

The Office on Missing Persons (OMP), established by the Office on Missing Persons Act No. 09 of 2016 is an independent Office and the first of the reconciliation mechanisms established by the State. The tasks of the OMP as provided in the Act includes tracing the whereabouts of the disappeared, provide redress to victims and families of the missing and disappeared during different periods of conflict and political upheavals in the country, and is also tasked with the responsibility of forwarding recommendations for non-recurrence to the State. The members of the OMP were appointed in February 2018 and are currently engaged in the process of commencing the operations of the OMP and establishing its office.



Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Chair of the OMP, the Psychosocial Support Consultant is expected to work on a daily basis in assisting the OMP in developing key programmatic approaches that the OMP can adopt to address psychosocial issues.

Deberes y responsabilidades


  • Develop a framework for victim centric approach;
  • Develop draft framework of strategy for psycho-social support and outreach for families - both in terms of support provided by the Unit and external services;
  • Develop framework (design of training schedule and sources for modules) for training for counsellors;
  • Develop framework for training of OMP's other staff on psychosocial considerations;
  • Develop draft protocols for unit.

Deliverables / Outputs

Monthly reports summarising the progress of the completion of key deliverables for the OMP.

Target Due Dates

End of every month.

Review and Approvals Required

Review and approved by OMP Commissioner and countersigned by UN PBF Secretariat.



15 June 2018 – 15 December 2018 



Knowledge, skills, abilities:

  • Attention to detail, and strong planning and organisational skills are necessary;
  • Excellent spoken and written English skills is essential; together with Sinhala and/or Tamil;
  • Excellent writing skills;
  • Strong knowledge of psychosocial and mental health issues.



Habilidades y experiencia requeridas



Master’s Degree in Psychology or related subject.


Minimum 3-5 years’ experience in the field of psychosocial and mental health work in local and / or international organizations.

Extensive network with Practioners and institutions in the field.

Excellent communication skills and ability to understand and develop programmatic strategies on psychosocial support for organisations.



The application should contain:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work;
  • Updated CV to include qualifications/competencies and relevant past experience in similar projects and contact details of 3 professional referees who can certify your competencies, professionalism, quality of writing, presentation and overall suitability to this TOR;
  • Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a combination of factors including cover letter, the credentials on offer and brief interview (optional) and the offer which gives the best value for money for the UNDP;
  • Please send the Financial Proposal separately to the following e-mail address:  stating the vacancy number/position  in the subject line.



All Inclusive Lump Sum Fee: LKR


All Inclusive Daily Fee: LKR

Amount in words:(Rs)


Note: Payments will be based on invoices on achievement of agreed milestones i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR and certification of acceptance by the UNDP. The applicant must factor in all possible costs in his/her “All Inclusive Lump Sum Fee” including his/her consultancy and professional fee, travel (economy class flights is required to and from the Duty Station) honorarium, board and lodging, and any other foreseeable costs in this exercise. No costs other than what has been indicated in the financial proposal will be paid or reimbursed to the consultant. UNDP will only pay for any unplanned travel outside of this TOR and Duty Station on actual basis and on submission of original bills/invoices and on prior agreement with UNDP officials. Daily perdiums and costs for accommodation/meals/incidental expenses for such travel shall not exceed established local UNDP DSA rates.


For an Individual Contractor who is 62 years of age or older, and on an assignment requiring travel, be it for the purpose of arriving at the duty station or as an integral duty required travel under the TOR, a full medical examination and statement of fitness to work must be provided.  Such medical examination costs must be factored in to the financial proposal above. Medical examination is not a requirement for individuals on RLA contracts.