
The 2030 Agenda: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit, presents an ambitious, complex and interconnected vision for sustained and inclusive economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. Realizing this vision will require mobilizing and effectively utilizing a diverse range of public and private resources. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda, which outlines a framework for financing the 2030 Agenda, calls for integrated approaches to finance that are driven at the national level. 

The Armenia Transformation Strategy 2050 (ATS 2050): The ATS 2050 is the nation-wide strategic development agenda for Armenia aimed to become a single point of reference for any government as well as civil society and business strategic initiatives for the upcoming three decades. The ATS 2050 is designed to be continuously updated due to new strategic issues arising and strategic solutions introduced through an inclusive and participatory process which is enabled by open innovation approach, as well as respective digital infrastructure and strategic communications. This calls for a systemic change for mobilization and re-alignment of public and private financial resources (domestic and international) towards sectoral and cross-sectoral initiatives, which can bring sustainable economic, social and environmental results.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Budgeting for SDGs reform paths and solutions vary in their nature and can be applied in isolation or need an orchestrated effort throughout the whole Agenda-2030 timeframe. The modelling of Budgeting for SDGs (B4SDG) choice can vary from a base model aimed at enabling governments in understanding better the alignment of its budget resources with SDGs to a ’best practice model’, where country systems produce SDG related information, including the priorities, targets, progress in achievement of the goals and, most importantly, a wide range of stakeholders, including the governmental authorities, donors, IFIs and others.

Project overview: The Project is designed to support the Government of Armenia (GoA) to align country’s strategic development agenda such as the ATS with the SDGs, the sectorial development policies and budget programs, and to design a financing strategy for a priority reform area in the country. To ensure continuous and targeted support to the GoA and MoF, the objectives of this Project are to:

  1. introduce a strategic layer of national priorities and development goals into the state budget management by linking the development strategies with the ATS and the SDGs as well as to the state budget financing and private financing
  2. support the national capacities development on strategic development, planning and budgeting processes, including SDG budgeting implementation in Armenia
  3. further support to the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) operationalization by assisting GoA to design a financing strategy for a priority reform area (one sector in industry) to be selected jointly with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in consultations with the DPM’s office after aligning the ATS with budget programs and development policies;  pilot financing strategy’s effective integration in the MTEF/budget process.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of Innovation and SDG Finance portfolio Lead, the National Expert on the INFF and SDG Finance (“National Expert”) will work closely with the SDG finance portfolio experts, PFM expert, National Expert on SDGs and National expert on development policies towards aligning the ATS Megagoals with SDGs/SDGs targets to lead the process of INFF further implementation and designing a pilot financing strategy for a selected sector. The National Expert will work closely with the Ministry of Finance and other key national stakeholders to implement the key duties as per below.

Duties, responsibilities and key milestones

  • Analyze the ATS to identify key priority directions for the alignment, as well as prepare relevant analytical materials for ATS working meeting with the MoF
  • Design mid-term development goals and indicators based on the ATS Megagoals, target indicators and actionswhich can be further aligned with budget programs
  • Lead and coordinate the SDG budgeting implementation process in Armenia in close collaboration with the MoF
  • Organize capacity building programs for Ministries and governmental authorities as well as for National Assembly members, committees and experts on SDG budgeting and development policies and strategies design.
  • Review and finalize the INFF Financing strategy in a selected priority sector based on experts’ inputs.
  • Provide expertise support on SDG Finance to the Portfolio team 

Deliverables/ Outputs

Target Due Dates

 Payment, %

Output 1. Analytical report developed on ATS  Megagoals, target indicators and actions with a view of further alignment with the SDGs

February 15, 2023


Output 2.  Overview report of INFF progress in Armenia and further implementation action plan developed

March 30, 2023


Output 3. Three capacity building seminars/workshops on SDGs framework and SDG budgeting methodology for Ministries and National Assembly’s thematic committees organized  

May 10, 2023,


Output 4.  Financing strategy reviewed and finalized  

June 15, 2023







Corporate Competencies:

Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Functional Competencies:

Excellent intercultural, moderation, facilitation and negotiation skills;
Builds strong relationships with stakeholders, focuses on impact and result and responds positively to feedback;
Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
Ability to lead effectively, mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills
Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
Proven networking, teambuilding, organizational and communication skills

Required Skills and Experience


  • Advanced academic degree in economics, finance or equivalent discipline.


  • At least 7 years of financial management experience at country level,
  • At least 3 years of experience working on SDG and/or development finance, public and private finance,
  • Proven experience in public financial management
  • Demonstrated experience and knowledge of UNDP Integrated National Financing Framework concept
  • Experience of INFF design and implementation is an asset.
  • Solid experience and knowledge of UN SDGs, public finance, innovative Financing for Development
  • Excellent writing skills required, as demonstrated by previous high-quality research/analytical reports on relevant topics.
  • Ability to lead consultations with senior government officials from ministries of finance, line ministries and relevant government institutions required.


  • Fluency in Armenian and English languages


Candidates will be evaluated using a cumulative analysis method taking into consideration the combination of the applicants' technical qualifications, experience and financial proposal.The contract will be awarded to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as technically responsive/compliant/acceptable to the requirements of the ToR and received the highest cumulative (technical and financial) score out of below defined technical and financial criteria.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for financial evaluation.

Technical Criteria - 70% of total evaluation - max. 70 points

Financial Criteria - 30% of total evaluation - max. 30 points.


  • Financial Proposal and Availability formOFFEROR’S LETTER TO UNDP (A total lump sum  option is applicable for this assignment)
  • CV shall include Education/Qualification, Processional Certification, Employment Records /Experience

General Conditions of Contract is available here: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT

Note: Please note you can upload only one document to this application (scan all documents that should be included in the application in one single PDF file and upload it).