The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia (hereafter – the Ministry) is in charge of regulating the healthcare system, social security system, labor and IDP issues in Georgia. Made up of different departments and agencies, the main functions of the Ministry are the following: the provision of good medical and public health services to the population; the regulation of medical and pharmaceutical activity in the country; the management of state pensions and social security; the protection of the rights of children, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups; the implementation of employment programs, carrying out labor inspections, the regulation of labor migration; the accommodation of IDPs and Eco-migrants; and the implementation of integration programs for returned migrants, IDPs, internationally protected persons and foreigners.
Regardless of the fact that the Ministry has been successfully implementing many reforms, there is a need to identify gaps and deliver results in the frames of reforms implemented. The brief description of its functions reveals that the Ministry’s areas of intervention are very diverse and has a multitude of programs to implement for beneficiaries with various needs. Facing multifaceted challenges, the Ministry intends to prepare and implement additional reforms in the years to come in the sectors of healthcare, social assistance, labor relations, and the integration of vulnerable groups.
Given the structural and functional diversity of the Ministry, it has been conceptualized that the creation of a model for delivering better public services (similar to a Delivery Unit used in different countries) will be instrumental in successfully and promptly implementing the planned reforms. For this purpose, the Ministry requires the assistance of an International Consultant, who will provide an advisory service in establishing a central Delivery Unit at the Ministry, by supporting the Minister in the process of delivering effective policy reforms in the areas which are Ministry priorities (Labor Rights and Employment, Child Welfare and Social Protection and Healthcare). The expert will provide direct support and advice in the process of establishing the Unit. The preparatory phase of establishing the Unit includes the following main stages: 1) Situation analysis for the establishment of the Delivery Unit in response to the requirements and needs of the Ministry, 2) designing the institutional framework of the Unit and preparing its functional description based on the Ministry’s needs, 3) elaborating the roadmap for establishing the Unit, and 4) the development of the communication and monitoring capacity of the Unit. The Unit will focus on ensuring delivery of a set of policy outcomes in the following priority areas: Labor Rights and Employment, Child Welfare and Social Protection, and Healthcare.
During the implementation phase of setting up the Unit, the Consultant will be directly involved in operationalization of the Unit during its initial cycle of functioning.
Deberes y responsabilidades
The objectives of this technical assistance are to (1) establish the institutional framework for improving policy implementation and the delivery of government priorities on Labour, health, and social affairs, (2) facilitate high-level dialogue on the identification of priority outcome indicators and associated delivery challenges, (3) elaborate a monitoring system and indicators for tracking progress on policy reform; and (4) develop institutional capacities for monitoring and communicating with relevant stakeholders on progress. The Unit will focus on ensuring the delivery of a set of policy outcomes in the following priority areas: Labor and Employment (with a focus on youth and women employment), Labor Inspection and Labor Rights, Child Welfare and Social Services, and Healthcare.
The scope of work for the International Consultant will include, but may not be limited, to:
- Situation analysis for the establishment of the Delivery Unit in response to the requirements and needs of the Ministry
- At the initial stage of the consultancy, the expert will analyze the current structure and functions of the Ministry regarding the creation of the Unit. In addition to analyzing the existing legal and institutional framework of the Ministry, the expert will need to interview top management of the Ministry and other key personnel in constant communication with the top management of the Ministry. In addition, the consultant will conduct a desk research to review best international practices and define the most relevant models for the Ministry.
- As a result of the initial evaluation, a brief report and presentation should be prepared, outlining possible gaps and obstacles for creating a Delivery Unit. The report should also include an outline of the Unit structure/functions and a timeline for its creation.
- Development of an Institutional framework and the functions of the Delivery Unit based on international good practice
- Based on the evaluation findings and international good practice, the expert will further develop the institutional framework/structural model of the Unit and define the functions of the Unit members. The structure of the Unit should be tailored to the needs of the Ministry identified during the assessment stage. The structural model may include different alternatives, which should be based on proven experience of different countries, with respective advantages and challenges briefly described. The structural model of the Unit could take a form of an organigram.
- A description of the functions of the respective Unit members, and an outline of their qualification requirements should be also prepared.
- Preparation of a roadmap for establishing the Unit, once elaborating the structural and functional model of the Unit is finalized.
- The roadmap will take the form of a report, which should contain all necessary requirements for establishing the Unit. The report should also include a risk assessment of elements that might hinder the set up and functions of the Unit. Some methodology and rules of procedures related to the business processes of the Unit should also be prepared (especially, a monitoring system and priority indicators to be used for tracking progress on policy reform, and also approaches for use in effectively facilitating high level dialog).
