secretariat for effective implementation of the IATI workplan, regularly liaising with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Steering Committee to seek their inputs;
- Coordinate the work of the IATI Secretariat, managing its day-to-day;
- functions including planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring of the IATI programme, tracking use of resources in accordance with the approved IATI work plan and with UNDP rules and regulations;
- Develop and implement an M&E plan for the IATI joint programme;
- Ensure effective application of RBM tools, establishment of management targets and monitoring and achievement of results;
- Guide the work of the Secretariat in preparation for international events and conferences on transparency;
- Oversee UNDP’s work on communication and partner country outreach including production of IATI’s Annual Report.
Facilitate and maintain strategic partnerships and resource mobilization:
- Develop partnerships for achieving effective resource mobilization to achieve programme outcomes;
- Prepare briefings on possible areas of cooperation and identification of opportunities for cost-sharing;
- Identify strategic and innovative areas of cooperation with interested development partners in supporting development effectiveness.
- Identify gaps in the programme, additional needs and unfunded potential for sustained engagement, and work with partners to mobilise resources accordingly;
- Network to build working relations with Government, UN and donor partners in support of the programme.
Advocacy on the subject of transparency within global processes and fora including DCF, Global Partnership, and post-2015 discussions such as on Financing for Development:
- Produce or contribute to the preparation of high quality policy briefs and papers on IATI as required;
- Support development of advocacy materials for use by IATI Secretariat and UNDP Senior Managers to support global processes and policy discourse;
- Liaise with the UN System’s IATI implementation efforts and support stronger visibility of IATI in the UN processes;
- Lead IATI in ongoing discussions with OECD-DAC and the Working Party on Statistics around the Busan common standard;
Enhance country programmes’ aid coordination capacities including through policy advice on Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS):
- Provide policy and programme advice to national governments seeking to strengthen capacity and systems for aid coordination;
- Provide technical and policy advice to programme countries seeking to establish or strengthen an Aid Information Management System (AIMS);
- Provide technical and policy advice to link AIMS to national planning, programming and budgeting processes;
- Work with AIMS providers and partner countries towards achieving IATI compliance for existing and new AIMS, including through automatic data exchange between IATI and AIMS at country level;
- Support national governments in their negotiations with AIMS providers and ensure effective management/implementation of the Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) for AIMS, including monitoring and reporting on the use of LTAs and
- its impacts;
- Contribute to global policy advocacy and knowledge products on effective development cooperation.
Impact of Results
The results will impact on the overall performance of the International Aid Transparency Initiative, ensuring support programme country consultation and engagement in ongoing design of the IATI standard as well as in its implementation and utilisation at the country level. They also help to strengthen UNDP’s image and position as a trusted capacity development partner for both governments and development partners.
Corporate competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling the UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly, without favoritism.
Management and Leadership:
- Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Leads team effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Demonstrates strong management and networking skills in order to build strong relationships with clients and external actors;
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Technical/Functional Skills:
- Demonstrates the capacity to plan, prioritise and deliver tasks on time to meet goals in a highly pressurised environment;
- Proven skills to work in a team and communicate in a multicultural environment, and ability to respond flexibly to country needs and generate innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;
- Excellent communication, negotiation, analytical and organisational skills;
Relationship Management:
- Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Networking skills to engage with key partners and institutions working on development, with strong advocacy skills to manage a partnership platform;
- Demonstrated ability to engage well in cross-sector and matrixed teams.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
- Masters degree or equivalent in development, public administration, law, or development-related studies.
- 7 years recent experience in the field of development cooperation, finance or public administration, including experience at the programme country level;
- Experience effectively managing a geographically dispersed team;
- Demonstrated track record in providing advisory and technical support in the areas of aid;
- information management systems and their role in aid coordination;
- Prior experience with UN/UNDP agencies or other international organizations, and relevant experience in developing countries will be an asset.
- Fluency in English and another UN language.
UNDP especially encourages women to apply and values geographical diversity in its workforce.
Due to the large number of applicants for UNDP positions, UNDP regrets that it is unable to inform unsuccessful candidates about the outcome or status of the recruitment process.