The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides civil society and community-based organizations (CSOs/CBOs) in developing countries with grants to enable them to tackle global environmental challenges while addressing local sustainable development needs. SGP is a GEF corporate programme, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS. SGP Eswatini aims to start financing projects in 2021. Building on its over 26 years of successful operations in total over 133 countries, the 7th Operational Phase of the SGP aims “to promote and support innovative, inclusive and scalable initiatives, and foster multi stakeholder partnerships at the local level to tackle global environmental issues in priority landscapes and seascapes.”
A key element of SGP’s implementation in OP7 will be the development of landscape approaches within countries to better focus grant-making and promote strategic programming and clustering of small grant projects with the aim to achieve greater impact and lead to synergies and opportunities for scaling up. Depending on size and context of countries, as well as available funding for grant-making, countries may select one or more landscapes within which community projects will be supported. SGP will focus on supporting and coordinating concrete actions at the grassroots level by providing small-scale finance for local community-led projects within given priority landscapes, to achieve landscape-scale impacts in developing countries. SGP will also review, analyze, and codify results of these on-the-ground actions to distil and disseminate lessons which can be used for replication within the country and in other parts of the world.
Another key element of SGP’s approach in OP7 will be to enhance its role as a Grantmaker+ by strategically planning for the provision of services needed for achievement of greater portfolio impact, this may be done through selective use of capacity development grants as well as non-grant support services, networks and partnerships.
Duties and Responsibilities
Monitoring and Progress Controls
1. Country Programme Strategy (CPS)
The NSC has recently issued a call for proposals to help the SGP in Eswatini undertake a preparatory process to develop its Country Programme Strategy for OP7 through a socio-ecological environment assessment. This will involve multi-stakeholder consultations, development of baseline assessment(s) of priority identified landscape(s), and elaboration of the Country Programme Strategy (CPS) for OP7 in close coordination with UNDP, the National Coordinator and the National Steering Committee in Eswatini. The key steps in this preparatory process are:
- Step 1. OP7 Country Programme Strategy consultations and Scoping exercise
- Step 2. Selected Landscape Baseline Assessment
- Step 3. Country Programme Strategy Finalization
Key Deliverables
- Provide technical guidance and support to the National Steering Committee in the review of proposals and selection of grantee to develop the CPS
- Support and supervise the development of the CPS by ensuring conformity to expected results, outputs, objectives and work-plans while providing technical advice where needed;
- Liaise with UNDP and UNOPS for finalising contracting and honouring payment milestones for the grantee;
- Participate in stakeholder meetings and workshops to provide technical and quality assurance support;
- Ensure coordination between grantee, UNDP, CPMT and the NSC and provide regular updates to UNDP on progress, challenges including contract monitoring;
- Review draft reports and provide technical input/guidance to the grantee and further prepare opinion papers for UNDP and NSC on progress/challenges/recommendations to inform decision making;
- Establish and formalise partnerships with NGOs, governmental institutions, donors, other SGP stakeholders while ensuring their adequate participation in the CPS development process;
2. National Steering Committee Meetings
The SGP is highly decentralized and implemented in democratic, transparent and country-driven manner facilitated by the National Coordinator (NC). SGP grants are awarded based on decisions made by the voluntary National Steering Committee (NSC) guided by Country Programme Strategy paper developed on the basis of national environment and development priorities. The NSC is the central element of the SGP and makes the key contribution to the country programme and its strategic management. The NSC composed of national government representatives, UNDP Country Office and civil society members representing NGOs, CBOs, academia, science and private sector, with a majority coming from non-governmental sector. The NSCs are in-charge of guiding the development and implementation of SGP Country Programme Strategies (CPS) and approval of grants for projects.
