
Project Name: Enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change induced salinity” [Widely known as Gender-responsive Coastal Adaptation (GCA)]” Project.

Climate change-induced soil and water salinity is projected to adversely impact freshwater dependent agricultural livelihoods (leading to loss of productivity or livelihoods) as well as the availability and quality of drinking water in the vulnerable coastal communities in Bangladesh. Furthermore, given the crucial role that women play in water security and household level resilience, and their socio-economic marginalization, the climate change-induced threat to agricultural livelihoods and drinking water security of the affected coastal communities disproportionately affects women and girls.

GCA project, jointly funded by The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (USD 8 million) and the Green Climate Fund (US 24.29 million), will empower target communities, especially women, as ‘change-agents’ to plan, implement, and manage resilient livelihoods and drinking water solutions. The key objective of the proposed project is to support the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in strengthening the adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with impacts of climate change-induced salinity on their livelihoods and water security. UNDP resources will be combined with GoB co-financing to address information, technical, financial and institutional barriers in implementing and managing resilient livelihoods and drinking water solutions for the vulnerable communities in the Southwestern coastal districts of Khulna and Satkhira. An estimated 719,229 people (about 245,516 direct and 473,713 indirect) will be benefited from the proposed project interventions.


The project will enable those communities to address climate change risks on livelihood and drinking water security to promote synergistic co-benefits. It will enhance the adaptive capacities of these communities in the face of worsening impacts of climate-change induced salinity on their freshwater resources which in turn adversely affect livelihood and drinking water requirements. UNDP resources will be invested in promoting a diversification from currently non-adaptive, freshwater-reliant livelihoods of small-scale farmers, fishers, and agro-labourers towards climate-resilient agricultural livelihoods. GoB co-financing is leveraged to support adoption and scale of these alternative, climate-resilient agricultural livelihoods through strengthened value-chains and market linkages for their long-term viability in the face of increasing salinity and extreme weather. The project also utilizes UNDP and GoB resources to support investments in and management of climate-resilient drinking water solutions to secure year-round, safe drinking water supplies for the targeted communities. Access to reliable, safe drinking water enables the communities, especially women and girls in targeted households, to invest the resulting time and cost savings and health co-benefits in enhanced livelihoods and income generating and/or educational opportunities. In turn, the enhanced incomes and livelihoods will enable the communities to sustain the investments in the drinking water supply solutions in the long-term. Finally, through investments in institutional capacities, knowledge dissemination and evidence-based learning, the project will enable pathways for replication and scale of project impact to secure livelihoods and drinking water across the vulnerable districts of the southwest coast of Bangladesh. The project yields significant environmental, social (including gender), and economic co-benefits including enhanced integrity of coastal ecosystems and freshwater resources; improved gender norms and women empowerment; and increased income and health benefits, estimated at USD15 million and USD4 million respectively over the project lifetime.


The project contributes towards GoB’s achievement of priorities outlined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and its climate change strategies. The project objective speaks to the top five key near-term areas of intervention identified by the INDC to address adverse impacts of climate change including: (1) Food security, livelihood and health protection (incl. water security); 2) Comprehensive disaster management, 3) Coastal Zone Management, including Salinity Intrusion control, 4) Flood Control and Erosion protection, 5) Building Climate Resilient Infrastructure.


Project Strategy: 


Firstly, the project will address the barriers related to low awareness of and access to resilient livelihood practices, lack of technical and financial capacities, and limited adoption and scalability hindering the small-scale farmers, fishers, and agro-laborers to diversify to climate-resilient livelihoods and implement adaptive livelihood strategies. Additionally, the proposed project will build the capacities of beneficiaries to implement climate risk reduction strategies (including through improved last-mile dissemination of EWs) and continually adapt and safeguard their livelihoods and assets as climate risks evolve. 


Secondly, the project will address the barriers of limited understanding and, technical know-how and the constraints on vulnerable communities to safeguard against the deterioration of their drinking water resources due to climate change-induced salinity. Particularly, the project supports women and girls who are burdened with providing water for their families and additionally suffer from drinking water insecurity. Community and GoB resources are leveraged to ensure sustained O&M of the resilient water supply systems, including a commitment to co-manage the systems beyond the project lifetime.


