
The purpose of the consultancy is to enhance transparency, accountability and effectiveness in budget management of target Local Governments (LGs), to be quantified by better assessment scores against the relevant Performance Management Analysis (PMA) results. For the purposes of this assignment, a National Consultant for Local Governments Budget and Finance (hereafter the Consultant) will be contracted.

The overall objective of the consultancy is to conduct an assessment and mapping of the current state of affairs in 18 target LGs,   followed by design and delivery of tailored training program and on-site and/or on-line technical assistance, including development of relevant guides.

Background Information
Financed by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Municipal Environmental and Economic Governance (MEG) Project is a 12-year intervention in the domain of local governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Project’s overall goal is defined as follows: Local governments, assigned with appropriate competences and finances, have improved their democratic governance, apply sound public policy and performance management systems, and provide public services in an inclusive, effective and efficient manner, particularly those related to economic and environmental sectors.

The expected concrete improvements the Project will contribute to are clustered in three outcomes, as follows:

  • Outcome 1: Supported local governments apply effective development management systems characterized by stronger oversight of the legislative and greater accountability towards the citizens;
  • Outcome 2: Citizens and businesses in target localities benefit from good quality services provided by LGs in the economic and environmental sectors;
  • Outcome 3: Improved regulatory framework at higher and local government levels.

The Project’s territorial focus is on the North-West part of the country (including Una-Sana Canton and Prijedor region) and the North-East region (the wider Doboj-Tuzla area), covering 18 partner local governments: Bihac, Bosanska Krupa, Cazin, Doboj, Gracanica, Gradacac, Gradiška, Kalesija, Kostajnica, Kozarska Dubica, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Sanski Most, Tešanj, Teslic, Tuzla, Velika Kladuša and Žepce.
The Project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), the FBiH Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, the Ministry for Administration and Local Self-Government of Republika Srpska (RS), the RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and both entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities (AMCs).
This activity will take place within the local government component of the Project, which aims to achieve significant improvements in the performance of partner LGs in the budget management across the MEG community


Deberes y responsabilidades

The Consultant will be responsible for preparing a questionnaire, aimed at assessing the interest and motivation of 18 partner LGs’ in designing and dissemination of Budget for Citizens and introduction of the Performance-based Budgeting, with Gender perspective.
The Consultant will then be tasked to prepare a report on the relevant assessment findings and a proposal for all appropriate LGs regarding the implementation of both budget for citizens and performance-based budgeting, against clear pre-defined criteria.
Finally, the Consultant will develop training programs, deliver the training, and continuously provide technical assistance to selected partner municipalities in the process of development of required outputs. Concretely, s/he will ensure that the introduction of Budget for Citizens in all 18 partner LGs  and performance-based budgeting  (in two yet-to-be selected LGs, and two to-be selected areas such as NGOs, Sport, Culture, Agriculture, etc.) is completed.

Methodological Considerations

Consulting with the Project Team, the Consultant is expected to develop: LG assessment questionnaires, complete relevant LG assessments, prepare reports on findings and recommendations, perform assessment of the budget management legal framework and tools used in practice in both entities, prepare relevant report, develop relevant training modules, and provide referenced training assistance and guides to selected partner LGs.
Once the LG assessments and relevant reports for both major tasks are finalised, based on that input the Project Team will decide on the selection of the LG partners for both major tasks. Both training modules must take into consideration relevant findings and recommendations of assessments and need to be vetted by the Project Team. It is expected that no single training event will take more than one (1) day to deliver.

Specifically, the Consultant will perform the below described tasks, in line with the indicative timeline and level of effort.

  • Task 1 – Preparation of the Questionnaire

The Consultant will prepare a questionnaire to assess partner LGs’ interest and motivation in:
a) design and dissemination of Budget for Citizens.
b) introduction of the Performance-based Budgeting with Gender Perspective.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by 15 April 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 2 expert days.

  • Task 2 – Preparation of Assessment Reports

The Consultant will prepare reports on the relevant assessment findings and proposal of all suitable LG for the implementation of both activities (listed under a) and b) of Task 1), against clear pre-defined criteria.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by 30 April 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 3 expert days.

