
UN Global Pulse ( is a United Nations innovation initiative on Big Data. Its vision is a future in which big data is harnessed safely and responsibly as a public good. Its mission is to accelerate discovery, development and scaled adoption of big data innovation for sustainable development and humanitarian action. Global Pulse is building a catalytic network of in-country innovation centers, which will test new tools, data and analysis, share what lessons with the global community, mainstream successful approaches for real-time impact monitoring into policymaking. The first Lab was established in New York (Pulse Lab New York) followed by Jakarta, Indonesia and Kampala, Uganda.                                                                                                                                                                         

Pulse Lab Kampala ( is established as an inter-agency initiative lead by the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Uganda. The first of its kind in Africa, it brings together researchers from Government, the UN, non-governmental organizations and private sector to explore the utility of new sources of digital “Big Data” (such as social media, mobile data, online information) and real-time analysis techniques for social development monitoring and program planning.

A data revolution is underway in Uganda and in Africa. There is more data now than ever. New technologies are leading to an exponential increase in the volume and types of data available, creating unprecedented possibilities for informing and transforming society and protecting the environment. There is more data produced in the last 2 years than in all human history. There is a tremendous potential in new technology; indeed, this is the forefront of the data revolution already well underway in in the private sector.  The new SDGs agenda will have increased demands – and opportunities- for the use of data. Pulse Lab Kampala supports the UN Country team to tap into the revolution obtaining more and better data to support development work and humanitarian action supporting: 

  • Enhance Early Warning: Detection of anomalous trends and patterns of events enables early warning of emerging crises and earlier responses to prevent long-term harm;
  • Real-Time Awareness:  An up-to-date picture of trends, hotspots and dynamic changes in population behaviour enhances programme planning and monitoring of implementation and;
  • Rapid Impact Monitoring and Evaluation: Timely feedback on the impact of programmes and policies allows for adaptive course correction and accelerated achievement of results.

Objectives of the consultancy:

The consultant will work home-based with the team at Pulse Lab Kampala and partners and will contribute with his/her knowledge as expert on scaling up big data initiatives.

Deberes y responsabilidades

  • A desk review of platforms, networks, funding windows and support to scaling up big data initiatives;
  • Consultations with stakeholders (data users and data producers) on opportunities and challenges to scale up big data initiatives;
  • Develop and presentation of inception report;
  • Facilitate online meetings with stakeholders to brainstorm and design materials on scaling up big data initiatives;
  • Design materials to define user needs, user interfaces and data outputs for scaled up big data initiatives;
  • Develop materials with user guidelines and technical documentation of open-source technology prototypes developed by Pulse Lab Kampala;
  • Develop materials to incorporate user’s feedback on prototypes based on artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data developed by Pulse Lab Kampala;
  • Develop guides for incorporation of scaled up big data initiatives into Government’s digital systems;
  • Presentation of draft report;
  • Presentation of final guides and materials.


  • Interviews and consultations with relevant stakeholders and target groups organized and conducted including partners in Government, UN Agencies, civil society, donor community and team at Pulse Lab Kampala and UN Global Pulse;
  • An inception report for the consultancy;
  • Draft materials and guides;
  • Final materials and guides.


Functional competencies:

  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in English;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • Proven ability to works in teams;
  • Strong general IT skills, including ability to work with MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint;
  • Proven cross-cultural communication, able to function effectively in an international, multicultural environment.

Core competencies:

  • Creates and promotes open communication;
  • Demonstrates ethics and integrity;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability.

Technical competencies:

  • Knowledge and skills in big data initiatives, digital applications and artificial intelligence based solutions for sustainable development and humanitarian action;
  • Capacity to conduct research and ability to produce materials and guides.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Advanced university degree (Master´s degree or equivalent) in information technologies, statistics, mathematics, data science or related disciplines.


  • 5+ years of relevant working in the field of data science;
  • Good knowledge on big data initiatives;
  • Proven experience as technical advisor in the development of big data initiatives;
  • Proven experience as advisor introducing innovative approaches to development partners;
  • Proven experience in the development of big data, digital applications and artificial intelligence based solution manuals and guides;
  • Working experience with UN will be an added advantage;
  • Working experience in Africa will be an added advantage.

Language skills:

  • Excellent ability to communicate in English both written and spoken;
  • Working knowledge of French and/or Spanish is an asset.

Timetable for the Consultancy:

  • Desk review - 5 days;
  • Defining strategy to scale up big data initiatives - 10;
  • Preparation and presentation of strategy - 2 days;
  • Consultations with partners to design draft materials and guides - 20 days;
  • Developing of draft materials and guides on open-source technologies - 43 days;
  • Presentation of draft materials and guides to users and key stakeholders - 5 days;
  • Refining of materials and guides with partners and user’s feedback - 20 days;
  • Presentation of materials and guides to stakeholders and team at Pulse Lab Kampala and UN Global Pulse - 5 days;
  • Developing of guides for integration into Government’s t digital systems - 25 days;
  • Submission of final approved materials and guides.

Consultancy Implementation Arrangements:

The Consultant will be supervised by as well as report to Manager at Pulse Lab Kampala. He/she will work home-based and in constant collaboration with UN Global Pulse network and the team at Pulse Lab Kampala.

Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments:

Payment shall be by the lump sum modality in the following instalments. These shall be all inclusive and the contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components:

  • Upon signature of contract by both parties and presentation of an approved inception report - 15%;
  • Presentation of acceptable and approved draft report - 45%;
  • Submission and acceptance of Final Report, and manuals and manuals - 40%.

Evaluation Method and Criteria:

Cumulative analysis:

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and;
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (based on CV) and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
  • Technical Criteria weight - 70%;
  • Financial Criteria weight - 30%.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Technical Criteria – Maximum 70 points:


  • Education (Advanced degree) - 10;
  • Language skills - 5;
  • Knowledge on big data initiatives, digital applications and artificial intelligence based solutions - 40;
  • Relevant experience for Ugandan context - 15;

Submission of Application:

The candidate is required to submit an electronic application directly uploaded on the UNDP jobs website with all the requirements as listed here below. Annexes and further information may be downloaded on no.47720 .

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications in one single PDF document to this website - no. 79828.

  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP (Annex II);
  • Personal CV, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

Technical proposal:

  • Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment;
  • A methodology, on how they will approach and complete the assignment;
  • Financial proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided (Annex II);
  • Annexes 1 and II - may be downloaded from the UNDP Procurement Notices Website - For further clarifications, please contact;;;

Interested applicants should submit applications through uploading of all their required documentation in one single pdf document on this website only.