Finally, UNDP resources will be invested in building technical and coordination capacities of two (2) implementing ministries (Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and Local Government Division); facilitating knowledge generation and exchange; and establishing learning frameworks to sustain, replicate, and scale resilient livelihood and drinking water solutions for coastal communities.


Background of the BCC Campaign:


A targeted ‘Adaptive Learning’ activity is planned to be undertaken by GCA to focus on young girls and boys in targeted coastal areas to build their long-term adaptive capacities. This will be achieved by integration of project intervention support (Climate resilient livelihoods and safe and year-round drinking water solutions) with targeted awareness raising, behavioral change, and peer-to-peer learning support related to various aspects of climate change such as causes of climate change, potential future changes, and adaptation technologies. Learning from the project is planned to be augmented by providing insights from ongoing project activities, with a focus on collecting and using data in a rigorous manner. This learning (Adaptive Learning) will be evaluated as part of broader project impact evaluation. The learning will also focus on their rights and resources and provide access to information and knowledge on social, economic, and health risks and benefits in a changing climate. Activities of GCA for learning induced adaptive capacity of youth, will be evaluated using rigorous impact evaluation techniques. Key inputs under this Activity include: 3.3.4 Design and implementation of ‘Adaptive Learning’ for young boys and girls through school- and community-based behavioral change communications (BCC).

The campaign, in one hand, will be targeting 150 students each in 10 high schools (1500 School going adolescents in total) across the ten unions (grade 8,9,10) and 150 non-school going boys and girls among the targeted HHs across 10 Unions (1500 non-school going adolescents in total). Mid-term target aims for reaching half of the targeted youth.


The adolescent girls and boys of the GCA Project will be linked to the Kishor-Kishori Club Project, an ongoing flagship project of MOWCA. The IEC materials developed by GCA project will be used for awareness raising programme of Kishor-Kishori club. Similarly, project’s adaptive learning component will be linked to Kishor-Kishori club for mutual sharing of learning and lessons and creating wider constituencies for adaptation and development of adolescent girls and boy. Utilizing the existing structure and resources of Kishor-Kishori clubs, the project can organize separate/dedicated sessions for young boys and girls of project beneficiary households as part of the BCC campaign and vice-versa.


The targeted 3000 school going and non-school going boys and girls will be selected from 10 Unions considering existence/scale/type of project intervention supports, the availability of adolescents among the project beneficiary households, and Government Adolescent Clubs in the unions. 10 schools will be selected from these 10 unions to reach 1500 school going adolescents (150 from each school). Other 1500 non-school going adolescents (150 from each Union) will also be selected from these 10 Unions. Potential trainers for facilitating Adaptive Learning Sessions would be Gender Promoters/Child Facilitators from Adolescents Club Program of DWA, Tottho Apa officials and Young Climate Activists in the Communities (25 Master Trainers). These 10 Unions from the five Upazilas (two from each Upazila) of Khulna and Shatkhira are mentioned below (Ward number within bracket).











Dacope Sadar (1,2,6)

Amadi (6,7)

Deluti (1,5,6)

Anulia (2,4,7,9)

Burigoalini (1,4,7)

Tildanga (1,3)

Uttar Bedkashi (1,7,9)

Garuikhali (3,6)

Baradal (1,4,7)

Ramjannagar (4,9)


As Project GCA would create many different groups focusing different thematic areas- (A total of 1017 Women Livelihood Groups (WLG), 700 Water User Groups (WUG), Water Management Groups (WMG), 101 Early Warning (EW) Volunteer Groups, Social Audit Protocol administration groups will be formed under this project) so, it needs to be addressed in the design how the campaign should reach these thematic groups as well. The campaign could be run among these groups through field level staff especially Ward Facilitators (WF) who will be regularly meeting project beneficiaries, Tottho Apa/ Information Service Officers (Tottho Apa Project of GoB), Gender Promoters/Child Rights Facilitators of Adolescent Clubs, and different Youth Leaders at the Coast for specific BCC initiatives. Therefore, these key people need to be trained on implementing and monitoring BCC initiatives on Adaptive Learning to ensure proper dissemination of the messages. Upazila Women Affairs Officers and Secondary Education Officers of respective Upazilas need to be engaged through the process.