- Development of the communication and monitoring capacity of the Unit with relevant stakeholders
- During the implementation phase, activities presented in the roadmap will be implemented, as a result of which the Unit will start its function. Subsequently, the duties and responsibilities of the expertise might be redefined when a roadmap is elaborated. Through their advice, some of which could be given remotely, the expert will accompany the operations of the Unit during its three months of functioning. At this stage, the emphasis of the expertise should be put on developing the communication capacity of the Unit with relevant stakeholders, in order to effectively facilitate high level dialog on identifying priorities and delivery challenges of reforms in progress.
Management Arrangements:
The International Expert will work under the overall supervision of the Governance Reform Fund (GRF) through the Governance Reform Fund Project Manager and in close coordination with respective personnel from the Ministry of IDPs from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
The service provider will be directly responsible to, reporting to, seeking approval from, and obtaining certificate of acceptance of outputs from the above-mentioned persons. In addition, the respective GRF team will be responsible to share relevant documents, contact details and other necessary information with the service provider.
Corporate competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards
- Understanding of the mandate and the role of UNDP would be an asset
- Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
- Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
Functional competencies:
- Strong communication and analytical skills
- Demonstrated skills in drafting reports
- Ability to work under pressure with several tasks and various deadlines
- Actively generates creative, practical approaches and solutions to overcome challenging situations
- Excellent writing, presentation/public speaking skills
- A pro-active approach to problem-solving
- Computer literacy.
Leadership and Self-Management skills:
- Builds strong relationships with the working group and with the project partners; focuses on impact and results for the project partners and responds positively to feedback
- Cooperates with working group effectively and demonstrates strong conflict resolution skills
- Consistently approaches work with energy, positivity and a constructive attitude
- Demonstrates strong influencing and facilitation skills
- Remains calm, in control and good humored under pressure
- Demonstrates openness to change, new ideas and ability to manage ambiguity
- Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
- Demonstrates ability to transfer knowledge and competencies
- Is able to work independently and hurdle competing priorities.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
- Master’s University Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Public Health Management, Public Policy, General Management, Economics or relevant field (minimum qualification requirement)
- At least ten years’ overall advisory experience in the development of capacities and mechanisms of Government Agencies to efficiently deliver institutional reforms, especially in the Health sector in a similar context; (minimum qualification requirement)
- At least five years’ experience in advising the Government to set up the Delivery Units or similar structures/mechanisms at the Central or Ministerial levels; (minimum qualification requirement)
- At least five years’ demonstrated experience in multi-sectorial policy management at national governmental levels, in particular, policy planning, implementation and coordination systems and procedures; (minimum qualification requirement)
- At least five years of demonstrated experience in public sector performance measurement and monitoring for setting objectives, targets and indicators; (minimum qualification requirement)
- Demonstrated experience in trainings and capacity development
- Experience of working in Georgia and/or knowledge of the region’s context is an asset
- Good knowledge of development/political context in Georgia is an asset
- Experience with the UN organization is an asset.
- Excellent command of written and spoken English
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis method:
Offerors will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria – to 30.
Offerors that do not meet Minimum Qualification Criteria will be automatically rejected, while the rest will form up the long list. The offerors who obtain minimum 35 points as a result of the desk review will be invited for the interview.
Offerors who pass 70% threshold, i.e. obtain minimum 14 points, as a result of the interview will be requested the financial proposal.
Financial Proposal:
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the ToR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount. Maximum 30 points will be assigned to the lowest price offer. All other price offers will be scored using the formula (inverse proportion): Financial score X = 30* the lowest price offer/suggested price offer. All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal as well.
Payment Modality and Deliverables:
The payment schedule is given below and will be made upon satisfactory completion/submission and approval of the deliverables by the supervisor:
- Inception evaluation report including description of international good practices (by the end of June 2019)
- Institutional framework and the functions of the Delivery Unit based on international good practice that should include structural model of the Unit (organigram), description of the functions of the Unit members and outline of qualification requirements for Unit members (by the end of July 2019)
- Roadmap for establishing the Unit (containing risk analysis) (by the end of July 2019)
- Outline of the monitoring system (by the end of August 2019)
- Guidelines for elaborating policy reform progress tracking indicators (by the end of August 2019)
- Guidelines on approaches for effectively facilitating high level dialog (by the end of August 2019)
- Report on monitoring and coaching sessions of Delivery Unit staff (November 2019, January 2020, April 2020)
- Brief presentations of reports and findings at the end of each stage (min 4 presentations) (June 2019, July 2019, September 2019)
- Field report including accomplishments undertaken during the consultancy period and a set of recommendations for further operation of the Delivery Unit (May 2020)
Payment Schedule:
Deliverables 1-3: 30% of the consultancy
Deliverables 4-6: 30% of the consultancy
Deliverable 7: 20% of the consultancy
Deliverables 8-9: 20% of the consultancy