  • Task 3 – Development of the Training Module - Budget for Citizens

The Consultant will develop the training module for introduction of the Budget for Citizens and share it with the Project team for approval and potential corrections.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by 5 May 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 3 expert days.

  • Task 4 – Technical Assistance - Budget for Citizens

The Consultant will provide technical assistance to LGs interested in the preparation and development of the Budget for Citizens through:
i. Organization and delivery of at least four (4) training sessions – two (2) consecutive sessions in Doboj for partner LGs from NE Cluster, and two (2) consecutive sessions in Bihac for partner LGs from the NW Cluster.
ii. Provision of the necessary one-to-one on-line follow-up assistance after each session, and continuous on-line technical assistance until the final products are accepted by the selected LGs and the MEG project.
iii. Provision of the relevant guidance in the process of Budgets for Citizens design finalization.
iv. Provision of technical assistance to selected LGs, containing a written instruction on further steps, dissemination, and promotion of the product.
It is envisaged that task will be delivered by 15 July 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 32 expert days.

  • Task 5 – Report on the current state of Performance-based Budgeting

The Consultant will complete an assessment of the legal framework, current practices, relevant instructions, and legally prescribed tools for LGs in both entities, or if absent, what is being applied in practice at relevant higher levels of government. Based on this, the Consultant will prepare an assessment report with focus on findings and recommendations for introducing the Performance-based budgeting.
It is envisaged that task will be delivered by 1 June 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 9 expert days.

  • Task 6 – Development of Methodology for Performance-based Budgeting

The Consultant will develop a methodology for proper, sustainable introduction of the Performance-based budgeting with gender perspective (with assistance of a Gender Consultant), which is in line with legal requirements and expectations from higher government levels. The Methodology will include relevant tools and tables to be used in the process.
It is envisaged that task will be delivered by 15 July 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 10 expert days.

  • Task 7 – Technical Assistance on Performance-based Budgeting

The Consultant will provide technical assistance to, not more than two (2) interested  LGs in introduction of the Performance-based Budgeting with Gender Perspective in two areas under the LG’s responsibility (NGOs, sports, culture, etc.) through:
i. Organization and delivery of at least three (3) training sessions in each selected LG.
ii. Provision of necessary follow-up and continuous on-line assistance until the relevant performance- based budget is integrated in the draft budget proposal for 2019.
iii. Facilitation of the performance-based budget integration and acceptance process within the LG, and facilitation of it’s promotion on the web.
iv. Development of the practical guidebook for the introduction of the Performance Based Budgeting with Gender Perspective for LG practitioners - based on the experiences collected during the piloting process.
It is envisaged that the task will be delivered by 20 December 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 19 expert days.

  • Task 8 – Facilitation of LG Budget Debate

The Consultant will assist Citizen Participation Consultant in facilitation and/or organisation of budget hearing in line with the policy-making cycle in MEG partner LGs.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by 30 November 2018, and the level of effort will not exceed 5 expert days.

Deliverables and timelines
The Consultant is responsible for the following deliverables:

Deliverables (outputs) Deadline

Task 1 – Preparation of the Questionnaire

  • Prepared a two-fold questionnaire for assessment of partner LGs’ interest and motivation in:

a) design and dissemination of Budget for Citizens.
b) introduction of the Performance Based Budgeting with Gender Perspective 15 April 2018, (2 expert days)

Task 2 – Preparation of Assessment Reports

  • Prepared comprehensive reports on the relevant assessment findings.  30 April 2018, (3 expert days)

Task 3 – Development of the Training Module -Budget for Citizens

  • Developed training module for introduction of the Budget for Citizens and approved by MEG project team. 5 May 2018, (3 expert days)

Task 4 – Technical Assistance - Budget for Citizens

  • Provided technical assistance to interested selected LGs in the preparation and development of the Budget for Citizens, more specifically:

i. Organised and delivered four training sessions i.e. two in Doboj and two in Tuzla, 20 June 2018, (4 expert days)
ii. Provided necessary one-to-one on-line follow-up assistance and continuous on-line technical assistance until the final products were accepted by the selected LGs and the MEG project, 15 July 2018, (18 expert days)
iii. Provided relevant guidance in the process of Budgets for Citizens design and finalization, 15 July 2018, (5 expert days)
iv. Provided technical assistance and written instruction on further steps, dissemination, and promotion of the product, 15 July 2018, (5 expert days)