The campaign design and strategies should be aligned with GoB, Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UNDP’s standards, policies and guidelines and should integrate with other important instrument such as Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework, and Indigenous People’s Plan. It should also be aligned with GoB’s planning documents like 8th Five Year Plan, National Adolescent Strategy, National Strategy for Adolescent Health, SDGs and UNDP’s new Country Strategic Plan. The designing of the campaign should also consider the COVID 19 pandemic and its impact on the project participants and young boys and girls. The strategies need to clearly reflect on how it aligns with the planning and strategic documents mentioned above.

The soul objective of this assignment is to develop a detail design of an Adaptive Learning Campaign for Gender Responsive Coastal Adaptation Project. GCA would be implementing an Adaptive Learning Campaign instigating behavioral changes among target population on building community resilience, mitigate potential risks and adverse as well as disproportionate impacts on women (beneficiary households, communities, and Indigenous People/Ethnic Minorities) in the project areas. It also intends to build the adaptive knowledge and capacities of adolescents and women in coastal communities of southwest Bangladesh and enable them to take up resilient, adaptive decisions in the face of climate-induced salinity and other threats. In addition, the hired consultant will also train field staff to build up their capacity for implementing the BCC.


What is the Purpose? What changes do we look for?

The purpose is to add a gender and climate lens in the thinking process of a targeted group of adolescents in the communities and prepare them with a forward-looking learning attitude towards climate adaptation.

The adolescents, as the next generation to bring changes in the communities, will know how to be climate adaptive and gender equal being aware of the climate induced changes and open to transforming gender norms while adapting with the changes.

They will know that that certain roles do not necessarily need to be done by women and girls only (eg; fetching water is not only women/girls’ job, same applies for cooking, taking care of children/elderly, doing household chores etc.) or men and boys only (eg; Purchasing or selling things in the market is not only men’s/boy’s job, same applies for leading an event or initiative, dealing with technology etc.). They will act accordingly in their households having shared responsibilities among the family members irrespective of their sexual identity.

The targeted adolescents will know and be aware of the climate adaptive technologies being applied in the working areas of GCA, why these interventions are being taken and behave accordingly to think and act on these technologies in a gender responsive way. The project will harvest learning from these interventions that needs to have a two-way mechanism of learning from each other (adolescents in the communities and the Project). [There would be livelihood interventions from GCA that includes technologies like Hydroponics, Aqua geoponics, Plant Nursery of Saline Tolerant Species, Crab Nursery and Crab feed preparation. GCA has drinking water interventions (Rainwater Harvesting Systems) at institutional (mostly schools) and community level which requires operational maintenance by the users at the community.] Group of adolescent girls and boys (school going and non-school going) in the respective institutions and communities should know why and how these technologies are being adopted and how to maintain these systems to get the best use out of it. They will also be aware of the Early Warning messages and part of them will act as volunteers in the communities for disseminating these messages.


The objective of the assignment is to design an adaptive learning campaign including module(s) and toolkits, which will help:

  • To reduce inter-generational vulnerabilities
  • Break the vicious cycle of generational vulnerabilities
  • Create new generation of people with much better knowledge, skills and behaviour in terms of low carbon and climate resilient daily livings
  • Will help them to learn the global environmental changes and the ways such changes are affecting their life and livelihoods including of their community members
  • Create empathy of women and men, boys and girls towards each other and towards the future generation so that they would have a better future
  • Changing the mindset at household and community level for gender transformative and climate adaptive behavior change- targeting the adolescents as change agents
  • Challenge and promote positive change towards the identified gender norms, values, and practices among target groups (men and women, boys and girls at households and community
  • To result in changed behaviour of the girls and boys of the GCA project, demonstrate positive action towards gender equal behavior, climate adaptive attitude in planning and adopting livelihoods, Hygiene and Operational maintenance of RWHSs, Gender responsive Early Warning and maintaining Social as well as Environmental Safeguards driven by the community people belonging in different groups in terms of sex, age, ethnicity and religion

Specific strategies and set of tools should be clearly identified and reflected against each of the objectives above in the Detail Design of Adaptive Learning Campaign.


Climate change-induced soil and water salinity is projected to adversely impact freshwater dependent agricultural livelihoods (leading to loss of productivity or livelihoods) as well as the availability and quality of drinking water in the vulnerable coastal communities in Bangladesh. Furthermore, given the crucial role that women play in water security and household level resilience, and their socio-economic marginalization, the climate change-induced threat to agricultural livelihoods and drinking water security of the affected coastal communities disproportionately affects women and girls.


