

All interested candidates SHOULD APPLY through new UNDP Supplier Portal (Quantum), following registration via Registration link   

Registration Instructions: Guide for UNDP Suppliers using Quantum portal

Step-by-Step guide on registration for local suppliers

Negotiation ID: UNDP-UKR-00237

Please DO NOT use “APPLY” button functional in this announcement, all applications received outside Quantum system WILL NOT BE considered.

UNDP Procurement Notices: (copy link here)

Technical support on issues with registration:, please indicate Negotiation ID in subject. 

Given the direct and existential threat of the climate change, the European Union launched in 2019 a new regional initiative called EU4Climate, aiming to support the six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) to develop and implement climate-related policies based on the countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Association and Partnership Agreements with the EU, the Eastern Partnership policy initiative "20 Deliverables for 2020,” (in particular the climate-related Deliverables 15 and 16) and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (in particular SDG 13 on “Climate Action”). The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme.

All six countries are highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. An increase in extreme weather events, more frequent heat waves, forest fires and droughts, heavier precipitation and flooding are just some of the consequences, which are likely to enlarge the magnitude of disasters and to lead to significant economic losses, public health problems and deaths. This project operates on both regional and country level. It supports regional cooperation, learning, knowledge exchanges and policy dialogue among the beneficiary countries, as well as between the countries and the EU partners. In order to implement its international commitments, Ukraine has already developed national legislation framework on both mitigation and adaptation, including the State Climate Policy Concept till 2030 and Action Plan to Implement State Climate Policy Concept till 2030 adopted in December 2016 and 2017 respectively.

The project goal in Ukraine is to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the development towards a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy in line with the Paris Agreement. The project also seeks to the address the immediate war-related needs of the Ukrainian central and local authorities and reduce the impact of the war on the distressed population of Ukraine, as well as contribute to the green reconstruction of Ukraine.

On 20 October 2021 the Government of Ukraine endorsed a new strategy to make Ukraine a more environmentally safe and climate-resilient country, ready to meet the already unavoidable impacts of the global climate crisis in Ukraine. The Environmental Security and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of Ukraine until 2030 will also contribute to the delivery of Ukraine's international obligations under the Paris Agreement.  It was developed with the support of the EU/UNDP EU4Climate Project. The strategy sets the framework for adaptation action in Ukraine, focusing on essential steps to assess climate impacts on society, economy and nature, integrating adaptation in sectoral and local policies, and ensuring the better use of climate data.

To continue the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the EU4Climate project is therefore seeking 2 experts on climate law and policy to support analysis and implementation of the project in Ukraine.

Duties and Responsibilities


The overall goal of this assignment is to support rapid and quality analysis of legal frameworks, climate governance and policy in Ukraine under the EU4Climate project.  





  • Provide analysis of climate policy and institutional capacity for implementation of Climate Law in Ukraine
  • Analyze existing reporting within the framework of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement and the EU Regulation 2018/1999 as well as EU Climate Law or other relevant Climate Laws and the inclusion of the main provisions of the Regulation;
  • Identify opportunities to bring Ukrainian legislation closer to EU legislation
  • Analysis of sectoral legislation of Ukraine and integration of issues into the Climate Law
  • Analyze institutional capacity for climate policy reporting in Ukraine and the need to define additional functions for central and local authorities;
  • Participate in virtual events related to the above-mentioned activities and make presentations whenever required
  • Provide reports on all undertakings as relevant.



The incumbent will be responsible for the following specific deliverables:

Deliverable #

Task description


1. General analysis of legal frameworks and climate policy for implementation of Climate Law in Ukraine


Summary report with

  • Analysis of international reporting under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement and inclusion in the draft Law
  • Analysis of reporting within the framework of the EU Regulation 2018/1999 and the inclusion of the main provisions of the Regulation with the aim of bringing Ukrainian legislation closer to EU legislation
  • Analysis of sectoral legislation of Ukraine and integration of issues into the Law

4 weeks after the start of the assignment

2. Support reporting on climate policy and identification of opportunities to reach climate policy goals in Ukraine

Support with analysis of

  • The institutional capacity of climate policy reporting in Ukraine, including gaps, opportunities and emerging risks;
  • including the need to define additional functions for central and local authorities
  • Key mechanisms for achieving the goal of climate policy in Ukraine in accordance with the current situation and results of COP27

The first version of the draft law prepared in close coordination with EU4Climate project members and government partners.

16 weeks after the start of the assignment

3. Update the draft in accordance with comments from the Ministry and other state bodies

The updated (second) version of the draft law on climate is prepared in accordance with recommendations from the Ministry.

Consultations and report review by EU4Climate project members and government partners are conducted

24 weeks after the start of the assignment

4. Final version of the draft law and the consolidated report for EU4Climate project is approved

Final version of the draft law is approved by UNDP Project Manager of the project “EU4Climate” in Ukraine in consultation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine


Final reporting documents are submitted and approved by the UNDP / EU4Climate project

till 31 October 2023



4.Management arrangements


The Expert will report to UNDP Project Manager of the project “EU4Climate” in Ukraine. The Expert will provide written monthly reports on the progress of activities and the key challenges and opportunities, and deliverables reports as required.