Task 5 – Report on the current state of Performance-based Budgeting

  • Submitted report on assessment of legal framework, current practices, relevant instructions, and tools legally prescribed for the LGs in both entities, or if absent, being applied in practice at relevant higher levels of government;
  • Report approved by the MEG project team 1 June 2018, (9 expert days)

Task 6 – Development of Methodology - Performance-based Budgeting

  • Developed methodology for introduction of the performance-based budgeting with gender perspective. The methodology included relevant tools and tables to be used in the process. 15 July 2018, (10 expert days)

Task 7 – Technical Assistance Performance-based Budgeting

  • Provided technical assistance to two (2) LGs in introduction of the Performance-based Budgeting with Gender Perspective in two areas under the LG’s responsibility (NGOs, sports, culture, etc.), i.e. more specifically, 30 September 2018, (6 expert days)

i. Organized and delivered at least three (3) training sessions in each selected LG, 30 October 2018, (6 expert days)
ii. Provided necessary follow-up and continuous on-line assistance until the relevant performance-based budget was integrated in the draft budget proposal for 2019, 30 November 2018, (2 expert days)
iii. Facilitated performance-based budget integration and, acceptance process within the LG, and facilitation of its promotion on the web.
iv. Developed practical guidebook for the introduction of the Performance Based Budgeting with Gender Perspective for LG practitioners - based on the experiences collected during the piloting process, 20 December 2018, (5 expert days)

Task 8 – Facilitation of LG Budget Debate

  • Provided assistance to Citizen Participation Consultant in facilitation and/or organisation of budget hearing in line with the policy-making cycle in partner LGs.  30 November 2018, (5 expert days)


Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
  • Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
  • Generates ideas and seizes opportunities to support corporate strategic objectives.

People Skills:

  • Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behavior;
  • Respects individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.

Partnering and Networking:

  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously.


  • Plans and ensures quality results to meet established goals.


  • Formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
  • Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.

Job Knowledge and Expertise:

  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Strong budgetary and financial skills;
  • Understanding budget calendars and budget management process in both entities.
  • Progressive experience in budget management at local level, work with LG administration, integration of citizen participation mechanisms at local level,
  • Progressive understanding of program budgeting initiatives and practices in BiH.
  • Strong presentation skills;
  • Advanced writing skills,
  • Strong facilitation and coordination skills;
  • Executes day-to-day tasks systematically and efficiently;
  • Initiative and sound judgment;
  • Understanding of LG responsibilities, Council/Assembly functioning and citizen participation mechanisms at local level of government;
  • Proven experience in training of LG administration on development issues:
  • Experience in analysis, definition and implementation of local development policies, programs and budgets particularly relevant for the local level.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • University degree in economics, financial management, public administration, development studies or a related field;
  • Minimum 10 years of progressive experience in budget and financial management at any government level;
  • Minimum 5 years of proven work with LG administration specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina, preferably in both entities;
  • Minimum 5 years of proven experience in training development and training delivery;
  • Previous experience in introduction of program or performance-based budgeting at any level of government in BiH will be a distinct advantage;
  • Previous experience in the target LGs will be a distinct advantage;
  • Proven presentation skills;
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualize and write concisely and clearly in English and in the languages of peoples Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian);
  • Fluency in English and official languages of peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications) and ability to use information technologies as a tool and resource.


Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • Technical Criteria weight-70%
  • Financial Criteria weight- 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points for technical criteria assessment would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Applicants are required to submit an application including:

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 62 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy;
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points for technical criteria assessment would be considered for the Financial


Criteria Weight  Max. Point

  • Progressive experience in budget management at local level, work with LG administration, integration of citizen participation mechanisms at local level, 20% 20;
  • Progressive understanding of program budgeting initiatives and practices in BiH, 20% 20;
  • Previous experience in introduction of program or performance-based budgeting at any level of government in BiH.  15% 15;
  • Proven experience in training development and training delivery. 10% 10;
  • Previous experience in the target LGs will be a distinct advantage. 5% 5

Financial 30 % 30