Duties and Responsibilities

Key Tasks


Key tasks to achieve the objectives mentioned above to serve the purpose of the assignment are to-


  • Prepare a desk-based review on existing and completed Adaptive Learning Programmes at global level
  • A background analysis (qualitative) for Adaptive Learning through Behavioral Change of the Youth in Khulna and Shatkhira (10 Unions of GCA project)
  • Identify the strategies to achieve each of the objectives mentioned above considering the project interventions of GCA and respective tools as per audience segmentation (strategic approaches – mix of tools, channels, vehicles, and media which will convey and mutually reinforce messages).
  • Identify key messages for the adaptive learning campaign for target audiences, develop a work plan and conduct workshops (the plan should include what tools and how many of them needs to be developed for which audience, and a simple plan for monitoring and evaluation)
  • Recommend tools and develop a toolkit with respective key messages for specific target groups of the audience (IEC and Behavioral Change Communication material)
  • Develop an Adaptive Learning Module for Class VIII-Class X age group of School-going Children and same age group of Non-school going young boys and girls.
  • Finally, develop the detail design of an Adaptive Learning Campaign for GCA project considering the social and cultural norms of the people in that region and their current practices.
  • Train relevant staff to build up their capacity for implementing the campaign with different target groups to facilitate promotion of gender-responsive and climate adaptive Knowledge Attitude Behavior and Practices (KABP) in the project households and communities translating the intention to adopt climate resilient practices to action and reduce the intention-action gap.?
  • Inception meeting and report; select and detail the approach and tools for collecting the information, designing messages and tools.
  • Indicate the rationale and expected results
  • Literature review
  • Field work: KIIs, FGDs, Workshops/Trainings to gather information, pre-test messages and tools etc. to gather information, and validate tools etc.
  • Development of detail design of Adaptive Learning Campaign including the Module and Toolkits
  • Drafting, feedback incorporation and finalization of the campaign implementation guideline


Scope of Work


The scope of work to perform the key tasks will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the services described below:


Desk review: Review the project and other relevant documents, policies, and plans-

  • GCA project documents
  • Understand thematic GCA angles and dynamics of the interventions in the field
  • GCA Gender Action Plan
  • GCF Gender Policy
  • UNDP Environment and Social Safeguard Framework, 
  • Indigenous People’s Plan of GCA
  • National Adolescent Strategy
  • National Strategy for Adolescent Health
  • Existing and previous similar BCC campaigns
  • Demographic data of GCA working areas
  • Background Analysis addressing gender dimension and context of youth (literature review)


Inception meeting:

  • Organize an inception meeting (Virtually or physically) with PMU and government counterparts to present the approach and methodology of developing the BCC Strategy and Campaign design, proposed contents and tools, dissemination plan, tasks, budgets, deadlines, and logistical sequences.
  • The results of the meeting should be captured in the inception report, which will be formally approved by PMU.


Field study/Scoping study:

  • Understand the GCA thematic angle and dynamics of the interventions in the field
  • Conduct a rigorous analysis of the behavior of the target population and groups, considering local context, perception, beliefs, current practices, role as doer and non-doer (inclusive analysis of the target groups addressing ethnicity, different age groups, sexual identities, religion, disability is suggested).
  • Collect and compile content for Adaptive Learning Module from technical experts at Khulna Office (The team responsible for developing the module need to visit intervention sites of GCA on Water and Livelihood to understand and collect/compile the content and design the module).


Analysis of the background and current practices

  • Stock taking of existing BCC strategies and campaigns in the coastal context of Southwest Bangladesh
  • Identify area of BCC for respective target groups and propose content of the Adaptive Learning Module
  • Identification of the key messages for different target groups in consultation with the thematic groups


Establish a baseline of the campaign:

  • Identification and documentation of the current behavior and practice of the target population (3000 Adolescents) and Intention-Action Gap as baseline for BCC intervention


Design Adaptive Learning Campaign through BCC linking with other thematic issues:

  • Develop BCC messages along with the thematic teams (small meetings and workshops)
  • Design a campaign for the GCA project with an aim to reduce the intention-action gap of the target population through adaptive learning (Gender Attitude- unpaid care work, Hygiene and O&M of community based RWHS- Tragedy of Commons, adaptive livelihoods, Early Warnings, Social and Environmental Safeguard)
  • Alignment and linkage of the campaign and plan with relevant government programme (Adolescent Clubs, Tottho Apa Project).

