
The GEF Council has recently approved the Project Identification Form (PIF) for the full-sized project titled "Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins (PIMS 4756)" implemented through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). UNDP is now commencing a detailed project preparation phase expected to last until September 2021. The PIF was approved by the GEF Secretariat on 11 December 2020. At the end of the preparation phase, UNDP will finalize a project document for approval/endorsement by the GEF CEO.
The project is being designed to strengthen the joint management capacity of Angola and Namibia for the sustainable management of natural resources in the adjacent Kunene and Cuvelai River basins for the sustainable and resilient development of the basins. Basin-wide cooperation and evidence-based joint management and planning by basin countries will be promoted through the application of the participatory IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) approach and strengthening of institutional and technical capacity of the Cuvelai Watercourse Commission (CuveCOM) and the Permanent Joint Technical Commission (PJTC) for the Kunene River. This will be a GEF IW foundation phase project,
supporting the two governments to produce Transboundary Diagnostics Analysis (TDA) and Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for each basin.
The 6 project components are as follows:

  •  Strengthening the transboundary and conjunctive water resources management in the Cuvelai River basin;
  • Strengthening the transboundary water resources management with future development scenario analysis in the Kunene River basin;
  • Strengthening the governance of the Cuvelai and Kunene River Basins to foster joint management by the two countries in the most cost-effective manner;
  • Strengthening institutional, technical and operational capacity in Angola to sustainably develop and manage the subregion’s water tower located in southern Angola;
  • Enhancing the community participation in IWRM to build resilience in their livelihoods;
  • Outreach and Knowledge Management for replication, upscaling and stakeholder engagement.

Role Description
The National Gender and Stakeholder Specialist will be a gender and social inclusion expert with experience in in-depth gender analysis and local community engagement in Angola. Core tasks include preparing the Gender Analysis, Gender Mainstreaming Plan and Gender Action Plan, as well conducting stakeholder mapping and analysis to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan. S/he will also be responsible for conducting reviews of national policy and legislative frameworks; review Page 2 of 8 of relevant past and ongoing projects for lessons, including project evaluations; and for identifying and confirming cofinanciers to the project. A detailed description of expected deliverables is included below.
Gender Analysis (Component A)
A gender analysis will be prepared to fully consider the different needs, roles, benefits, impacts, risks, differential access to and control over resources of women and men (including considerations of intersecting categories such as age, social status, ethnicity, marital status, etc.) and to identify appropriate measures to address these and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. See guidance available here.
Financial planning, co-financing and investment mobilized (Component A)
Co-financing and investment mobilized – as defined in the GEF Policy and Guidelines on co-financing - will be confirmed, and additional sources identified through a series of consultations with partners to ensure a coherent and sustainable financing package for the project, including post-GEF grant phase to the extent possible. The GEF is seeking high cofinancing/ investment mobilized to GEF grant ratios with a preference for grants, loans and other public investments over inkind co-financing. The GEF also expects the Government to significantly support the costs associated with project execution (i.e. PMC).
Stakeholder analysis (Component A)
Building on the initial identification of stakeholders in the PIF, an appropriately scaled analysis of project stakeholders will be undertaken. This stakeholder analysis will provide the foundation for development of the project’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan and will facilitate prioritization of engagement activities with particular stakeholder groups and individuals. See the UNDP SES Guidance Note on Stakeholder Engagement.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Component B)
At a minimum, the Plan must include the following elements:

  • Stakeholders who have been and will be engaged (based on stakeholder analysis), including potentially marginalized or disadvantaged groups/individuals (the ‘who’);
  • Key stakeholder objectives and interests (the ‘why’);
  • Steps and actions to achieve meaningful consultation and inclusive participation, including information dissemination and any  special measures required to ensure inclusive participation of marginalized disadvantaged groups/individuals the dissemination of information (the ‘how’);
  • Breadth and depth of stakeholder engagement throughout the project cycle, and decisions that need to be made through stakeholder engagement (the ‘what’);
  • Timeline for engagement activities and how they will be sequenced, including information disclosure (the ‘when’);
  •  Indicators of stakeholder engagement and monitoring plan;
  • Roles and responsibilities for ensuring effective stakeholder engagement through implementation of the Plan; and
  • Resource requirements and associated budget.
  • A project-level Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will be described in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan and established in the first year of project implementation. See the UNDP guidance on GRM and sample TOR.
  • A comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Plan is required;
  • See the UNDP SES guidance on Stakeholder Engagement, the standard SEP template, and the GEF guidelines on stakeholder engagement.