Key Deliverables
- Support the organization of NSC meetings (prepare agenda, supporting documents)
- Preparation of minutes of NSC meetings to be shared with NSC within 7 days after the meeting;
- Provide guidance to NSC in line with the SGP operational guidelines and standard operating procedures
- Coordinate participation of the NSC in stakeholder meetings during the development of the CPS
3. Capacity development Grantmaking
Capacity Development grants consist of standalone projects that are strategic in nature and support the work of the other areas of work at the portfolio level while also contributing towards meeting the objectives of the Country Programme Strategy through building capacity of grantees and key stakeholders to engage, generate information and knowledge, inform policy and legislation development, and to monitor, evaluate and deliver quality and timely projects. The National Steering Committee will decide and prioritize the focus of this grants.
This grant will have a specific call for proposals and criteria for the selection process to ensure transparency. The identification and selection process will be conducted by the NSC in line with established SGP standards and will be open to all local and national NGOs and CBOs.
Key Deliverables
- Develop Terms of Reference and other management tools for the capacity development grant (e.g. appraisal template, monitoring framework) and propose to NSC for endorsement;
- Assist the NSC in pre-screening grant proposals and provide guidance for the evaluation of the technical and financial proposals;
- Prepare selection outcome report for UNDP, CPMT and UNOPS to enable contracting;
- Support potential grantees on project preparation processes and guidelines, and report to UNDP and NSC and NSC on project development activities, as required;
- Provide day-to-day support and guidance to new and ongoing projects and its grantees, as required;
- Assist the NSC in project implementation, monitoring and evaluation, including participation in field visits;
- Prepare monthly progress reports;
4. Awareness Raising and Communication
The SGP is a new initiative to the Kingdom of Eswatini therefore requires continuous awareness raising using various media platforms, reaching potential grantees, partners and other key stakeholders.
Key Deliverables
- Develop tools, articles, radio content and other relevant material for the SGP which promotes visibility of SGP;
- Ensure proper recognition of SGP in communication material, meetings or workshops (including those by SGP grantees or stakeholders) through the use of SGP branding material;
- Facilitate and organise SGP advocacy interviews (print and electronic media), and arrange media coverage for SGP events, workshops, stakeholders’ dialogues, as necessary;
Working Arrangements:
The consultant will work closely with the CPMT Regional Focal Point, UNOPS Regional Focal Point, UNDP, the NSC and grantees and he/she should seek regular guidance. The consultant will be given access to relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment.
The consultant will be responsible for providing her/his own workstation (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer*, etc.) and must have access to reliable internet connection. *Excludes printing material for workshops and outreach activities
Duration of the Work:
Proposed contract duration is 90 working days including travel/field visit that will be spread out in the period of March 2021 – August 2021.
Duty Station:
The consultant will work from home for the duration of the contract. Any travel costs must be factored into the financial proposal.
Functional Competencies
- Project management/consulting.
- Excellent teamwork, people management and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent analytical, writing, and communication/presentation skills
- Strong negotiation, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills.
- Ability to conduct independent research and facilitate group discussion.
UN Core Values
- Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
- Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
Required Skills and Experience
Master’s degree or higher in Natural Resources or Environmental Management, Conservation or Sustainable Development, or Social Sciences with a specialization in environment and development, or any other relevant study area.
- At least 3 years of relevant experience in environment and development work, which should include programme management, preferably with an extended specialized experience in any of the GEF-SGP thematic areas at the national level.
- Experience preparing project proposals and reports.
- Working Experience with UNDP, GEF or similar projects is highly desirable;
- Experience in managing GEF-funded or other development agency/donor funded projects will be an added advantage;
- Experience in community engagement and livelihoods diversification is highly desirable;
- Evidence of established networks with the government agencies, private sector as well as communities.
Language Requirements:
- Proficiency in written and spoken English and SiSwati.
Application Procedure:
The following documents to be included when submitting the application.
- Financial Proposal and Availability form: OFFEROR’S LETTER TO UNDP
- CV shall include Education/Qualification, Processional Certification, Employment Records /Experience
Note: Please note you can upload only one document to this application (scan all documents in one single PDF file to attach).
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.