Development of Adaptive Learning Toolkit:

  • Identify key messages and plan channels of dissemination
  • Develop Adaptive Learning Module (Gender Attitude- unpaid care work, Hygiene and O&M of community based RWHS- Tragedy of Commons, adaptive livelihoods, Early Warnings, Social and Environmental Safeguard) for the adolescents.
  • Develop Toolkit for different groups/target groups (WLG, WUG, WMC, Adolescents, EW Volunteer groups, Social Audit Groups etc.) with guidelines, messages, audio-visual context, flipchart, animated film, BCC materials for the campaign (Multiple modules for different groups)
  • Identify mixture of media and contents that best fit the target audiences (bill boards, posters, wall painting, drawing competition, Drama, folk song, debate, interactive theatre, Community/FM radio etc.)


Note 1: Should include BCC material development, installation, and dissemination cost in the workplan for execution of the campaign.

Note 2: On Social Media:

- Creation of content and monthly social media calendar for Social media posting in consultation with GCA thematic teams and Communication Team

- Preparation of social media packs for key events, and campaigns focusing on interactive contests and campaign appropriate for the local youth of Khulna and Shatkhira.

- Identify the social media that local youth uses most- explore possibilities to engage social media influencers popular among the local youth in Khulna and Shatkhira.


Test the design and materials in the field:

  • Test run the campaign tools with all target groups
  • Adjust the field findings, feedbacks in the materials and design of the campaign.


Implementation plan for execution of the campaign:

  • Outline the implementation plan of the BCC campaign with clubs, project groups, and community level.
  • Clearly entail steps, sequences, task of staff members and participants in the implementation of the campaign.
  • The plan should include detail cost estimates- should be segregated into sessions, events, and month etc.
  • Include detail awareness dissemination plan.


Monitoring and evaluation of the campaign:

  • The consultant should provide a monitoring and evaluation framework of the campaign aligning with the project requirements.
  • Clearly spell out monitoring and evaluation process of the activities with key indicators.
  • Clearly entail sequences, tasks of staff members in the monitoring and evaluation.


Sustainability and exit plan

  • Sustainability of the campaign including exit plan need to be clearly spelled out.


Training and knowledge transfer to Field Staff, Gender Promoters, and other relevant stakeholders

  • Training to be organized for the key staff of the project in Dhaka, Khulna and Shatkhira
  • The content of orientation should include: Description of the campaign, methodology, techniques, application methods for clear understanding of the participants
  • The consultant must facilitate technical and operational training and or workshops by expert trainer pool who are well oriented on the BCC issue, current assignment and/or part of the development process.



No. of workshops /Training

No. of participants



Workshop/Training 1: GCA-PMU and Govt. staff and relevant experts



1 day


Training 2: GCA-Field staffs, Tottho Apa and Upazila DWA Officials, Child Rights Facilitators, Gender Promoters, RP staff






3 days


Khulna and Shatkhira

Note1: Training detail added as annex.


Documentation and reporting:

  • Document all the activities.
  • Relevant photographs and case stories
  • Progress (event, monthly and quarterly) report as per agreed modality.
  • Participatory content produced while applying different BCC tools and methods

Keep recording of the events organized (attendance and photographs) 


The consultant should have the following minimum eligibility criteria:


  • Experience of at least one BCC campaign development and BCC campaign design for youth development
  • Proven experience of working with adolescent/youth in Bangladesh
  • Experience of working with UN/INGOs/International Organizations/Government
  • Must submit a client list with major project details including budget, duration, contact person, donor information etc.  

Required Skills and Experience



Educational qualification and experience of the campaign designer:

  • Minimum Master’s degree in mass communications, behavioural sciences development studies, economics, anthropology, gender studies, sociology, or other closely related field of study.
  • Minimum 10 years of overall working experience in developing countries with minimum 5 years of working experience on BCC campaign design and implementation.
  • Proven experience of working with coastal communities of South Western Bangladesh
  • Experience of designing (minimum two relevant assignments) and implementing campaign (minimum one) in climate change/resilient livelihood/rainwater harvesting activities in the context of salinity.
  • Experience of content production/development/script writing and execution for campaign
  • At least three years of experience/three relevant assignments done on gender sensitive approaches/ gender transformation and child rights issues.
  • Samples of similar campaign design and strategies are requested to be attached with proposal as evidence.