Gender Action Plan and Budget (Component B)
The gender analysis conducted in Component A along with relevant findings from the stakeholder analysis and background studies, will form the basis of a Gender Action Plan to guide gender mainstreaming during project implementation. The Gender Action Plan must include indicators, targets, timeframe, responsible party and budget which are linked to the project’s components/outputs, outcomes and activities. As part of the work of preparing the Gender Action Plan, indicators should be proposed for inclusion in the Results Framework to facilitate the monitoring of the proposed gender mainstreaming actions. Page 3 of 8
Validation Workshop and Report (Component C)
A validation workshop will be held with relevant stakeholders to present, discuss and validate the project activities, and the final draft of the UNDP-GEF project document. A validation workshop report will be prepared unless the overall rate of the project safeguards changes from medium to low.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Preparatory Technical Studies and Reviews (Component A): prepare inputs and support the required analyses/studies, as agreed with the GEF PPG Team Leader, including:

  • Analyze the gender-related action points identified in the Social and Environmental Pre-screening at the PIF stage to ensure they are fully addressed during the PPG. As appropriate, assist to update the SESP throughout the PPG on matters related to gender empowerment and equality;
  • Prepare the gender analysis and action plan and work closely with the GEF PPG Team Leader to ensure its findings are  meaningfully integrated into the project's strategy, theory of change and results framework;
  • Develop a gender responsive stakeholder analysis and related consultations and ensure that they are complete and comprehensive;
  • Conduct a review of national policy and legislative frameworks;
  • Review relevant past and ongoing projects for lessons, including project evaluations;
  • During stakeholder engagements discuss with country and national authorities and partners and identify co-financiers; and
  • Support the completion of any additional studies that are determined to be needed for the preparation of the ProDoc and all other final outputs as guided by the PPG Team Leader.

Deliverable 2: Formulation of the ProDoc, CEO Endorsement Request and Mandatory Annexes as well as project
specific annexes:

  • Prepare the Gender Mainstreaming Plan, with appropriate budget and identification of appropriate project interventions to ensure gender mainstreaming including at project demonstration sites;
  • Using the findings from the gender analysis, provide inputs to the project's results framework and theory of change; ensure gender considerations are integrated into the project's theory of change;
  • Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan and ensure it is Socially Inclusive and Gender Responsive;
  • Prepare the Gender Action Plan and Budget, with concrete outputs to facilitate implementation of activities that promote gender equality and women's empowerment;
  • Summary of national policies and legislative frameworks;
  • Summary of Lessons Learned Matrix from the past and ongoing projects, including project evaluations;
  • Matrix of potential co-financiers, objectives of the interventions and amounts to be co-financed;
  • Serve as secretariat for the PPG Working Group; and
  • Support the agreements on project management arrangements and ensure that gender is adequately incorporated into these arrangements. Page 4 of 8

Deliverable 3: Validation Workshop

  • Contribute to the validation workshop, and;
  • Support all necessary revisions that arise during the workshop, as appropriate.

Deliverable 4: Final Deliverables

  • Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming Plan;
  • Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Plan including on gender-responsive consultation and consultations with local communities and any Indigenous Peoples or Ethnic Minorities present within the demonstration landscapes;
  • Appropriate inputs to the final UNDP-GEF project document (ProDoc) based on guidance from the PPG Team Leader.

Deliverables and Payment Milestones and Percentages
Deliverables/ Outputs
Target Due Dates
Review and Approvals Required
(Indicate designation of person who
will review output and confirm
Deliverable 1: Draft Gender
Analysis and Action Plan; draft
gender responsive Stakeholder
Analysis Report; draft summary
on national policy and legislative
frameworks; draft report on
lessons learned from other
projects; draft matrix of potential
co-financiers (Component A)
To be agreed with the
Team Leader, National
Consultant and SESP
expert, but timeframes
should be early enough to
enable reviews and inputs
by the key stakeholders.
PPG Team Leader. The Team Leader
will seek final approval from UNDP.
Deliverable 2: Completed Gender
Mainstreaming Plan; completed
Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
completed Gender Action Plan
and Budget; completed report
on national policies and
legislative frameworks;
completed Report of Lessons
Learned from the past and
ongoing projects; completed
matrix of potential co-financiers;
submitted minutes of PPG
Working Group meetings
(Component B)
30th June 2021 (draft)
PPG Team Leader. The Team Leader
will seek final approval from
UNDP/Technical Working Group.
Deliverable 3: Participate and
contribute to the Validation
Workshop. Present the Gender
Action Plan and Stakeholder
Engagement Plan. Support
31st July 2021 PPG Team Leader. The Team Leader
will seek final approval from
UNDP/Technical Working Group.
Page 5 of 8
Deliverables/ Outputs
Target Due Dates
Review and Approvals Required
(Indicate designation of person who
will review output and confirm
necessary revisions (Component
Deliverable 4: Finalised Gender
Analysis and Gender
Mainstreaming Plan, finalised
comprehensive Stakeholder
Engagement Plan; finalised
report of lessons learned and
matrix of potential co-financiers;
finalised report on national
policies and legislative
22nd September 2021 (final) PPG Team Leader. The Team Leader
will seek final approval from UNDP/
Technical Working Group.