1.Monitoring requirements / Terms of payment


The Expert will work under the overall supervision of Project Manager of the project “EU4Climate” in Ukraine. The Expert will interact with UNDP to receive any clarifications and guidance that may be needed. The Expert will duly inform UNDP of any problems, issues or delays arising in the course of implementation of assignment and take necessary steps to address them.

UNDP will be the final authority to control the quality and evaluate the work. The satisfactory completion of each of the deliverables shall be subject to the endorsement of the Project Manager. Each deliverable will be delivered in a draft for comments and feedback before finalization. No reports or documents should be published or distributed to third parties without the approval of UNDP.


All reports and results are to be submitted to UNDP in electronic form (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, and *.pdf or other formats accepted by UNDP).


UNDP will provide payment upon provision of each deliverable duly certified by UNDP in accordance with the tentative schedule below and offeror’s letter from the potential expert:


Deliverable 1. 25%

Deliverable 2. 20%

Deliverable 3. 15%

Deliverable 4. 40%



  1. Competencies


  • strong technical and analytical capabilities;
  • strong reporting and writing abilities;
  • strong interpersonal and communication skills, resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, tact, and negotiating skills, and the ability to cope with situations which may pose conflict;
  • integrity, modelled by the UN's values and ethical standards;
  • sensitivity and adaptability to culture, gender, religion, nationality and age;
  • openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
  • ability to accommodate additional demands on short notice;
  • ability to work under pressure and stressful situations;
  • ability to manage heavy workload and solve complex problems with minimum supervision.

Required Skills and Experience

1.General Qualifications and Experience



  • At least Bachelor’s degree in Law, Agricultural Science, Political Science, Public Administration, International relations, Environment, Energy, Climate Change, Business, Economics, Finance or other relevant area.


  • At least 2 years of working experience with general climate policy;
  • At least 1 example of analysis of financial policy, national legislation, international law (specifically EU law) related to climate, environmental protection, Green Deal;
  • At least 2 years of working experience with Government, civil society, private sector, international organizations in the format of direct contractual relations and/or in the format of joint participation in projects organized by such entities/institutions in climate change;

Technical Proposal:

  • Technical proposal, including methodology, concept of implementation and/or other relevant information for this assignment.



2.Documents to be included when submitting the proposal


  • Personal CV, including information about experience in similar projects / assignments as well as the email and telephone contacts of at least three (3) professional references;


  • Description of and links to the similar projects produced (including legislative documents drafted).
  • Technical proposal, including methodology, concept of implementation and/or other relevant information for this assignment.


  1. Financial Proposal


? Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (please, refer to Section 4 Measurable outputs of the work assignment/deliverables). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of Cost by Components.


4.Evaluation criteria


Criteria A: Education – 15 points max

At least Bachelor’s degree in Law, Political Science, Public Administration, International relations, Environment, Energy, Climate Change, Business, Economics, Finance or other relevant area – 15 points max {15 pts – PhD in relevant field; 13 pts – Master’s degree/ Specialist, 10 pts – Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field}.


Criteria B: Work Experience – 40 points max


  • Working experience with general climate policy – 20 points max

{20 pts – 5 years and more; 15 pts – 3-4 years; 12 pts – 2 years}


  • Examples of analysis of financial policy, national legislation, international law (specifically EU law) related to climate, environmental protection, Green Deal;– 10 points max {10 pts

– 4 documents or more, 7 pts – 2-3 documents, 6 pts – 1 document}.


  • Working experience with Government, civil society, private sector, international organizations in the format of direct contractual relations and/or in the format of joint participation in projects organized by such entities/institutions in climate change - 10 points max (10 pts – 5 years and more; 8 – 4-3 years; 6 pts – 2 years);


Criteria C: Technical proposal – 15 points max {15 pts – technical proposal provides clear methodology and concept of implementation towards achieving the assignment goals with detailed description of the essential performance characteristics and quality assurance mechanisms; 10 pts – technical proposal provides overall methodology of implementation towards achieving the assignment goals and gives generalized idea on the concept of implementation}.



Maximum available technical score – 70 points.


5.Cumulative analysis


When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual contractor whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:


  • responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  • having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.


Technical Criteria weight: 70%   Financial Criteria weight: 30%


Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30.


All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:


30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].


The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.


All interested candidates SHOULD APPLY through new UNDP Supplier Portal (Quantum), following registration via Registration link   

Registration Instructions: Guide for UNDP Suppliers using Quantum portal

Step-by-Step guide on registration for local suppliers

Negotiation ID: UNDP-UKR-00237

Please DO NOT use “APPLY” button functional in this announcement, all applications received outside Quantum system WILL NOT BE considered.

UNDP Procurement Notices: (copy link here)

Technical support on issues with registration:, please indicate Negotiation ID in subject.