Duration of Assignment and implementation Places:


Duration of the assignment will be 60 days spread over four months from the date of the contract issuance, as per the proposed design. The duty station will be Dhaka, Bangladesh. The consultant also needs to participate in number of virtual and in-person meetings (with GCA staffs and key stakeholders at different stage of the deliverable development) and conduct field missions in five upazilas for background analysis and capacity development to onboard the campaign.  


The campaign will be implemented in the field level (Ward, Union) of the project Upazilas. The parties to be involved could be portrayed as below-


Project Management Unit (PMU) of GCA: Strategic Guidance and Overall Coordination

GoB Staff: Upazila DWA Officers, Secondary Education Officers, Tottho Apa Officers, Gender Promoters/Child Facilitators of Adolescent Clubs) to Lead the Implementation

RPs (NGOs): Community Mobilization (Connect Adolescent girls and boys from the beneficiaries with the Adolescent Clubs) and facilitate the Campaign. Ward Facilitators are the target groups to accelerate the change.

Adolescent Clubs: Conduct Adaptive Learning Sessions to Adolescent Girls and Boys (GCA beneficiaries) in relation to the Drinking Water and Adaptive Livelihood Interventions towards changing Gender Attitude and Climate Adaptive Behaviour. Youth leaders may also be tagged for these sessions.

Tottho Apas: Awareness raising messages dissemination to the WLG and WUG leaders and Girl Volunteer Group Leaders to implement the Awareness Campaign with specified messages

3000 Adolescent Girls and Boys: Target Groups for Adaptive Learning Capacity Development through BCC Campaign

WLG as well as WUG Leaders and Girl Volunteer Group Leaders: Campaigners to disseminate simple and specific messages that generate a Campaign clearly connecting the dots


Key Deliverables of the assignment:



Following are the key deliverables from the activities -

  • Background analysis based on Desk Review
  • Inception report including detailed workplan with Gannt chart and budget
  • Field Mission plan and reports
  • A comprehensive Design of Adaptive Learning Campaign including the Toolkits (in soft copy) addressing the priority gender norms and climate attitude that includes specific behaviors which needs to be changed over the given period.
  • Report describing the simple and effective M&E systems
  • Key messages as per the toolkit that best fits the target audiences
  • Adaptive Learning Training Module(s) designed for 1500 school going and 1500 non-school going Adolescents
  • Capacity Development of the staff to understand and further facilitate the Campaign
  •  Capacity Development of the Gender Promoters and Community Youth Leaders to conduct Adaptive Learning Sessions
  • A customized Campaign implementation user guide with the campaign onboard and all the channels and campaigners in place to run the campaign.


Communication channel and Progress Control:


The Consultant will report directly to the Programme Coordinator, GCA Project and day to day technical guidance will be provided by the Gender Specialist of the project.  Relevant UNDP Country Office Programme Manager and National Project Director (NPD) will be responsible for overall strategic guidance. The progress will be monitored based on the timelines and milestones indicated and agreed in the agreement.


Technical Evaluation Criteria:



      The criteria which shall serve as basis for evaluating offers will be:


Combined scoring method – where the qualifications and relevant work experience will be weighted a maximum of 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.


Please note that the details of past works on similar assignment needs to be submitted with the proposal.


Evaluation Criteria Details


Maximum Score

Technical (Maximum 10 page)



1.1 Relevant experience (Designing Campaign for young boys and girls in rural areas)



1.2 Relevant experience in the areas of Adaptive Learning (Climate Change related campaign for behavioral change)


      1.3 Relevant experience of working targeting gender norms, values, and practices


1.4 Approach, Methodology and Implementation Plan


Sub-total of Technical






Total of Technical and Financial





Deliverables and Schedule of Payment:

For each Phase, UNDP will make payments, by bank transfer to the contractor’s bank account, upon acceptance by UNDP according to the deliverables specified in the ToR. Payments will be made in tranches based on milestone deliverables upon submission of invoice and upon certification of the work completed:


Key Tasks



  • Prepare a desk-based review on existing and completed Adaptive Learning Programmes at global level