Institutional Arrangement
The consultant will report to, seek approval/acceptance of outputs from the Team Leader. Final endorsements and
acceptance from UNDP and the technical working group will be sought.
The contractor is expected to have her/his own office space, laptop and access to internet and a printer during the
assignment. UNDP cannot purchase ICT equipment for the contractor.
 Payment terms
Payment will be issued upon delivery of project components as per Table 1.
Duration of the Work
The duration of the consultancy is 11 weeks to be spread within the period July 2021 – 30th November 2021. Contract will
be issued till 30th November 2021 to accommodate UNDP and UNOPS administrative procedures to be completed without
necessity to extend the contract.

Duty Station
It is expected that the consultant will be mainly home based with his/her space work and ICT equipment’s for individual
consultant/s. It is expected that the expert might be requested to undertake mission travel to the river basin area (Angola



Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP´s mission, vision and values; 
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; 
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty;  
  • Treats all people fairly without favoratism; Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero toelrance for sexual harassment

Functional Competencies: 

  • Demonstrated understanding of the links between sustainable development, social and gender issues;
  • Demonstrated experience working on policy and programmatic issues with national and local governments and civil society organizations including community organizations;
  • Experience in facilitating gender responsive stakeholder meetings is highly desired;
  • Experience with project development and results-based management methodologies is highly desired;
  • Excellent analytical, writing, advocacy, presentation, and communications skills are required

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  •  Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as gender studies, gender and development, women and environment, or women and sustainable development.


  • Minimum 7 years of demonstrable experience in the technical area of gender mainstreaming, community
    development, and stakeholder engagement in Angola;
  • 3 years experience in carrying out participatory gender analysis; experience collecting and formulating gender responsive indicators and sex-disaggregated data and preparing gender responsive project analysis; developing gender action plans;


  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Portuguese required.

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

Only those candidates that meet the minimum level of education and relevant years of experience requirements will be considered for the technical evaluation. The technical evaluation panel will use pre-defined criteria to further select shortlisted candidates or ultimately successful candidate.

The selection of the best offer from the shortlisted candidates will be based on a Combined Scoring Method – where the technical evaluation will be weighted a maximum of 70 points and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a maximum of 30 points. The 70 points rating shall be based on how well the Offeror meets the minimum qualifications/competencies described above.

Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

Financial proposals must be all inclusive and must be expressed based on “a daily fee” in USD. Payment will be made upon submission of a certificate of payment request, indicating outputs achieved and days worked to be verified and cleared for payment by the supervisor

Criteria Weight Max. Point 
Technical Competence (based on CV and Technical Proposal) 70% 100


  • Minimum 7 years of demonstrable experience in the technical area of gender mainstreaming, community development, and stakeholder engagement in Angola;  Max  30 pts;
  • 3 years experience in carrying out participatory gender analysis; experience collecting and formulating gender responsive indicators and sexdisaggregated data and preparing gender responsive project analysis; developing gender action plans; Max. 10 pts;
  • Demonstrated understanding of the links between sustainable development, social and gender issues; Max.20 pts;
  • Demonstrated experience working on policy and programmatic issues with national and local governments and civil society organizations including community organizations;  Max 10 pts;
  •  Master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, such as gender studies, gender and development, women and environment, or women and sustainable development. Max 10 pts;
  •  Clear methodology proposed, timelines, and approach to task. Max. 20 pts;
  • Financial (best value for money) 30%, 30 pts


List of Documents to be reviewed by the Gender and Stakeholder Specialist

  • PIF cleared for WP inclusion or GEF Council approved PIF
  • UNDP-GEF Gender Toolkit (UNDP intranet access required)
  • UNDP Gender Equality Strategy
  • GEF Gender Action Plan
  • UNDP Social and Environmental Standards
  • UNDP Training Manual: Gender Mainstreaming
  • GEF Policy on Gender Equality
  • Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism
  •  SES Guidance Note of Stakeholder Engagement
  • GEF Guidelines on the Implementation of the Policy of Stakeholder Engagement
  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template
  • UNDP Guidance on the Stakeholder Response Mechanism
  • Grievance Redress Mechanism Sample TOR
  • Any other relevant documents to be shared by UNDP.

Additional tools for conducting a gender analysis:

  • UNDP (2015). Mainstreaming Gender in Mitigation and Technology Development and Transfer Interventions Capacity Building Package, particularly pp 12-14.
  • UNDP (2010). Gender, Climate Change and Community-based Adaptation Guidebook.
  • World Agroforestry Centre. Compilation of Gender Research Methods and their Application. Page 8 of 8
  • UNDP Gender Inequality Index
  • UNDP Gender Development Index
  • FAO Gender and Land Rights Database

7. World Bank Gender Databank