Within 2 weeks of signing of the contract



  • A background analysis (qualitative) for Adaptive Learning through Behavioral Change of the Youth in Khulna and Shatkhira (10 Unions of GCA project)



Within 6 weeks of contract signing




  • Identify the strategies to achieve each of the objectives mentioned above considering the project interventions of GCA and respective tools as per audience segmentation (strategic approaches – mix of tools, channels, vehicles, and media which will convey and mutually reinforce messages).
  • Identify Key Messages for the Adaptive Learning Campaign for Target Audiences, Develop a work plan and conduct workshop (the plan should include what tools and how many of them needs to be developed for which audience, and a simple plan for monitoring and evaluation)



Within 8 weeks of contract signing






  • Recommend tools and design Toolkit/s with respective key messages for specific target groups of the audience (IEC and Behavioral Change Communication material)
  • Develop an Adaptive Learning Module for Class VIII-Class X age group of School-going Children and same age group of Non-school going young boys and girls.
  • Develop the detail design of an Adaptive Learning Campaign for GCA project considering the social and cultural norms of the people in that region and their current practices.


Within 12 weeks of contract signing

  • Train relevant staff to build up their capacity for implementing the Campaign with different target groups to facilitate promotion of gender-responsive and climate adaptive Knowledge Attitude Behavior and Practices (KABP) in the project households and communities translating the intention to adopt climate resilient practices to action and reduce the intention-action gap.



Within 16 weeks of contract signing





  • Submission of the final campaign design, modules, toolkits, and completion report.





Here to note, draft submissions should be done ahead of time to ensure timely finalization of the deliverables.

In response to the invitation proposal, the consultant will have to submit Technical and Financial proposal separately as per the Terms of Reference. The selection committee will first evaluate the technical proposal of the consultant. Anyone getting more than 70% of the minimum passing points (i.e. 490 points out of 700) in the technical proposal will be considered for the evaluation of the financial proposal


The technical proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria and score breakdown.


The total scoring points for both the evaluations will be 1000; the technical evaluation will be based on 700 points and the rest 300 points are to be allotted to the bidder proposing lowest price.


A cumulative analysis weighted-scoring method will be applied to evaluate the proposal. The award of the contract will be made to the tenderer whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:


  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable with reference to this ToR, and;
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to this solicitation, with the ratio set at 70:30, respectively.
  • Under the cumulative analysis scheme, a total score is obtained upon the combination of weighted technical and financial attributes. An offeror’s response to the solicitation document is evaluated and points are attributed based on how well the offer meet.
  • In this methodology, the maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion. A suggested formula is as follows:


                                                p = y (µ/z)


p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated

y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal

µ = price of the lowest priced proposal

z = price of the proposal being evaluated


Key performance indicator


  • The quality of works and deliverables to be produced by the consultant according to the ToR will also be monitored by the contract administrator. The proposed performance indicators of the contractor’s deliverables are illustrated below:
  • Detail of the deliverables as described in the ToR and agreed by the consultant
  • Milestones achieved as per the plan submitted by the consultant
  • Quality of the deliverables in segments and level of understanding the requirements



To produce deliverables stipulated in the ToR, the consultant will bear all necessary costs relating to the required fees of the assignment, logistics, accommodation, food etc. UNDP will not be liable to arrange any travel, required in this assignment.



The consultant must identify key risks and outline how it will mitigate against them. Unclear understanding about this assignment could be one of the potential risks. To mitigate this risk, the project/UNDP will organize briefing sessions with the selected consultant and supporting team members to clarify the objectives, activities, and outputs of this assignment.



The consultant will report to the GCA Project Coordinator, who will also carry out a performance evaluation at the end of the assignment. The work will also be guided and reviewed by the Gender team of the project.


Recommended Presentation of Offer

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications. Please group them into one (1) single PDF document as the application only allows to upload maximum one document: Maximum size per email is 7 MB.

Interested individuals must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications.

a) Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;

b) Personal CV, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references.

c)A methodology on how s/he will approach and complete the assignment.

d)  Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided



e) Suppose an organization/company/institution employs an Offeror and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA). In this case, the Offeror must indicate this at this point and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated into the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.  

Please combine all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows you to upload a maximum of one document.

Note: The individual consultant who does not submit the above documents/requirements shall not be considered for further evaluation.

For any clarification regarding this assignment please write to